

  • Full Name: yeo minji
  • Faceclaim: go minsi
  • Age and Birth: feb 25 '95 (28)
  • Occupation: photojournalist
  • Hometown: busan, south korea
  • Current Residence: yeonhui-dong, seoul, south korea
  • ual Orientation: biual
  • Romantic Orientation: demiromantic
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minji's parents did not exactly have a happy marriage. for one, it was arranged -- an idea to combine a family of bureaucrats and a family of high scholars. secondly, her mother was queer, something that her father did not like in the slightest bit even if she was able to bed him and give him three (3) children. hence, minji did not think anything of her life at her parent's home. she's decided at a very young age to just go through with everything until she was of age to support herself and leave if she needed to -- which she eventually did, going against her parents' (mostly her father's; her mother was partial about her) decision for her to become a lawyer or basically anything but a photojournalist. however, taking photos was her passion. she took some semblance of a solitude amidst those instances were should could take a good snap or two.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tempor efficitur magna at imperdiet. Duis facilisis enim a quam mollis, facilisis fringilla elit varius. Vivamus tincidunt elit vitae orci viverra dignissim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam auctor elit in sollicitudin vestibulum. Duis ac nulla nulla. Duis fermentum pulvinar purus, et aliquet justo varius a. In posuere finibus lacus, tempor efficitur lacus vulputate at. Nam ac dolor sit amet purus pharetra euismod. Suspendisse et nisi auctor lacus bibendum vestibulum. Duis pharetra pharetra tellus, euismod ornare massa tincidunt vel. Sed nec odio eget nibh imperdiet pellentesque eget id velit. Integer scelerisque suscipit ante, eu vehicula quam. Phasellus id ex consequat, pulvinar lorem in, vehicula ante. Maecenas porttitor aliquam justo, tincidunt rutrum ante aliquet sit amet. Sed varius vulputate massa et bibendum. Sed efficitur ullamcorper rhoncus. Mauris fermentum tincidunt dui non imperdiet. Curabitur et tellus faucibus, scelerisque lectus sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam dictum maximus lorem, eu cursus leo molestie eget. Phasellus sed eleifend magna. Quisque mi justo, molestie at auctor eu, malesuada vel lacus. Vivamus dapibus ipsum vel leo tempor elementum aliquet vel est. In dapibus at ipsum id tincidunt. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris et placerat felis, ac gravida mi.
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played by: chikan
timezone: +8
writing style: first script and/or third lit

[1] currently in medical residency and i re-joined RPR to have some break from all the stresses in work.
[2] poking is okay ! but don't poke me daily or like twice a day. that would just make me easily lose interest in the plot we have at hand
[3] on the contrary, daily conversations regarding our charas are very welcome. i'd like to explore the plot we have so if you have any ideas, you can hmu on discord or pms.
[4] i can write novellas but i'm slowest to reply in these cases, so i ask you to be cautious in sending me replies or starters :pensive:

hope you have fun roleplaying with my character! hmu for plotting. i'm always open for ideas!