ooc tings

Read Before You Approach Me

FOR PLOTTING. I will plot with you, I will brainstorm with you, but we have to be able to have an actual conversation. Do not bother approaching me if you are going to expect me to come up with the plot by myself. If that's the case-- go choose from the plots I already have posted. I am absolutely okay with random starters as long as you stick to the rules in this ooc section.

TIME ZONE & PACE. GMT-8/PST. My pace varies depending on the plot size and literacy, as well as my ooc life and muse. I will keep you updated throughout responses, so please do not poke me before 2 weeks of silence.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. I am 25 years old. In order to do Mature Threads I expect you to be 21+ and will be asking. As for the thread itself, we can discuss the content in the case of choosing to commit to a mature plot.

WRITING STYLE. My style varies between para and novella. Depending on my muse and ooc schedule I lean more towards literate, light novella. Currently I am busy and so I will be writing in semi-literate, multi-para third person. I do not expect you to also use third person, however I do wish for mirrored responses. I too will mirror your responses. If you would like me to start the thread I will, however my starters are always abnormally sized. Please do not base your responses on the size of my starter.

GENRE LIMITS. I will plot anything that adheres to the rp guidelines with one particular exception. The only times I will plot romance is; 1: I have posted a connection searching for a partner or, 2: I have posted a plot searching for an ex, OR 3: If you approach and have a substantial reason (or idea) as to why they should be romantically linked.

TAGGING. I do not want anything on my wall. Threads are to go in rooms and rooms only unless the plot is a mature thread, in which pms are the appropriate location.

BIG NO-NOS. Poking me before 2 weeks. GOD MODDING. IC drama involving my characters without prior consent.
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Alias(es): Prince of Shadow, King's Mirror.
  • Date of Birth: 06 April (Age 26).
  • Zodiac Sign: Aries, Rat.
  • Place of Birth: Astraloria, Eldrion.
  • Nationality: Astralorian.
  • Sub-Gender: True Alpha..
  • Occupation: Crown Prince of Astraloria.
  • Scent: Spiced Rum, Mahogany.

Appearance Trivia

  • Height: 193m (6’4″).
  • Weight: 85 kg (187 lbs).
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Eye Color: Hazel.
  • Piercings: None.
  • Tattoos: 0
  • Scars: Many small scars from the chest down.
The Story

The Beginning

Chapter I

In the mythical realm of Astraloria, where whispers of magic danced through the air and the unseen hands of destiny sculpted fates, emerged Kim Mingyu—the alpha prince, forged in the crucible of a tempestuous childhood beneath the rule of King Seongjyo. 

From his earliest breaths, Mingyu's destiny intertwined with the cold currents of Astraloria's court, where the shadows concealed untold stories and the weight of expectations bore down upon the youngest scion of the royal lineage. King Seongjyo, a ruler whose heart knew no paternal warmth, sculpted his son into a living weapon, a testament to the kingdom's unyielding might. Mingyu bore the scars of relentless beatings, the ruthless intended to purge empathy from his very soul. Yet, he emerged not as a mere victim but as a canvas painted with the indomitable spirit of a warrior.

In the halls where echoes of cruelty resonated, Mingyu's older brother became a tormentor, exploiting their physical resemblance to cast blame upon the innocent. Amidst the shadows, a flicker of solace emerged in the form of his mother, a figure of love shrouded in secrecy. In the dimness behind closed doors, she whispered words of comfort that the court never heard.
A twist of fate unfurled a tragic chapter when Mingyu's brother, the tormentor, met his end on Astraloria's battlefield. The crown, once firmly perched on the elder's head, now hung precariously over the unprepared prince. King Seongjyo, an epitome of stoicism, betrayed no emotion, leaving Mingyu to grapple with the weight of an unexpected destiny.
Behind the mask of relentless training and unyielding might, Mingyu carried the scars of his past. The battlefield of his childhood had forged him into a skilled warrior, his longsword an extension of the pain and resilience etched into his soul. Now, as the reluctant crown prince of Astraloria, he navigates the treacherous waters of court intrigue, drawing strength from the echoes of his mother's love and the lessons carved into his very bones.

In the mythical kingdom of Astraloria, where magic intertwined with the threads of fate, Mingyu's story unfolded like a tapestry of defiance against a destiny marred by mistreatment. A prince forged in the crucible of cruelty, rising to redefine the legacy that once seemed destined to be written in pain and shadows.
Chapter II

✶ ⁞   The Current Events.

As the shadowy tendrils of courtly intrigue tightened their grip on Astraloria, Yeonho, the advisor to King Seongjyo, concocted a plan to assert the kingdom's dominance. The target: Theo, a grand general of the enemy kingdom, renowned for his strategic brilliance. Yeonho persuaded the king to approve a daring scheme – capture Theo and use him as leverage to showcase the newfound strength of Astraloria under its new crown prince, Mingyu.

However, when Theo was apprehended and brought before the court, a shocking revelation unfolded. The grand general, thought to be an alpha, was, in fact, an omega. This unexpected twist threw a wrench into the carefully laid plans. Adaptation became necessary, and the decision was made to force a marriage upon Theo. The advisor and the king saw it as a means to bind the enemy general to Astraloria and solidify their control over him.

Mingyu, however, found himself at odds with the nefarious machinations of his advisor and father. The plan deviated from his principles of strength and honor, and the prospect of forcing a marriage upon an unwilling omega troubled him deeply. When Theo was presented to him, the uncertainty in the air was palpable. The omega, who had expected hostility, met Mingyu's gaze with defiance, a man resigned to his fate yet harboring a burning desire for revenge.

As Mingyu grappled with the moral dilemma upon him, the court buzzed with whispered speculations and the clinking of political machinations. The unexpected union between Mingyu and Theo, born out of coercion rather than love, became a focal point of tension within the kingdom. Astraloria stood at a crossroads, its fate teetering on the precipice of power, morality, and the consequences of a plan gone awry.
"In the ruthless arena of politics, sentimentality is a weakness, boy, one that I will not tolerate in the heir to the throne. The capture of Theo was not an act of hesitancy but a calculated move to secure Astraloria's dominance. Your reservations are inconsequential; my decisions are driven by the ruthless pursuit of power, not your misguided ideals. Advisor Yeonho's counsel aligns with the unforgiving realities of the throne, and your objections will not alter the course set by the crown. The marriage is not born of compassion but a strategic necessity to bind Theo, our unwilling pawn, to Astraloria's control. Your emotions are irrelevant; what matters is the unwavering strength required to shape the destiny of this kingdom. Learn to discard sentimentality, for in the heart of power, only the ruthless endure."

The Vibes

INFJs are often characterized by their empathetic and compassionate nature. They are driven by a strong sense of values and principles, seeking harmony and understanding in their relationships. Mingyu's reluctance to embrace his father's ruthless methods aligns with the INFJ's aversion to conflict and desire for a more compassionate approach. The difficulty he faces in speaking up for himself could be attributed to the introverted nature of INFJs, who may prefer to avoid confrontation but are deeply committed to their ideals.
Moral Alignment
Lawful Good.

Lawful Good characters are characterized by a strong sense of morality, a commitment to justice, and a desire to do what is right. They adhere to a code of conduct and seek to promote the well-being of others. Mingyu's internal struggle with the morally questionable actions taken by his father suggests a commitment to a higher moral standard, even if it means going against the prevailing norms or authority.

Compassion and Empathy: 
Mingyu possesses a deep well of compassion and empathy, allowing him to connect with others on an emotional level. His understanding nature enables him to see beyond the surface and consider the feelings and perspectives of those around him.

Exceptional Combat Skills: 
Mingyu is an extraordinarily skilled fighter, specializing in horseback riding, hand-to-hand combat, and the use of various weapons, including a longsword and smaller blades like daggers and knives. His proficiency in combat makes him a formidable force on the battlefield, showcasing his dedication to honing physical prowess.

Resilience and Adaptability:
Despite a challenging upbringing marked by mistreatment, bullying, and the weight of royal responsibilities, Mingyu displays remarkable resilience. He demonstrates an ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances, such as taking on the role of crown prince after his brother's death, showcasing his strength in the face of adversity.

Keen Sense of Morality:
Mingyu maintains a strong sense of morality and ethical principles, resisting his father's ruthless methods and seeking a more compassionate approach to leadership. His commitment to doing what is right, even when faced with difficult decisions, reflects a moral compass that guides his actions and decisions.


Personal Connections: 
Mingyu values genuine relationships and connections, seeking to foster bonds of trust and loyalty with those he holds dear. His dedication to personal connections extends beyond the expectations of royalty, emphasizing the importance of authentic relationships in the midst of political machinations.

Mingyu harbors a deep curiosity and passion for acquiring knowledge, whether it be about history, strategy, or the diverse cultures within and beyond Astraloria. His commitment to continuous learning enhances his leadership abilities, allowing him to make informed decisions and navigate the intricacies of governance.

Mingyu finds solace and rejuvenation in the natural world, enjoying moments of reflection in serene landscapes or during horseback rides through the kingdom's countryside. His affinity for nature serves as a grounding force, providing him with a sense of balance amid the complexities of courtly life.

Acts of Kindness: 
Mingyu holds a deep admiration for acts of kindness, finding genuine joy in witnessing and participating in gestures that alleviate the suffering of others. His appreciation for compassion and generosity shapes his interactions, fostering an environment of empathy within the kingdom and inspiring those around him to follow suit.

Difficulty Asserting Himself:
Mingyu's compassionate nature and aversion to conflict sometimes translate into a struggle to assert himself, particularly in situations where he needs to challenge authority or express dissenting opinions. This difficulty may leave him vulnerable to manipulation or exploitation by those who recognize and exploit his hesitancy to confront.

Overwhelming Sense of Responsibility: 
Mingyu bears the weight of his responsibilities as crown prince heavily, often feeling overwhelmed by the expectations placed upon him and the need to live up to the legacy of his lineage. The pressure to fulfill his role can lead to moments of self-doubt and anxiety, impacting his ability to make decisions with complete confidence.

Tendency to Prioritize Others over Himself: 
Mingyu's strong sense of empathy and compassion sometimes leads him to prioritize the needs and well-being of others over his own. This self-sacrificing tendency may result in neglecting his own needs and desires, potentially compromising his personal happiness and fulfillment.

Isolation and Loneliness: 
Mingyu, despite his position as crown prince, often grapples with a sense of loneliness. The weight of his responsibilities and the complexities of courtly life can create a profound isolation, making it challenging for him to form genuine connections. His struggle to trust others fully, coupled with the burden of leadership, may lead to a asive sense of solitude, as the walls around him, built by both duty and circumstance, prevent him from forging the deep, meaningful connections he craves.


Cruelty and Ruthlessness: 
Mingyu strongly dislikes cruelty and ruthlessness, particularly when wielded for personal gain or political power. His aversion to such tactics is a source of conflict in a court where ruthless strategies are often employed.

Deception and Betrayal: 
Mingyu harbors a deep dislike for deception and betrayal, as he values honesty and loyalty. The discovery of duplicitous actions, especially from those he trusts, leaves a lasting impact on him, eroding the foundations of the relationships he holds dear.

Exploitation of Vulnerability: 
Mingyu has a strong disdain for those who exploit vulnerability, whether it be the misuse of power or taking advantage of individuals in compromised positions. Witnessing such actions triggers his sense of justice and compassion.

Injustice and Inequality: 
Mingyu dislikes instances of injustice and inequality, particularly within the kingdom he is destined to rule. His commitment to a compassionate leadership style is at odds with the systemic injustices present in courtly life, fueling his desire for positive change.
Hobbies & Habits

Sparring, weapon crafting, strategic gaming, hunting, rock climbing, tactical training, blacksmithing, exploring forbidden territories, competitive horse racing, experimenting with combat techniques.

Good Habits:

Savoring a cup of herbal tea in the quiet hours of dawn, journaling thoughts and reflections before sleep, tending to a personal collection of rare flowers, frequenting the kingdom's artisan markets to appreciate local craftsmanship, engaging in casual conversations with castle staff, practicing calligraphy in moments of solitude, offering a kind word or gesture to palace servants, enjoying leisurely horseback rides through the scenic countryside, participating in storytelling sessions with younger members of the court, dedicating time to care for the royal pets. 

Bad Habits:

Early morning training sessions, nightly strolls through the palace gardens, reviewing strategic plans before bed, engaging in impromptu sparring matches with the palace guards, meticulously organizing weaponry, observing court proceedings from the shadows, visiting the training grounds to assess the soldiers' readiness, seeking solitude in the royal library during moments of reflection, attending clandestine meetings with trusted allies, maintaining a disciplined routine of physical and mental conditioning.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share:

He has planted multiple hidden safe havens throughout the kingdom. These hidden sanctuaries, unbeknownst to most of the court, serve as places of refuge for those who have suffered under the crown's harsh rule, offering solace to those in need. This secret project reflects Mingyu's silent rebellion against the oppressive tactics employed by his father and the court, showcasing his yearning for a more compassionate and just realm.

Secrets Kept to Themself:

The loss of his brother, a haunting shadow beneath the crown, remains a secret grief, an unspoken sorrow he guards with a silent resolve, allowing the death of his sibling to shape his every step and decision, a silent whisper in the corridors of power. HE truly believes if the cards were different, they could have been far closer.

Known Fears:

Closed Spaces, Fire, Darkness, Capture, Permanent Injury.

Unrecognized Fears:

Emotional Attachments:  
Mingyu, shaped by a history of betrayal and mistreatment, fears the vulnerability that accompanies forming emotional attachments. The potential for betrayal or exploitation gnaws at him, making it challenging to fully open up and trust others, even those within his inner circle.

Failure in Leadership: 
Mingyu fears the possibility of failing in his role as crown prince and future leader of Astraloria. The weight of the kingdom's expectations rests heavily on his shoulders, and the fear of making decisions that could lead to the downfall of his people haunts him in moments of self-doubt.

Isolation and Loneliness:
Mingyu, despite his royal status, fears the prospect of enduring loneliness and isolation. The demands of leadership and the complexities of courtly life can create a profound sense of solitude, and the fear of being disconnected from genuine companionship and understanding weighs on him.
Other Personality Quirks
Observing the night sky from the palace balcony, indulging in occasional sketching during moments of solitude, keeping a small, cherished family heirloom hidden in his chambers, discreetly assisting those in need within the kingdom, fidgeting with a ring passed down through generations during courtly discussions.


theo choi
Relationship Level
betrothed / tense ✦
Mingyu's relationship with Theo, his betrothed, is ensnared in a web of deceit and danger. Initially presented as a strategic move, the union quickly unravels into a high-stakes game of survival as Theo, driven by motivations hidden from the court, attempts to assassinate Mingyu multiple times. Their relationship transforms into a delicate dance of trust and betrayal, where every interaction is fraught with tension, and the boundaries between loyalty and danger blur in the shadowy corridors of the palace.

Mingyu's relationship with Theo, his betrothed, takes a perilous turn as Theo, driven by hidden motives, attempts multiple assassinations, turning their union into a dangerous dance of trust and betrayal within the treacherous landscape of courtly politics.
kim Seongjyo
Relationship Level
father / Antagonistic ✦
Mingyu's relationship with his father, Seongjyo, is marked by an intricate tapestry of tension and unease. The patriarchal authority that binds them is overshadowed by the weight of past mistreatment, the echoes of which resonate through the cold corridors of the kingdom. Seongjyo's ruthless methods clash with Mingyu's compassionate nature, creating a rift that simmers beneath the surface, fueled by unspoken grievances and the unyielding expectations of royalty.

Mingyu's relationship with his father, Seongjyo, is fraught with tension and conflict, as the clash between the king's ruthless methods and Mingyu's compassionate nature creates an unspoken rift within the kingdom's corridors of power.
kim yunhwa
Relationship Level
mother / Turbulent. ✦
Mingyu's relationship with his mother is layered with a delicate complexity. Beyond the façade of royal obligations and courtly duties, Mingyu finds solace in the secret haven of his mother's affection. Their connection is one of whispered confidences and unspoken understanding, a refuge where Mingyu seeks comfort from the cold currents of his tumultuous upbringing. Though constrained by the rigid structures of courtly life, the warmth shared between mother and son becomes a sanctuary, a silent rebellion against the harshness that surrounds them.

Mingyu's relationship with his mother is a sanctuary of warmth and understanding, a hidden refuge within the confines of courtly life, where whispered confidences defy the rigid constraints of royalty.
advisor yeonho
Relationship Level
advisor / manipulative ✦
Mingyu's relationship with his advisor, Yeonho, is fraught with a delicate dance of loyalty and suspicion. While Yeonho's counsel is indispensable in navigating the intricate politics of the kingdom, Mingyu harbors a cautious awareness of the advisor's motives. The alliance is a strategic necessity, yet beneath the surface, Mingyu grapples with a lingering uncertainty, aware that the advisor's loyalty may be swayed by the shifting tides of power within the court.

Mingyu's relationship with his advisor, Yeonho, is marked by a strategic alliance tinged with suspicion, as Mingyu navigates the delicate balance of relying on counsel while remaining vigilant to the ever-changing dynamics of courtly politics.
In the heart of adversity, true strength emerges, not in the absence of fear but in the face of it. It's the ability to confront the shadows within that defines the resilience of a soul destined for greatness.
In true moments of adversity, strength whispers.