Personal Message

Kim Soohyun aka ACE

"And how does that benefit me?"

civilian, panual, 33 y.o, switch

in short:

ex-member of the phantom cobras and the golden dragons, but now works freelance for his own gains. makes illegal androids and sells them along with their blueprints. Soohyun used to work as one of the researchers for Cobras to create mind controlling drugs/offer Intel. After he left the Cobras, he joined the Dragons to help with machine enhancements because they offered to pay him more and he had more access to materials for his own projects.

emotionless for the most part with strangers, doesn't have good intentions and cares only about himself and his survival. at times can be very aloof, but will warm up to those he feels are beneficial to him.

soohyun isn't weak, but he isn't very gifted with his fist and likes to use logic as he sees that this is a more effective way to survive than to lose time and energy fighting with others. this doesn't mean he wouldn't pop someone in the neck or shove a gun down someone's throat if he thinks that's a better way to shut someone up just for a few moments of silence.

in long:

Moving to Sigil was one of the smarter decisions Soohyun had made throughout his 33 years of being alive. After getting into hot waters with the authorities a couple of years ago in addition to losing one of his prized possessions, his life quickly fell apart and he felt the emptiness seeping in. He didn't have anyone else to blame for his downfall. He wasn't a modeled citizen nor was he a decent human being. He was an abusive and manipulative bastard who obsessed over his creations and the money they brought him. He only cared about his own survival.

After his move to Sigil, he served both the Phantom Cobras and the Golden Dragons. Soon after, Soohyun was proposed to by an older e and he lived with her for three years, freeloading as he worked on his projects. After she died, he packed his things and left his stepdaughter as the relationship no longer benefited him. He took refuge in an abandoned building and set up his lab there where he continued to work on his obsession.


 dark plots welcomed,  19+ only ooc and ic, slow replies. connections are welcomed! i'm building my character as I go, so nothing is set yet.


momo - stepfather of 3 years. married momo's mother out of convenience and free loaded while he worked. no romantic feelings were involved but was fond of the mother and daughter, though he didn't show it.  left after wife died and meets momo 2 years later.

felix - ex master. was obsessed with making the perfect android and removed Felix's limiters. was physically and mentally abusive towards him. years after his arrest, he meets his obsession once more and takes him in as his assistant. 

mio - a child that followed soohyun one day and wouldn't leave him no matter how mean he was. didn't waste his energy kicking her out since she didn't seem to pose a threat to him or his work. offered her some food and a place to sleep, although it was a ty one.

hyunjin - rebound after felix ran away. met when he was a part of the golden dragons and kept him around, obsessing over trying to make him 'perfect'.



temp hall of fame

★ Kan Eshi [A] 12 minutes ago Reply   i really like ace the crazy scientist   

♞ Momoko Gumi [A] 8 minutes ago Reply   Ace is a meanie   

★ Ghost 1 minute ago Reply

"The tasteless and unrefined behavior of the imperfect human made him glad that he was so skilled in creating perfection."

I'm literally picturing soohyun and ghost sitting at a party ing about humans



plots are flexible to your character ♡ and your ideas are welcomed in any of the plots. Dm to discuss!

1. ( available ) : soohyun was brought in to 'fix' you for a large sum of money. the enhancement for you was meticulously planned out and was flawless. however, the deal fell through and soohyun found out that he was never going to get paid and messes with your programming just a little as revenge. [Trigger: language, graphic scenes maybe ]

2. ( pending ) : the phantom cobras link : we can discuss ♡ this connection/plot can take place before or after he leaves the cobras. currently, he has left the cobras to work on his own.

3. (available) : the golden dragons link : we can discuss ♡ this connection/plot can take place before or after he leaves the dragons. currently, he has left the dragons to work on his own.

4. ( felix ) : soohyun works freelance on his own, creating illegal droid models to sell at high prices. you are his assistant with little pay. If human, you cling to him for help and he takes you in without much thought other than get an extra hand. If non-human, he takes you in so he could use you as an experiment for his tests. This connection won't be a pretty one. [Trigger: abuse, language, humiliation, 19+ etc. ]

5. ( pending ) : you are hired to assassinate soohyun by your affiliated gang and steal his prints. how this is done can be discussed in dm. [ Trigger : language, possible violence/fight scenes. your character doing whatever they think it takes to steal soohyun's files. the scene will not end in death or information stolen but may end in both sides injured and both of them escaping. ]

6. ( hyunjin ) after moving to sigil and losing Felix, soohyun finds another being to obsess over. a cyborg. involves comparing your character to Felix's perfection. due to your character being part human, soohyun might forget and go a bit overboard, pushing your character to the brink of death only to manipulate your character into thinking your character has brought it upon themself. we can discuss. [Trigger: physical and mental abuse, language, humiliation, 19+ etc.]