Personal Message
lee soohyuk.
played by BBVIPBaby
In The End, When You Lose Somebody, Every Candle, Every Prayer Is Not Going To Make Up For The Fact That The Only Thing You Have Left Is A Hole In Your Life Where That Somebody You Cared About Used To Be.
Look At My/Like A Vampire
updated on 02.11.23
full name
lee soohyuk
date of birth
31st may
zodiac sign
♊︎ gemini ♊︎
nightclub owner
love inerest
love intrest
about me
updated on 02.11.23
Lee Soohyuk was on the brink of death dying from thirst after being newly turned and with no one to help him during his transformation a strange man, a vampire, found him and decided to become his mentor. This man had trained him in his abilities and skills but uncovering the truth would have lead to his mentors death as it was his mentor who transformed him and came back out of guilt. The worst part was that his mentor was panning to kill and get rid of him for becoming too powerful. Soohyuk would have been able to find out more about his human life if his mentor hadn't interfered and destroyed any evidence of his existence. It was suspected that he was in a high position, a leader, a husband and also military defending and serving his people. Out of rage discovering the truth, he killed his mentor. at some point he got bored and tired of killing and hurting others out of anger unless he needs to for survival.
Due of his past experience, Lee Soohyuk found it difficult to trust or let anyone get close to him. At some point throughout history he worked and had different positions, never as the lead but as the right hand man. He would use his position for his own benefit as well as to document his employers history. He has written many novels, journals, books through the years, some are his personal writings, others for history for those he's worked with. He enjoys reading and writing as a way to relax and escape.
There are also abilities that he has either learned, practiced, or gained naturally some of which are too risky and dangerous to use and there are some he frequently uses and responsibly. Some of these powers and abilities include but are not limited to: Aura Perception, Biokinesis, Omnilingual, Power Bestowal, Power Absorption, Power Mimicry, Power Negation, Power Sensing, Psychometry, Shapeshifting, Spiritual Possession, Telepathy, Teleportation, Elemental Manipulation, Immortality, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Senses, Superhuman Strength, Fang, Hypnosis, Animal Manipulation, Vampire Reproduction.
updated on 02.11.23
—10.01k notes
updated on 02.11.23

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updated on 02.11.23
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updated on 00.00
Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.
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