Personal Message

yoo jimin! [A]02:49:17Reply
so cute. so mine. :(

yoo jimin! [A]02:50:39Reply
yoo jimin will always and only be for lee minhyung. ♡

yoo jimin! [A] 11 minutes ago Reply 
you're honestly just the best. don't think i can imagine a day in my life without you.

yoo jimin! [A]10:25:46Reply
i love you so much !!! you are the most important person to me. i love you, i cherish you, i am besotted to you.

yoo jimin! [A]10:36:11Reply
let me get under your skin and wound my way into your heart so i could wrap it in my embrace to make sure you feel all my love. :<

yoo jimin! [A]14:36:45Reply
feeling kinda markual today.

yoo jimin! [A]10:11:00Reply
i always want you happy. free. loved. safe.

yoo jimin! [A] 3 minutes ago Reply 

nothing else matt'rs to me so longeth as i knoweth yond thou art as besott'd as me the day we profess'd our loveth f'r each oth'r. ♡

yoo jimin! [A] 1 day ago Reply 

you're loved. i cherish you and i adore you. one of the sweetest person i've ever met. one of my most important people.