Personal Message
  • unassuming
  • friendly
  • motherly towards the boyfriends
  • 1.81cm
  • usually drinking tea
  • dom switch

Fresh out of his Ph.D., Hyeok was scouted for his research in the fields of psychophysics and neuroscience. Provided with ample funding he continues his research here on a quest to understand the human brain and artificially replicate it. While he is capable of coding, it is not his specialty. Unless it's simple, he leaves it to Matt. Due to his background in biology, in the day-to-day, he deals with boyfriends in possession of 'organic' bodies (both building, as well as repairing damage). 


  • employed 5th of August 2023, spent the first week 'shopping' for machinery for his research without spending any time at the mansion
  • first day in the mansion is 11th of August 2023
  • likes to take boyfriends down to the basement, torture them a little, wipe their memory, patch them up, and send them on their way (yet to happen, will happen in the future)

1st or 3rd

prefer plotting for 3rd

pm to plot

feel free to poke