Personal Message
❛⠀vyldani Hraesvelgr . . .
⸢ ⋆ ⸥ quote
Sacrifice without love is pain. Pain with love is sacrifice. Pain without love is misery. Love without pain is heaven.
trivial information


  • Fullname(s): Vyldani Hraesvelgr.
  • Nickname(s): Dani.
  • Date of Birth: November 11th.
  • Race(s): Frost Giant / Jotuun.
  • Place of Birth: Y'sanora outskirts.
  • Occupation: Dragonrider (Dragoon).
  • Spoken Language(s): Common Tongue, Draconic.
  • ual Orientation: Panual, but male lean.
  • Romantic Orientation: Greyromantic.
  • Relationship Status: Single.


  • Height: 6'4.
  • Weight: 83 kg.
  • Hair Color: dark brown.
  • Eye Color: blue.
  • Piercing(s): ears, navel, s.
  • Tattoo(s): tribal, many.
  • Clothing Style: minimal, tribal, furs.

•.*★ chapter one。 the first dragonrider.

they say love is pain. well, darling, let's hurt tonight.

Before the founding of the grand frozen city of Y'sanora, Vyldani lived in a small village deep in the treacherous mountains. Every day was a struggle to survive for his clan, but they only considered themselves stronger with each sunrise they lived to see. Some were not as lucky and succumbed to the eternal winter's embrace. It claimed his sister, but she was too gentle and pure. She wasn't meant for a world which only brought pain and hardship. In her icy tomb, wrapped in death's loving embrace, she would know peace and so Vyldani did not mourn.

Back then, dragons were the only thing his people both feared and revered like a deity. There was no predicting when their wings would block the sun and their wrath would be brought upon them. They took to leaving offerings at the dragon's dens atop the mountain peak, hoping it would appease them, but it never did. After a devastating attack from one such beast nearly leveled the entire settlement, Vyldani decided enough was enough. There was no glory in a meaningless death.

When Vyldani ventured up the mountain with nothing but his spear, he was sure he wouldn't return. But at least he would go down fighting...

There are many legends surrounding the week Vyldani spent on the mountain and his triumpant return to the ruins of his village on the back of a frost dragon. The favorite of his clan was that he impressed the dragon with his brute strength and the two were evenly matched, however unlikely that seemed. Others say it was his cunning that convinced the dragon to form a pact. Then there were those who sneered and whispered filth in secret about him laying with the dreaded beast.

Vyldani has never spoken the truth, either out of respect or being sworn to secrecy. Yet there was no disputing his connection with the dragon. He quickly gained notoriety in his and the neighboring clans, becoming widely known as the first "Dragonrider."

•.*★ chapter two。 the protector of y'sanora.

Then, decades later, when the frost city within the heart of Y'sanora was founded, he became one of its protectors. He is the sword that enforces Wistari's will, believing that "tough love" and mercifully killing those that oppose or threaten Y'sanora is the greatest love he could express. The truth lost to time, though... was that Wistari was Vyldari's love. The frost dragon with whom he'd made a pact, who's love transcended their differences, and in who's memory he still pledges his life.

After Wistari's passing and ascent to godhood, Dani was heartbroken. He abandoned his post at Lilhluma and wandered the frosted wasteland to deal with his grief, walling off his icy heart to everything and everyone. Until he met someone who reminded him of what he'd thought died with Wistari... Someone who taught him to love again.


⸢ ⋆ ⸥ strengths
leadership, combat strategy, hand to hand combat, melee combat, charisma, commands a room, does not falter in battle, does not hesitate, hunting, tracking / navigation, cold resistance.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ weaknesses
anything that involves delicacy, finesse, and patience (like sewing or cooking). reading, arithmetic, tact, manners, fancy eating utensils, buttons, ballroom dancing, sunlight vs. his pale skin, doesn't know when to back down in a fight.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ likes
bangles and intricate jewelry, loose fitting clothing, the smell of leather, meat, camping.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ dislikes
those who easily accept defeat or surrender, cowards, being fussed over or coddled, being dependent on someone, being told what to do.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ hobbies
dragon riding, folk singing, camping, hiking, whittling little animal statues.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ abilites/powers
cold resistance, ice manipulation.

•.*★ connections。 00 / 10.

before you approach me

•.*★ important。 do not interact with me if you aren't 20+. I have no interest writing with you. respect me and do not approach me IC or OOC. do not interact if you engage in OOC drama or have a character that has active suicidal ideation.

writing & plotting style

•.*★ writing style。 i am flexible with my writing style (lit. novella and action/script are all fine). i don’t expect anyone to match my post lengths if i get wordy. sometimes i just brain dump when i’m writing and it ends up way longer than i ever intended and i apologize in advance for that. keep in mind, replies to longer threads may take more time depending on time constraints.

i prefer to have only one thread going on with a muse at a time because different plots require different mindsets. if i am inundated with threads between our characters, i wont be able to give them all proper attention. however, i do make exceptions to have one regular thread and one nsfw thread just for the sake of balance.

•.*★ plotting style。 i prefer to plot at least the basics of how our character's interaction may go. also, i do not want to pull all the weight when it comes to plotting. ideally, please have some kind of ideas when you approach me and have at least read my character's bio, because I will read yours.

i do not plot romance ooc without having characters interact. deeper connections all depend on how the characters jive and i can’t determine that until we throw them at each other. so do not expect romance outright. the best romance plots often come by surprise anyway!

•.*★ overall。 I'm very flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible.

activity & reply speed

•.*★ important。 please keep in mind that reply speeds may vary. i will reply to threads as i have muse for them, not necessarily in the order the threads were started. but i will try my best to prioritize replies in order.

don't feel bad about dropping threads. if you've lost muse, i would prefer if you definitively drop it rather than being left here to wait on a reply that will never come. i wont be -hurt and i don't need a reason. all i ask for is transparency. i don't care about waiting on replies, so long as i know it'll come eventually. i'm a patient person.

location preferences

i prefer to RP in rooms, but i will also rp on walls even though it is not my preferance. DM is for OOC plotting purposes only.

•.*★ dragonsong。 taken by arzeth.

partner, dragon, any gender...

one of the dragons that guard the bridges leading to Y'sanora. they are not the original with which Vyldani made his pact, but they uphold it. Only they know the truth of the bond between man and dragon and they are sworn to never speak of it
(-coughcough- they ed, your honor).

•.*★ ice and fire。 open.

friends, ages, rating...

Text stuff goes here. Type as much as you want here, but be mindful of the rest of the layout and the overall look of the layout.

•.*★ iceheart。 availability.

genres, genders, ages, rating...

Text stuff goes here. Type as much as you want here, but be mindful of the rest of the layout and the overall look of the layout.

name here



name here



name here



name here



name here




muse name: lee hoseok / wonho
group: soloist, formerly monsta x
oc name: vyldani (full name is vyldani dragonrider anakalathai)
species: goliath (you can probably list him under giants if you want. they're basically giants)
occupation: priest / dragon rider (dragoon)
district: y'sanora
password: what I hope for is to build good plots with other people and actually act upon them. i love that this place gives the roleplayers a lot of freedom within the world the admin has created. i just really hope that i can find writing partners who actually want to write