Personal Message

Song Kang, 29 yo

1.86m, biual, switch/vers

CEO of SG company which deals mostly with perfumes, makeup and other luxury beauty products. Despite being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Kang had to work and prove he deserved to earn the family's wealth - his father made it clear to him that he won't inherite the company unless he was worthy. His family was a typical dysfunctional one, with his father prioritizing his career and barely coming home and the wife openly cheating on him. Kang coped with the chaos in his life by focusing on studies, choosing to study in the States for the whole period of high school and university. When he returned to Korea, he begun working at his father's company and without any bias he got promoted year after year, climbing the ladder from a high function to a higher one. At 28 he was named CEO, his father finally handing over the business. However it was only temporary as Kang had one more condition to fulfill and if failed to do so, he will lose everything he worked hard for. "If you don't get married in two years, you're fired." was one of the conditions written on the contract he signed which will expire in five months.

Personality wise, Kang is very similar to his father, cold, strict and obsessed with his career. He wants to expand the empire his father built. He's passionate about his work, genuinely enjoying the products he sells, being deeply involved in the perfume branch where he actively takes part in the creation process and marketing of new scents. He's a stylish guy with high standards, not easily impressed or satisfied which is why his dating life is non-existent. If someone ever manages to catch his attention, it's usually short lived, as he grows bored easily. He has one night stands often, one of his favorite ways to de-stress, to unwind at the end of a long day. He usually picks high class escorts, both males and females, the prettiest he can find.

He gave up on the possibility of being in a genuine romantic relationship with someone, now pressured by the limited time he got until the contract expired. His goal is to find the perfect spouse so he can receive his father's blessing and remain as the CEO of the company. Build a boyfriend looked promising and risk-free. He can fake a marriage with the help of a fake boyfriend.




Fake Boyfriend for a fake marriage
Open to: boyfriends
Open spots: unlimited
Kang is searching for the perfect boyfriend to introduce to his father and receive his blessing. It's all business. If he fails to get married in the next 6 months, Kang will lose the company he's currently the CEO of. His goal is to find a boyfriend and train him into becoming the perfect husband and eventually get married. What he promises in exchange of a fake marriage is a life of luxury and whatever the boyfriend would need and desire.