Personal Message
cairo shaavir.

do not
fear drowning.

there's comfort in the waters, like a warm blanket wrapped around you, a feeling of home as the darkness consumes you. it's always been this way.

with fear comes pain and worry. letting go allows the body to be at peace, letting events take their course as everyone has their own destiny. choices and actions already written in the stars. one must simply let the water run its course and take them along with the flow. everything happens for a reason, even if you may not understand it right away. the answer will come in due time.

• • •
trivial information.

basic information.

  • Nickname(s): none.
  • Date of Birth: 127 bp (128 years old).
  • Species: elf.
  • Place of Birth: myrador.
  • Current Residence: myrador.
  • Occupation: current prince of myrador.
  • Powers: water manipulation, hyperawareness, empathy.
  • ual Orientation: demiual.
  • Romantic Orientation: demiromantic.
  • Relationship Status: single.

appearance notes.

  • Height: 5'11".
  • Weight: 121 lbs.
  • Hair Color: dark brown, almost black.
  • Eye Color: deep blue.
  • Piercings: just ear piercings that usually have very intricate earrings in them, and ear cuffs to bring attention to his elf ears.
  • Scars: surprisingly none.
  • Tattoos: not necessarily tattoos, but he does have facial markings in a deep shade of blue that have been passed down through his family.
  • Clothing Style: elegant, very flowy/billowy blouses, pants and waist cinchers to make him look snatched.
how far they've come.
their history.

hapter one.

as a youth, cairo spent time with his elven family in the depths of myrador, quite literally. he recalls a time of fear during the beginning of his life as the persecution of supernatural beings in myrador wasn’t abolished until he was twelve years old.

they were hidden by a family they had worked for for generations, and cairo distinctly remembers learning how to read and write with only candlelight to guide him. the human family they were bound to ensured cairo got just as good an education as their own children, as they believed supernaturals were equal to them and deserved the same opportunities.

his studies are where he began to thrive, soaking up the information like a sponge that hadn’t seen water in decades. his mind swam with stories of fiction and nonfiction alike, and he found that he loved strategy.

cairo had such a knack for studies that he eventually became the tutor for other human and supernatural children alike. it was another way for him to test his knowledge, as well as provide a little extra money for his family.

"Your destiny has been laid out before you. Take it and run, love. Achieve everything you put your mind to, as it is the gods' wills."

his family was incredibly encouraging during this time, in awe of just how smart their son could be.

until he started getting sick.

as time passed, cairo's other powers began to present themselves in ways that were hard the explain. the paranoia wasn't quick, sneaking up on him with every passing year until he could feel everything. he wishes he was exaggerating like everyone thought.

it was incredibly hard to sneak up on him as he had some sort of sixth sense that he would later attribute to his power of hyperawareness.

next were the headaches.

he'd be bedridden some days either from overstimulation that left him twitching or pounding migraines because he got caught up in the crowds of the midday rush.

cairo's teenage equivalent years were spent finding out ways to manage these new powers. tutoring turned into one on one sessions instead of group discussions, and he often spent most of his time away from prying eyes.

• • •

hapter two.

later he would find out that the extra funds he had gained from tutoring had been saved up in a fund to send him to a proper private university where he could study harder subjects than any of the adults he grew up with could teach him. it was a school meant for supernaturals, and although the tuition was a major component of getting in, he still had to pass the entrance exam.

he easily worked his way through his classes, spending most of his time studying in the library or helping the teachers of classes he had already passed.

cairo, through schooling, became well-liked by the myrador communities, catching the eyes of influential people who would often pay to pick his brain regarding new theories they had.

one thing cairo clung to during school was music. he became attached to soft melodies that would ease the ache in his head or settle the tightness of his chest when things would become too much. he learned to find hope along the lines of stanzas and would lean into dancing as a form of stress relief.

it was a talent he kept from pretty much everyone, seeking out open rooms late at night when everyone was meant to be sleeping so he could work through the fog of his brain.

"You dance for yourself. It's achingly beautiful, and for once, I feel like I can understand you. This version of you? Much better than the cold version you show everyone else."

through the encouragement of an unlikely friend he made at school, he became more open about his hobbies and interests, no longer just coming and going from class to the library like an emotionless robot. if anything, the people of myrador that he would help became even more enamored with him.

he was a model citizen for what myrador stood for, so it wasn't surprising that his name was high on the candidate list for the next prince.

cairo had been absolutely disgusted when the news came out regarding the ex-prince's crimes, laying out plans for what he would have done had he been in the position of prince instead, really driving home that he's there for the people and making sure myrador thrives.

he didn't expect the get the position.

yet there he was, voted in to replace ex-prince raydan and being the complete opposite of the other man. it was quite the achievement that cairo found himself blown away by. of course he was aware of just how extraordinary his brain could be, but he had never thought it was enough to put him in a place where he could actually enact change.

cairo vowed that he would further advancements in science and medicine the best he could, wanting to prove to those who were anti-supernatural, that they could just as easily lead as humans.

he would be the change he wanted to see in the world.

• • •

hapter three.

although myrador hadn't been involved in the battle of perfidy, it had shaken cairo's resolve a little bit. he hadn't been prince for very long and political tensions were already high because of the exile of the previous royals.

he had no plans of suggesting that myrador join the war, as he would prefer to be neutral for as long as they possibly could. it would be a lie, though, if he said he hadn't been preparing strategies on the off chance tensions began to rise again and they were ultimately dragged into the fray of it.

myrador wasn't meant for war. not like the other kingdoms save for aeris.

he would do whatever it took to ensure his people were safe and they could continue living life as they have grown used to. even if that meant he would join the war when the time came. he was fully aware of his responsiblity in that regard, although his family had some concerns.

cairo still wasn't entirely healthy, working through and often ignoring that telling signs over overstimulation. instead of taking proper rest of getting himself checked, though, he would lock himself away in his study where only the advisors or his personal assistant could enter per his permission.

"You won't live long enough to protect your kingdom if you don't start taking care of yourself. Someone has to knock some sense into you for once."

tough love is what his staff would often call it. resorting to tricking cairo into resting, which would often prove difficult to do because of his already paranoid type personality. music once again became his only outlet, and even while he locked himself away, he would bring one of the musically adept staff along with him so they could play and ensure he was resting.

written documents began to pile up in every corner of his office that they could sit without getting ruined, and cairo resorted to wearing leather gloves whenever he was outside his personal quarters. it helped keep the overstimulation at bay some what, especially when he was expected to shake hands with others.

his hands shook less.

on the outside he knew he presented as cold and uncaring, but it was more because he would lose himself in his work or be stuck in his head trying to force out the emotions of others and his own paranoia that anything could happen as any waking moment.

cairo was becoming exhausted in this position, but light smiles would still present themselves on his lips whenever he was expected to be cordial. really only those in constant contact with him in myrador knew what a relaxed prince of myrador could look like. and even only his closest advisor and assistant knew how beautifully he could dance when he allowed himself a moment away from work.

they hoped for the prince's sake, he would be able to relax a little more when it came to work. although he was an elf with an extended lifespan compared to humans, there was still only so much stress the body could take before it shut down.

who they are.
their personality.

basic summary.

quiet, introverted, and unintentionally a bit standoffish. cairo distances himself from others a lot, because the closer he gets, the more of their emotions he can feel, and he easily gets overwhelmed. he's organized and incredibly intelligent, though, so he often gives advice and tutors when he can in his spare time. can come off a bit uncaring at times.

their likes.

sitting alone in silence, reading, anything artsy really, music and dance, strategizing despite how hyper fixated he becomes with it, and he's surprisingly good at cooking (he says it's similar to science).

their dislikes.

loud noises, storms, overly bright areas that hurt his eyes, large crowds, high stress situations, being thrown into things without having ample time to prepare.

their hobbies.

dancing, creating strategies, playing games like chess, anything that requires a higher level of thinking to keep his mind sharp, horseback riding, reading, collecting artifacts from other places.

their secrets.

he's actually only open about his ability to manipulate water, and even then he keeps that pretty basic, as most wouldn't know that he can extract poison from wounds with his power.

their fears.

losing his family, bringing shame to his family and myrador, not being able to protect his people from hardships and disasters, storms.

their bad habits.

when he gets overstimulated, he immediately shuts down and will just walk away if he's able to in the situation or he'll go on autopilot, he's also an extreme workaholic.

the light of their life.
their beloved.
00 month 2020

Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

the mun behind them.
about their typist.

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 If you're coming into my dms asking to rp, please have a loose idea in mind and make sure you've read over all of ten's information. "I'm good with anything" kind of defeats the purpose of plotting and makes it harder on the other person. Let's make this collaborative!

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 Typically, I would say I write 3rd pov multi para to novella, but right now my replies will be more like para to multi para just for time and energy purposes or you might wait years for a reply from me. If I have the muse for it, I make write a lot, but never feel pressured to match my length.

•.*★ plotting style。 Depending on the day, I might be more susceptible to winging threads over plotting, but generally speaking, plotting will usually win out. Even if it's little back and forth headcanoning or pre-established connections, I'm down for anything. Just communicate what you wanna do and I'll bounce off of it.

When it comes to starters, I do tend to fall into the "whoever messages first starts", but if it makes more sense for one person to start over the other, then I can be flexible with that, too. Just please don't automatically assume I'll do the starter every time.

•.*★ overall。 Admin has a full-time job that is usually always extremely short-staffed and as the weekend manager, I work 40+ hour weeks, so replies will honestly be on the slower side. I don't mind poking as sometimes I forget to give a heads up to being busy, but please give me a week to two weeks before poking just because I might honestly be dead at work. If I have the muse and time/energy, though, you might get a response very quickly. Just don't assume that's the standard for all of my replies.

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 As mentioned above, admin can get pretty busy with work and all the trips they go on. Overall activity will be pretty good as long as I have access to a laptop, because mobile replies are awful. Reply length will vary depending on muse, I never expect anyone to match because sometimes I can go on tangents, just please don't hit me with a one line response or I may never get back to you.

Please do not poke me. If it has been 2 weeks since we've last spoken and you haven't heard anything from me, then please feel free to shoot me a check in message and I'll usually be pretty quick to reply.

Location Preferences

For activity purposes, I prefer to rp in rooms, but anything that gets overly nsfw can be done in pms. My walls are absolutely off limits just because I like to keep thinks organized on my profiles.

who they know.
their connections.

Confidant Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: any.
  • Preferred Gender: n/a.
  • Recommended Age: adult.
  • Occupation: advisor/assistant.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
you are someone cairo can always confide in or you're able to pull him out of his reclusive habits to make sure he at least keeps up his personal health. you've been around just as long as he has in this position, and maybe you both met while he was attending university in myrador.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.


❛ ‏‏❖ ❜ ⋯ ᴛʀᴀᴄᴋᴇʀ。
 » tsuki - myrador library - replied
 » thilde - council room - replied
 » demitri - festival grounds - replied
 » olivian - tba - plotting 
 » akkar - letters - replied
 » dewy - tba - plotting 
 » kali - festival grounds - needs reply


cairo shaavir
127 BP, 128 years old
- water manipulation. typically he must be in an area that possesses water already for his ability to work at its best. creating water out of nothing, usually entails utilizing the water that exists in his body, naturally leading to a weakened state.
- hyperawareness, meaning there's not much that goes unnoticed by cairo, but it does make him increasingly paranoid as it's not something he can turn off and on at will. he's also very jumpy.
- empathy. being able to sense the emotions of others has helped cairo in his journey to becoming a prince and hopes of moving up to king. the downside is that in large gatherings, he can experience mild to severe headaches depending on the intensity of the emotions around him, and it can also lead to sensory overload.

prince of myrador
has held the position since 2 BP, so 3 years as prince of myrador as he is there present-day
was previously the myradorian advisor from 22 BP to when he was promoted to prince in 2 BP

cairo has always been well off. exceptionally smart as a child, he has always been referred to as a prodigy amongst his family, as beyond his supernatural abilities, he's always been quite studious and has a knack for remembering most things. he did well throughout his schooling, worked in advising positions for anyone that would have him and was well liked in the community. it's how he got voted in after the disaster that was the previous prince of myrador. cairo felt for those that were also exiled and blamed for the actions of another, but he swore to himself he would bring order back to the courts of myrador and restore the honor of his position.