Personal Message
name - Choi San
birthday & age - 10th of July, 18 years
orientation - not sure (inexperienced)
majoring - chemistry and biology
year - 1st year
part-time worker as a barrister
background - san came from a family where his father was a military-man and his mother a religious catholic woman. The words he heard the most growing up were, duty, honor, responsibility. He don't remember his father ever telling him that he loved him, or his mother telling him to enjoy himself. No, it was his responsibility to study, it was his duty to get good grades, and it was his parents honor on the line. So since the very young years of his life, he did his best. At first he hoped that if he achieved what his parents wanted, they would happy with him, they would be proud of him, and tell him how much they loved and cared for him, though it never happened. His mother only nodded her head, and his father didn't even grace him with that movement. When he finally realized that he was never going to get any reaction or emotion from them, he was so ingrained with the idea about doing his best and about studying that he couldn't and didn't knew how to stop. So he went on doing the only thing he knew how to do best, he studied and studied, working on getting a scholarship to one of the best of the universities in the country, one away from his family and everyone who he knew. Once his final year in high school was over, he was accepted to the private university, and he didn't lose time in getting ready to leave. He didn't feel any guilt about it, he didn't lose any sleep and he definitely wasn't going to lose any because of his parents. Personality - san is a quiet guy, he doesn't have friends, and doesn't know how to strike a conversation. since he used most of his time growing up studying, he never really got any friends, it didn't help either that he was an intelligent guy, or that he wore glasses. he was classified as the typical nerdy guy. even though he is a quiet guy, he really enjoys music and dancing, which he surprisingly is good at, especially that he didn't get any formal studies or training in it. he enjoys reading thriller novels in his free time, listening to music and going on walks. he is a neat guy and likes to have his things in order, and having his room missed up could make him stress. to anyone who doesn't know him, he would be the typical boring, awkward nerdy guy, but as the old saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover.
ooc - so it is very important to me that you guys separate my character and plot ideas from the real me, I'm not my character and I'm not my plots. I like to explore and challenge myself when writing, so I don't limit myself, and rather push myself further to try many themes, even some who considered by most as dark or triggering.
I'm a full-time student and working at the same time, so I won't be able to reply instantly, I can mostly do replies on weekend (namely sunday), wednesdays and thursdays. my time-zone is gmt +2, and live in north europe. oh, and please if referring to me in ooc, please call me ashley or ash.
I mostly prefer 3rd over 1st p.o.v, I don't mirror length, especially if my muse is high and I'm inspired, so please don't feel like you need to match the length.
I like to start a plot, and leave it open, so we can explore all possibilities. if you ever want to rp, don't hesitate to pm me, and if you just want to talk, my pm is always open and welcoming.
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