Personal Message


❛ k. minjeong [A]5:55:47 AMReply
i l*v you, i always enjoy baby time w you : * you make me so happy i just want to bite you RAWRAWRAWR

❛ k. minjeong [A] 1 hour ago Reply 
i miss you so bad rn and all i want to do is have date and kiss and cuddle and hug and make some stupid corny puns and share cat tiktoks w you

❛ k. minjeong [A] 34 minutes ago Reply 
you’re so ing cute i’m losing it where are you i need to kiss u breathless

❛ k. minjeong [A]5:39:33 PMReply
i want baby time now, i want baby making time now, i just want you :\\

❛ k. minjeong [A]11:27:10 PMReply
bites your hand :T you make me want to do things to you that'll just leave you breathless

❛ k. minjeong [A]4:45:06 AMReply
you’re special to me too, baby

❛ k. minjeong [A]10:11:56 PMRepl
aniya, when i see you roaming and wandering around on the minimap, i just think you're the cutest person ever i want to protect you and kill everyone so your hands can be CLEAN

❛ k. minjeong [A]11:00:12 PMReply
only you get my kisses : * on your face, your lips, your neck, chest, and everything below the belt

❛ k. minjeong [A]9:24:16 AMReply
not specifically that, but maybe when you have my hands pinned above my head, you can tell me that you’ll make me forget about any man i’ve been with :”

❛ k. minjeong [A]9:35:51 AMReply
and y’know, i’m initially very soft when i see you !!!!!! you make butterflies in my tummy, but then when the opportunity comes, i want to flutter your fanny :]

❛ k. minjeong [A]1:06:41 PMReply
thety say lifd is too dhort IM UR LIFDEEE I’M SHORT

❛ k. minjeong [A]12:48:30 AMReply
i like it around your neck, it feels more intimate that way, but i also love just smushing my cheek to your chest in a tight embrace, it heals my soul every time, it feels therapeutic

❛ k. minjeong [A] 5 hours ago Reply 
❛ l. jeno [A] 59 minutes ago Reply 
happy thanksgiving day mom

she said gomawo son in law please take our daughter with you she will not shut up about you, she tells us you’re this cute athletic, competitive, and full dielecksick boy that treats her super well and we want you to marry her asap

❛ k. minjeong [A] 5 minutes ago Reply 

how are you making me kick my feet AND making me i don't understand
