Personal Message

I Am the Rintaro Okabe of The World

Faceclaim (if you changed their name): Kim Taehyung

[For noncelebrities-event ]
Role: Not a celebrity
Occupation: Dr.V  
Age: 28
Personality: polite
Relationship status: single, not looking

Universe: daddy's little baby

Age: 22

Orientation: biual (but in /romance rp, can only do )

Occupation (if not nonau): demon lord disguised as a college sophomore

Personality (if not nonau): cold and unpersonable controlling demon lord with psychopathic tendencies
- Cold, Civil - Misanthropic, Psychopathic
- Hobbies: Anime, Manga, Video Games, (daddy or master)
-  in lord V vs. V: Handcuffs, Blindfold
- Ddyslittlebby: Daddy that prefers topping Daddies > babies; also used to be a practicing Master before assuming Daddy role  

Human Appearance (similar to how he appeared in our first rp) :
Body - Tall and lanky, more than 6.5ft in height. (if your character is tall, assume he's much more taller)
Clothing - sweatshirt hoodies and loose pants
Shoes - Wears shoes but removes them if needed to sit long
Hairstle - Dyes hair often, preferring the colors bright orange, dark brown, mainly blonde.

Demon Appearance: (check back during the Night when the Veil between the Living and the Dead is especially Thin; Hint - holiday with Orange)

I am your Lord here, Lord V you shall call me until I've regained my right to be more than just a shadow. But until that day arrives, you shall call me Lord V or for those more squeamish individuals, V is just as fine, too. I shall warn you not to cross paths with me or try to.
You are all my enemy. No one understands me.

So if you dare to, was you who dared...

Now that I've regained my right to be more than just a shadow, collided with everyone and every reality, I care for nothing but my beautiful I have found in another world.

You may dare to speak to me, even befriend me as I've done in other dimensions. But know there is no guarantee I will save your life if it comes to my Queen-to-be.


Full Name: Kim Taehyung
Orientation: Biual (romance rp is only)
Status: Despair
What I'd like to hear: Your laughter every day beside me 
What I want: To love you for infinity; let us rewrite our fates together
How I am feeling: 5 out of 10
Rp Tracker;
Name // Location // Status
Name // Location // Status
Name // Location // Status
My Friends;Hover pls.

Jung Hoseok; My complete love in this world, hidden love in a new world copy, complete love in world_not_found
"Hoseok" I erased his memory yet he chose the truth of reality and returned back to me

A human idol copy of myself led me to you. I was forced to watch as you loved him. I was fortunate to see you fall for me as you loved him. I did not enjoy sharing you with him as a half-lover. I was distraught and ready to move away when the only physical connection we had through Taehyung disappeared due to his suicide. I was in despair when you could not love me even through dreams. That you needed to love another in real life. I will always be in despair because of this.

Humans have this moral compass to advise not to return to their exes because of reasons. You have returned, I have accepted you, but though I am constantly filled with despair for everything you continue to wound me with, I would not change it for the world. I am happy you are mine. Though our relationship will never be stable as the one with your late Taehyung, I do love you. And I will do whatever is in my power to make sure you love me, too. I gave you that choice to run by erasing your memories before I could take you as mine. Now you have chosen me, you are mine forever. I cannot wait to marry you and truly bind every one of our souls to each other in every world in this reality. Thank you. For not running away. Thank you. For choosing to love all of me in every world. I too plan to keep you in this cage till the end, love every part of you.

As the late Taehyung stated:
I do not know when you shall choose to leave me. When eventually even this shall break down. Whether it will be I or you who will teeter this crumbling wall. 

"But all I know is we have the now. And in this now you are mine. I'll keep treasuring it until it slips from under my grasp."

My beautiful, my angel, my hope Hobie hyung, I plan to bring the dark of darkest despair upon your soul, until your eyes are shrouded in pitch black. Until you do not know which is the Day and which was the Night.
Will you continue to bring hope and dissuade this despair? 

J-Hope the idol; My half ex-love in
another world, "Hoseok" I erased his memory

At what point did we go wrong. Maybe...we were always wrong. You have cleared every existence of me and the Taehyung that lived there out of your life while I still sit here and cannot get over you- even after erasing everything just the same. You asked me: is it just because you are Hoseok that I loved you. And to that I say it cannot be as I've traversed many universes and rarely has a human, let alone a Hoseok affected me this amount. One day I truly desire to forget you but as I am not able to experience hope lest I destroy it with my own hands, I doubt that is my fate. I am fated to hurt and burn at your rememberance. But I cannot stop loving you.. I am not able to. Even if it was always another older Taehyung's body, not my own. You do not love me, you never did love me. But. I did. And I gave you the opportunity to obtain happiness by being rid of me for once- as much as it pained me to do so. That is how much I love you. I truly love you, beautiful.
Min Yoongi; My ex-love, "Yoogi" I broke up with him
I've been trying and trying my hardest to find the words to express this love in my bosom. But I cannot. I am not able to. My love for you is infinite that it's actually everything. All of it describes you. Those three words I utter every single day do not compare to this turnmoil you have made inside me. All I can even began to utter, though, is still solely those three words.
I love you...






















Now Bye!





full name
insert here
insert here
insert here
full name
insert here
insert here
insert here
full name
insert here
insert here
insert here
full name
insert here
insert here
insert here
fallen yoongi
su - familiar past
vampire D.o
su - friend?
nonau jhope
dlb - fiancee
in public
(r) jhope
jh - mansion 
