Personal Message

► now playing: doom — calivania



“ give me chaos when there's nothing inside, pull me into your untamed sky ”


general choi.

name. theo choi 


subgender. omega 

► this is a known fact to his peers, his prince and a large number of his men. 

► to the outside world, however, theo has always presented himself as an alpha. 



► citrus and honey




► favored weapon is the bow; easier to shoot down his enemies from horseback with one. tips his arrows with poison. if the wound doesn't kill a man, the poison will. 

► defaults to a sword when he has to do ground-fighting, a lighter longsword. blamed on his preference to fight quickly rather than relying on brute force, but really, he lacks the strength of an alpha. 

► always keeps an array of knives on his person just in case he needs one. has been pushed to last ditch efforts for survival before. 



appearance notes.

► he's not as tall as he's often made himself out to be, aided by fighting from horseback and, at other times, wearing shoes with a raised heel. subtle, but effective. at that, he's built rather lithe; muscular, but in a more streamlined way, belying his true gender if anyone would have looked twice. 

► keeps his hair long, longer than he should. it's pale in color, and spills around his face in waves and loose curls, often in his eyes if not yanked back into half a tail. 

► he has a scar on the left side of his face, above the line of his jaw, from a knife. another scar rests over his heart where one of his own men tried to kill him. other than that, theo has unmarred skin prior to capture. most of his battle wounds did not scar. 

► admittedly, he's rather pretty, as omegas are; once the blood and grime of war are cleaned off of his face. he's often worn it like a mask to help his disguise, to blend in with the men around him rather than it being obvious he was a touch too fair to be the alpha he claimed he was.

► not a fan of jewelry or decoration, it never served him well in the field and went against what he was trying to do — avoid being noticed for his looks — and he similarly dislikes makeup and would not wear it on his own accord. 




► drafted to fight before he was old enough to have his first heat, no one really thought theo was actually an omega. and when he did have his first heat, in a war camp with no other omegas around but the camp nurse, theo was resolved not to let it keep him from fighting for his kingdom. he learned that the world was ugly to omegas, but he knocked out enough teeth and scarred enough faces that men on his side of the war soon learned to keep their wandering hands far from him. and even if they knew what he was, theo learned to hide it from their enemies. being an omega made him a prime target. 

► wartime heats quickly became a problem. with no one theo trusted to take care of him through them, he turned to herbs that would stifle the effects or stop his heats from coming entirely. he learned how to trick his body and how to cover a sweet omega scent, for enemies that came close enough to him to smell it. 

► he grows ruthless. kills any man that gets in his way. works his way up the ranks and attracts the attention of his prince that way. his prince, who knew he was an omega. his prince, who shouldn't want an omega like him but does anyway. theo's not fool enough to accept his advances and keeps moving, stays on the battleground, cuts down more of the kingdom's enemies until he's a general. a young one, but a general all the same. and maybe that's when their enemies start closing in. 

► he's a thorn in their side, you see. theo's clever and he's dangerous and he and his men cut swathes through the enemy forces, leaving fields piled high with bodies, tattered flags burning as the sun sets. like a dragon, theo leaves the acrid scent of burnt flesh behind him and makes the ground tremble before him. 

► and then they get lucky. or maybe he's sold out. theo doesn't know, but they get the jump on him. ten against one and in the dark. they still think he's an alpha then, but it doesn't last. they figure out he's an omega when he doesn't have anything to cover his scent, when he doesn't have his herbs, when they're traveling deep into enemy territory. 



theo is... 

► openly resourceful. stubborn. prideful. intuitive. loyal til the grave. blunt. snarky, snarky, snarky. independent, reckless, always planning a way out or a way of attack. guarded by thick walls. 

► represses sensitivity, emotion, ability to care for others. protective nature, would die for those he cares about, kills for them. insecure very deep down. 

... something like that, anyway. 




► theo cannot swim and is afraid of deep or fast moving water. these two things are not directly related. 

► he had a reputation of being one of harmonia's most vicious generals. he slaughtered so many of the enemy's troops and led his own into victory many times. he was feared, as an 'alpha' general. 

► he could outride most men, there would be almost no chance of catching him if he could get his hands on a horse. 

► his prized possession is the only piece of jewelry he wears, a rather plain pendant in the form of a piece of carved wood hanging from a leather cord. it was a gift from his older brother before they were separated by the war. 

► his purring is not a sign of a content omega but a sign that he's about to try to rip someone's throat out and is luring them into dropping their guard. 

► he's aware of the strength differene between himself and alphas, but not aware enough to keep him from doing stupid like picking fights with men twice his size. 

► tba... 



pre-plot brainworms: 

► if he's not on the tail end of a heat when he's captured then he'll have one a couple weeks into captivity and that will birth problems. 

► theo's usual survivalist methods, being the most feral and vicious / literally wiping out anything in his path isn't going to work out in his favor as a captive. trying to kill the prince and continually being thwarted is going to dig him a deeper hole but theo is really too stubborn and too prideful to submit to his captors.

► branding, perhaps? that would be a not-fun time for him 

► more tba? 

