Personal Message

Will finish the profile below later. Got trust issues about if it'll work for sure dnsajg.


Yang Jiwon — Q-Bit
villain • bonded descendant

posted by

( 23.01.21 ) Profile is still a work in progress, but I will be updating as I can. Stay tuned!
Seoul, South Korea
Recorded something a little cute while backstage and waiting. Part ( 1 / 2 ).
Seoul, South Korea
Recorded something a little cute while backstage and waiting. Part ( 2 / 2 ).
What are some things we should know before we approach you to rp?
asked by

FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs (I use group PMs for threads), but you can if that is your preference. Also, I honestly don't like plotting a lot so please approach me with something in mind (even if it's totally random) that we can work with. It doesn't have to pertain to my muse and can just be something you want to write here in the rp, but do try to keep my muse in mind before suggesting anything plot-wise.

HOW I PLOT. Because the way I like to plot is admittedly time-consuming, I don't like to do it much, despite it being effective for me. If I am the one seeking people to write with, I usually read through everyone's (and I mean everyone's) profiles and study them/make notes about potential things that lead to scenarios. After reviewing, I select a few names and begin brainstorming usually two or three plot ideas minimum for the other person to consider if I don't have any questions as well. These ideas are specifically tailored to their muse and are loose enough to where they can always be open to tweaking. I will do this for 3 people minimum and 10 people maximum before beginning another round usually. As you can see, this process is very time-consuming, but I like to be thorough, efficient, considerate of our muses, and also present options for potential writing partners in case they struggle to generate ideas. This also helps save time later on because as I've previously said, I don't really like plotting. It takes way too long and kills my muse before I can even get threading, so the quicker we get through that phase, the better and easier it is for me. On the off chance someone approaches me to plot, I will still do the same study, note, and present tactic, just will also interview them to get a feel for what they want to do with my muse and why.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT-7 and I'm generally slow to reply most of the time. I am just getting back into the swing of RP after being away for a while, so I may be even slower. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem. Also, on the off chance that I respond in like an hour ( because that does happen sometimes ), don't feel pressured to respond as fast. I might just be inspired at that time.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 25+ ) and I am open to NSFW threads for my muse as long as they are not in a closed relationship and my muse has that kind of chemistry with the other muse in question.

WRITING STYLE. I primarily do para to multipara in 1st person for self-paras and 3rd person for threads with other people. I can do novella when prompted, but prefer not to because of how busy I am normally. I can also do script ( in 3rd person ), but I'm not used to it anymore.

GENRE LIMITS. TThe main thing I won't really do is angst ( not really into it ), but I also prefer not to do pre-plotted romantic relationships unless they are not long-term and not official. Pre-plotted romantic relationships that are just for the sake of the plot or plot-relevant are fine with me. Kind of not into crack, but it really depends on my mood.

TAGGING. Please tag my muses in all public threads yours may have with them. Let me know if you have open starters or are planning some as well so I can potentially reply to those.

BIG NO-NOS. Do not poke me or remind me to reply. Like, at all. Please also refrain from mixing IC or OOC with me. I am not my muse and my muse is not me. Do not hold anything my muse does to yours against me personally.
in the wings
trivia & basic information
✶ ⁞   Basic Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Alias(es): Victoria Yang (English name); Yang Jiwon (Korean name); Jiji, Vicky, Tori, Ria (nicknames); Q-Bit (codename).
  • Date of Birth: 11 April 2000.
  • Zodiac Sign: Aries, Dragon.
  • Place of Birth: Portland, Oregon, USA.
  • Species: Bonded descendant.
  • Status: Villain.
  • Archetype: The Glutton.
  • Alliances: Sinister HQ; Edenfield (formerly).
  • Rank: Rank 3.
  • Current Location: Sinister HQ, Sin City.
  • Known Languages: Korean (native), English (fluent), Japanese (fluent), Mandarin (bits and pieces).
  • Occupation: Professional Gamer and Scammer; Security Lead for Sinister Corp; Hacker and Informations Analyst for Sinister Corp.
  • Romantic Orientation: Greyromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Unknown.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • SNS: @stupidqbit (public, personal, professional), @reinaria (private).
✶ ⁞   Appearance Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Face Claim: AESPA Yu Jimin / Karina.
  • Height: 168 cm (5'6").
  • Hair Color: Naturally black; changes every so often.
  • Eye Color: Dark brown.
  • Piercings: Triple lobes (both ears); Navel.
  • Tattoos: (not reflected in her photos)
    • Pending . . .
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: She has white pupils and golden irises due to her mutation.
  • Personal Style & Aesthetic: here.
✶ ⁞   Muse's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • Yang Wonho ( father )
    • Yang Yeonji ( mother )
  • Siblings:
    • Yang Jiho ( Older Brother, open )
    • Yang Hoyeon ( Younger Twin Sister, open )
  • Children:
    • None yet.
  • Lovers:
    • Message to work out a dynamic and be added!
  • Friends:
    • Message to work out a dynamic and be added!
  • Pets:
    • Frosty ( Male Samoyed )
center stage
What's the gist of her backstory?
asked by

She comes from a family of technopaths who trained her to be a fighter instead of support like they always were deemed as. As such, she grew to be very... rough around the edges and somewhat violent when she finally started getting a full grasp at her powers and how they work/help her fight (though she still has a long way to go). She secretly wanted to actually stick to a role in support, but her family pressured her into joining the military to learn discipline and strength without her power for two years before she got recruited to join this league of vigilantes who later became the Sinister Seven and leaders of Sinister HQ. (Updating later.)
What's something you want to know about my character?
asked by

Here is a blockquote.
Here be another paragraph. Use it if you need it. Delete it if not. TWICE is mad cute I love. More & More is a decent song, in my opinion, but like... I'm listening to TT rn and this hits the spot. ing love this song.
  • This is a bullet list.
♪ Now Playing . . .
Uninvited — Coldrain.
Like anyone would be, I am flattered by your fascination with me.
Question someone asked goes right here. Can be as long or as short as you want it to be because this box stretches.
asked by

Answer to that question goes here. Can also be as long or as short as you want because this box stretches too.
lights & effects
personality information
ESFPs are often the life of the party, entertaining and engaging others with humor and enthusiasm. They notice whether other people are having fun, and do their best to create a good time for all. Typically at home in their physical environment, ESFPs may take the lead in getting everyone involved in some active diversion. ESFPs are generally friendly and likable, but can be hard to get close to; although they tend to be very open, they are reluctant to be serious or to talk about anything negative.

ESFPs are tuned into their senses, and often gravitate towards pleasing colors and textures in their environments. They often carefully choose fabrics and decorations with which to surround themselves. This attention also often translates into their appearance; ESFPs are often dressed in sensuous fabrics or bright, dazzling colors. They are often up on the latest trends, and like to excite the people around them with new environments and experiences.
Moral Alignment — Neutral Evil
A neutral evil villain does whatever he can get away with. He is out for himself, pure and simple. He sheds no tears for those he kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. He has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make him any better or more noble. On the other hand, he doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. Neutral evil is the best alignment you can be because you can advance yourself without regard for others. However, neutral evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.
Strengths: Showmanship — Very lively — Cheerful, entertaining, and charming — Always interested in the happiness of others — Motivated by emptathetic and compassionate instincts — Supportive — Prioritizes cooperation — Good listener and doesn't try to force her ideas on others — Bold and practical — Lives in the now, doesn't get distracted by dreams, fantasies, and what-ifs — Very determined — Loves to help others — Is a go-getter and will chase after whatever she wants in a heartbeat — Loves leaving a positive impact on everyone she comes in contact with.

Likes: Put those here.
Weaknesses: Can avoid conflict and uncomfortable situations/people, usually when it's with someone she cares a lot about, and can also be very in denial about bad things going on in her life — Can be sensitive and take things personal when they aren't — Easily bored and needs constant excitement; sometime she doesn't even care where it comes from — Has a really short attention span — Can appear flighty and unfocused — Almost always in a "all play, no work" mindset unless actually working — Poor long-term focus and a poor long term planner — Doesn't trust abstract concepts, future hypotheses, and big picture projections — Not as good at recognizing alternatives.

Dislikes: Put those here.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Put those here.

Good Habits: Put those here.

Bad Habits: Put those here.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: here.

Secrets Kept to Themself: here.

Known Fears: here.

Unrecognized Fears: here.
Other Personality Information
This information is pending as of now. Enjoy some nice filler text though.
can also be used as a tracker
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.