Personal Message

Novis Initiis

name heo mina
stage name n/a
d.o.b july, 12, 2001
company studio danz
occupation backup dancer
group n/a
position n/a
talents dancing & modeling
skills taekwondo & cooking

total badges collected: 000

I'm semi-active on the weekends since I work on those days. I'm basically in the chatrooms and doing 1st POV replies during those times. 3rd POV replies on weekdays since I'm free on those days.

If you do end up ghosting me, I may assume that you wish to discontinue plotting and rping with me. Do let me know so that I'm not waiting on you because I don't like poking my rp partners and it makes me stress out easily.

I am highly sensitive towards high intensity level of IC drama which results of me having an emotional and mental breakdown because I don't take conflicts very well.