Personal Message
ajax zhang.

with love,
your songbird.

if only there was a way to take all of your sorrow with me. you were the air beneath my wings that gave me the ability to fly. you may not have known it, but i hope you felt the love just as strongly as i had.

one day this world will understand you, my love. you will receive the love and happiness you deserve, and one day we may meet again under the light of the stars that shine just for us. we will dance as if we have all the time in the world, because for once we do. and although you may not think it, i believe it was time for us to part. you are meant for greatness, and i know you will do good in this world. don't forget me, but don't waste time on the past we cannot change. move forward and i will see you again.

• • •
trivial information.

basic information.

  • Nickname(s): aj, messiah, shadow.
  • Date of Birth: 239 bp. (240 years old).
  • Species: demigod of volkyr, half-fairy.
  • Place of Birth: kronos.
  • Current Residence: outskirts.
  • Occupation: jack of all trades, for hire.
  • Powers: air manipulation, illusion magic, poison/potion master.
  • ual Orientation: demiual.
  • Romantic Orientation: demiromantic.
  • Relationship Status: single.

appearance notes.

  • Height: 5'10".
  • Weight: 124 lbs.
  • Hair Color: gingery brown.
  • Eye Color: hazel.
  • Piercings: this but silver.
  • Scars: going diagonally from the left side of his collarbone towards his right hip is a jagged line that he got from an assassination gone slightly wrong.
  • Tattoos: back piece to show his tie to volkyr.
  • Other Features: translucent pair of pale green wings, pointed ears, a slight sparkle to his skin from his fairy genes.
how far they've come.
their history.

hapter one.

growing up, ajax was coddled and pampered. he had everything he could possibly want without ever knowing why he was so special compared to the rest of the fairy children in his tribe.he had everything. there was never a moment of discomfort unless he mildly suffered from a stomachache due to overindulging in the sweets he always had at his disposal.

except as he got older, things didn't start to add up. he would always hear soft muttering wherever he went, and whenever his emotions would run rampant, he noticed the air would just get a little tighter around them and the trees would rustle faster than normal. the other members of his tribe were always quick to tame his outbursts in both fear and excitement because their experiments had been a success.

the tribe of zenith had managed to preserve the essence of volkyr thousands of years after the god's exile beneath the earth's surface. some ancient calendar indicated that the rise of volkyr was evident. with this calendar and some loony prophecy, ajax was brought to existence.

"You have always been meant for great things, my dear. What you're feeling now will pass, and you will rise to the power meant for you."

his mother had been somewhat of a saving grace during his time with his tribe, despite still being under the influence of their beliefs. she cared for him in a way that only a mother could. but once the questions began to pile up and the answers were beginning to get harder to come by, ajax began to get suspicious.

he began to push boundaries that he never would have thought to do before. traveling outside the bounds of his tribe, he would explore the edges of their territory, always coming back to harsh lectures and worried glances.

it wouldn't be until later that he realized they weren't worried for him, but for the power he possessed and what his existence meant to them. one day, he decided he had had enough of this sheltered existence.

so he ran.

and run he did. abandoning his tribal lands in the outskirts of kronos in 187 bp, he was forced to learn the art of survival at 53 years old. if there was anything he could thank that cult for, it would be properly training him in the art of his powers, and much like the trickster he was growing up to be, he picked up his own abilities along the way.

he never spoke a word of his origin beside his obvious fairy features, and created a new identity for himself that unfortunately was more like volkyr than he had intended.

• • •

hapter two.

now having nothing to his name, ajax finds himself in the outskirts of kronos, almost neutral territory, where he began to thrive. he had always had a way with words, talked easily to people once they know nothing about him but what he decided to share with them. he started off with small jobs to make a living, also helping out at the inn that was kind enough to offer his grimy, young self a room.

his unique fairy looks brought along clientel to the inn as well, so their arrangement worked for both parties. everyone wanted to see the newcomer with skin that sparkled in the sun.

he spent a lot of his life in this small town just short of neutral territory, becoming a jack of all trades with the proper training from the townspeople who were more than happy to help the mysterious foreigner as long as he promised to stay.

"Has anyone told you that you're quiet like the warm breezes of the summer, but your eyes are trapping like a hurricane? What have you seen in this cruel world to make such a face?"

it was in this town that he met avashtana lek, a human songstress with a band of traveling performers. he was enraptured the moment he laid eyes upon her in a way that he was sure anyone who stuck around the small town thought of him. if he was the moon, she was every twinkling star in the night sky, lighting up whatever room she stood in.

every waking moment that the pair had free from their duties, aj would spend with her, learning everything about her and her travels.

he quickly became enamored with her, as well as her two year old son, who initially had come as quite a shock to the demigod. he had never been around children in such close proximity, usually watching from a distance, but he adored little rae.

ajax had been working more dangerous jobs around the time that he and ava had announced their plans to be wed. although he knew their story would always have a bittersweet ending, he didn't expect it as soon as it had come. before they knew it, the war crashed through their town. unfortunate collateral damage, it had been called.

she was lost.

the demigod had just returned from a hire-to-kill job, his ability to whip up any poison having drawn the attention of those with heavy pockets and gold to burn, when he was met with the wreckage of what had been known as his home. devastation had settled in his gut before the winds picked up, whipping around him and making it hard to breathe as he choked on his sobs. raw emotion he had never experienced before tore through him as he threw any wreckage in his path to the side.

he probably would have wiped the town and anything near it off the map had he not heard the whimpering cries of rae, tucked beneath the floorboards of their home where ava had hidden him as a last ditch effort, praying ajax would make it back.

there was a letter, too, tucked in the folds of rae's blanket that the immortal carries with him to this day.

ending in: with love, your songbird.

• • •

hapter three.

returning to his nomadic lifestyle with a natural distrust of others, ajax now had a traveling companion. rae lek was going on four years old now, and he was the demigod's world. they may not share blood, but ajax would bring about ruin to anyone who harmed the human infant. hell, he even entertained the idea of turning into his father for a moment as he stood in the wreckage of their home, cursing those who had stepped foot onto their land.

ajax continued his odd jobs, taking on anything and everything he could get his hands on, even abandoning towns once he had run their bulletin dry.

when he could ensure rae was safe tucked away in an inn, he would take on the darker, underground jobs that at most would take him two days time to accomplish. he took on the name shadow by the townspeople he encountered as he refused to get close to anyone.

deep down he knew this was rooted in the fear of him being the reason destruction was brought to those he loved. late nights would be spent wondering if he was as his tribe had said, the rebirth of volkyr. 

would he too bring about the destruction of the world?

"Try smiling for once. You're teaching your kid bad manners if you brood. Life may be hard for you, but you don't have to make his life hard, too."

the innkeeper that had taken pity on his single parent state would often criticize his way of life, but he knew deep down it was because she cared and knew he loved rae with all his being. that was the problem, though. her caring brought about anxieties he would struggle to push down.

she was right, though. this was no life for a child. so he did his best to leave his struggles for the night sky where he would cry to the stars, clutching a worn letter to his chest.

journaling began to help him work through his feelings. he would write letters to avashtana, filling up pages after pages so one day when he joined her in the afterlife, he wished to be buried with the journal so he could deliver the letters in person.

she would love to hear about rae's adventures. ajax was sure of it.

a genuine smile.

and a promise that he would give rae the life that he never had growing up. being a single parent was hard, but ajax was determined to keep that smile on the toddler's face as long as he possibly could.

who they are.
their personality.

basic summary.

at it's core, ajax's personality can be compared to that of Loki's. he's naturally distrusting, jumpy, but also a trickster that knows how to bend people to get what he wants. he tends to stray from manipulating with bad intentions as he doesn't want to harm anyone, but he does have two mouths to feed and money can be hard to come. he doesn't easily make friends, too afraid that disaster will come to them, and he doesn't often speak to others. introverted unless he has a job to do.

their likes.

storms bring him comfort, the sound of wind through tree branches, drawing, writing letters to ava, storytelling, rae, fruits, sweets.

their dislikes.

loud unexpected noises, bullying, exploiting others for money, greed, dogs, being alone, when the sky is without stars or the moon.

their hobbies.

writing, storytelling, drawing in his journals, writing letters to ava, he's not overly good at it but he can sew and knit to provide rae with clothes.

their secrets.

being the child of volkyr, having been part of a fairy cult intended on raising volkyr, rae not being his son.

their fears.

losing his loved ones, being the reason destruction falls upon the places he lives, being alone, never seeing ava again.

their bad habits.

picking at his nails, face, and the scar on his chest, he will often leave marks on his own skin when he gets nervous and starts picking, icing people out immediately so they don't get close to him, being blunt and not thinking through his words.

the light of their life.
their beloved.
00 month 2020

Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

the mun behind them.
about their typist.

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 If you're coming into my dms asking to rp, please have a loose idea in mind and make sure you've read over all of ten's information. "I'm good with anything" kind of defeats the purpose of plotting and makes it harder on the other person. Let's make this collaborative!

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 Typically, I would say I write 3rd pov multi para to novella, but right now my replies will be more like para to multi para just for time and energy purposes or you might wait years for a reply from me. If I have the muse for it, I make write a lot, but never feel pressured to match my length.

•.*★ plotting style。 Depending on the day, I might be more susceptible to winging threads over plotting, but generally speaking, plotting will usually win out. Even if it's little back and forth headcanoning or pre-established connections, I'm down for anything. Just communicate what you wanna do and I'll bounce off of it.

When it comes to starters, I do tend to fall into the "whoever messages first starts", but if it makes more sense for one person to start over the other, then I can be flexible with that, too. Just please don't automatically assume I'll do the starter every time.

•.*★ overall。 Admin has a full-time job that is usually always extremely short-staffed and as the weekend manager, I work 40+ hour weeks, so replies will honestly be on the slower side. I don't mind poking as sometimes I forget to give a heads up to being busy, but please give me a week to two weeks before poking just because I might honestly be dead at work. If I have the muse and time/energy, though, you might get a response very quickly. Just don't assume that's the standard for all of my replies.

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 As mentioned above, admin can get pretty busy with work and all the trips they go on. Overall activity will be pretty good as long as I have access to a laptop, because mobile replies are awful. Reply length will vary depending on muse, I never expect anyone to match because sometimes I can go on tangents, just please don't hit me with a one line response or I may never get back to you.

Please do not poke me. If it has been 2 weeks since we've last spoken and you haven't heard anything from me, then please feel free to shoot me a check in message and I'll usually be pretty quick to reply.

Location Preferences

For activity purposes, I prefer to rp in rooms, but anything that gets overly nsfw can be done in pms. My walls are absolutely off limits just because I like to keep thinks organized on my profiles.

who they know.
their connections.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.


❛ ‏‏❖ ❜ ⋯ ᴛʀᴀᴄᴋᴇʀ。
 » genesis - greystone inn - replied
 » jaspyr - tba - plotting
 » olivian - tba - plotting
 » kun - tba - plotting
 » ilye - festival grounds - needs reply


ajax zhang
239 BP, so he's around 240 years old
demigod of volkyr, half fairy

- can manipulate air, not enough to necessarily fly, but he can use it to push off the ground like he's jumping and cushion his fall. he has fairy wings for flying short distances.
- adept at creating illusions with magic. although this takes an incredible toll on his body and depending on the size of the illusion, can leave him bedridden from lack of energy. creating illusions tap right into his energy source so he tends to only use that ability in emergency situations.
- works well with poisons and potions, taking a page from volkyr's venomous jealousy as well as generations of fairy knowledge. he is much more proficient with poisons and potions meant to cause harm, though, so anything to do with healing generally does the job half as well.

Ajax does odd jobs that just help him get by. imagine a bulletin board with commissions that need to be filled, he's always the one there to grab them. they range from locating lost pets to being a hired assassin. a true jack of all trades.

prior to his nomadic, barely scraping by lifestyle, ajax had what he assumed was a decent home life growing up. he belonged to a specific tribe of fairies that worshiped the ground volkyr had walked on, and spun tales of the deity in a positive light, unlike the harsh reality the demigod would learn later through his travels. he grew up being groomed and pampered, as he was meant to be the answer to all their problems, to bring about the rise of a god stuck beneath earth's surface. like any young child, though, Ajax was curious and dreamed of what was outside his tribe's area, so he would start of small with his venturing, just trailing the outskirts until around 187 BP when he finally had the courage to run.