basic information
01 : full name
jang Daehyeon.
02 : date of birth
1997 Feb 11
04 : occupation
06 : love interest
coming soon, maybe.
daehyeon is an only child adopted by a human family. having been thrown out to the dust by his birth parents because of being a changeling. THe couple that took him in had quite the shock to find out this information, especially when they learned that changelings were considered low level creatures, and had faced a lot of discrimination for his race alone.
Daehyeon had hated this for his parents and at one point had tried to run away from home to save them the misery, but they had quickly found him and brought him back home, since that day, daehyeon had promised to make a better name for himself. Of course it was difficult, trying to find a school that would accept him, and even more so once he graduated a job that would hire him. it wasn't long before daehyeon started saving up money and had actually started his own company.
he hides his race from others because he doesn't want them to discriminate against him and think of him as some bad guy when he just wants to build nice places for people.
01 : likes
nature, architecture, anime, games, music, coffee, crepes
02 : dislikes
carelessness, sour candy
03 : hobbies
playing with legos, playing games, researching
04 : talents
05 : family
mom and dad
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