Personal Message


ooc info:

timezone: gmt -5
writing length: semi - multi ; mirror
muse level: 8/10
reply speed: 4/10
status: active


↬ i know not everyone likes poking so i typically wont poke anyone if a plot or something has been ignored for too long unless you specifically ask me too. however, i don't mind others poking me only if a plot or plotting has been ignored for longer than a week, and i am actively responding to other people. i promise that i don't ignore anyone on purpose, i just probably forgot to respond or something. if your refer to my posts above, take note that i will let you know if there is any reason why i can't respond! 


↬ muse fluctuates a lot, so i will completely understand if you feel like you have to drop a plot or put a plot on hiatus because you can't you can't continue. we can either figure out where to go from there, or just wait until something happens as long as you communicate with me, i will do the same with you!  

plotting style: 

↬ honestly, i don't mind anything either way, if you want to wing it and tag me in a random starter, by all means go ahead! if you want to plot something out and connect though, i don't mind that as well! just don't post on my wall without warning me though!  


↬ i run my own rp, and am participant of many others, whiles also having personal things to take care of, so i may be around a lot but also a bit slow, and in and out more often than not. however, i try try to get to things on a timely a manner, and will inform you if things are going to come up that i know are going to cause me to be later than normal when it comes to replying. i also respond to things depending on muse and length, so please don't think i am ignoring you when currently responding to someone else.