Personal Message
kang yeosang is a bit of a naïve and sweet soul who works as a part time baker at home and a part time book illustrator. he can be a bit childish and playful in nature, but also mature when needed. he has high emotional intelligence. 
he has now officially signed the contract to adopt kali as he finds their bond to be very special and finds that he feels safe around kali/affectionate.
likes: baking, beach, chicken, cute cardigans/turtlenecks, children’s books/disney, drawing, fall, hot drinks, listening to rain, museums, neutral shades, scent of fresh rain/freshly baked bread, vintage stuff...
dislikes: bacon, being embarrassed, being mad, darkness, getting lost, gelatinous food (i.e., jell-o), insects, loud music, scary ghosts movies, smell of cigarettes/weed, sharks...