Personal Message

age : 21
godly parent : hermes 
claimed or unclaimed : unclaimed
full-time or part-time campers : part-time
fatal flaw : apathetic

aesthetic  : ragged converse, late summer nights, bruises
extra : has the lock picking ability


professional thief, more to come.

❛ choi yeonjun
⸢ ⋆ ⸥ quote
Quote Here.
trivial information

・ ˖ ✦ ⋄ . basics.

  • Name: Choi Yeonjun.
  • SNS: tbd.
  • Race: Demigod.
  • Age: 24.
  • Date of Birth: September 13th.
  • Zodiac Sign(s): Virgo, Earth Rabbit.
  • Temperament: Melancholic-Choleric.
  • Place of Birth: Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Hometown: Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Current Location: Camp Halfblood, Long Island Sound, New York.
  • Camper Type: Part Time.
  • Occupation: General camp maintenance.
  • Spoken Language(s): Korean (Mother Tongue) — English (Semi-Fluent, still learning).
  • ual Orientation: Biual.
  • Romantic Orientation: Biromantic.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • Love Language (Giving): Quality time.
  • Love Language (Receiving): Words of affirmation.

・ ˖ ✦ ⋄ .  appearance.

  • Appearance Reference: TBD.
  • Cadence: Monotone, sardonic, just overall sounding like he's being bothered by everything and everyone(which is usually true). He only really shows emotions through his voice when stressed, surprised or otherwise caught off guard.
  • Gait: Yeonjun has become a master of giving others the slip over the years; he's not a stroller nor does he put any extra effort into his walk other than the following: get from location a to location b. His shoulders hunch over slightly, the rest of his body usually following suit as he tries to hide in crowds. He usually darts between crowd gaps and can often be seen walking at the front due to his speed.
  • Fragrance: Whatever cologne he can pinch from his cabin mates without anybody noticing.
  • Height: Approx 182cm.
  • Weight: Approx 65kg.
  • Hair Colour: Natural Black; was platinum blonde when he arrived at camp.
  • Eye Color: Deep Brown.
  • Piercing(s): Yeonjun has all his irl piercings
  • Hair Style: Shaggy, unkempt, fried within an inch of it's life so he's lost his natural curl pattern. Yeonjun likes to keep his hair on the longer side, and cuts it himself with a knife or butchers scissors when too annoying to deal with- giving him a very choppy hairstyle that still jinda works.
  • Tattoo(s): None- a criminal can't have any identifying marks.
  • Clothing Style: Yeonjun doesn't really do style and is the epitome of comfort over fashion. He's never had the time to explore his personal fashion sense and has heavily relied on hand-me-downs from homeless shelters and thrift shops unless he's walked out of the store with a slightly heavier bag then when he came in. He enjoys baggy clothing over tight unless working a job.
       ◦ s/s
    one  two — three.
       ◦ f/w one  two  three.
  • Noteworthy Additions:
    ◦ wears cheap silver jewellery over gold. Has a few pieces of real luxury branded rings but they were acquired through less than ethical means.
    ◦ his signature shoe is the classic converse hightop in black and in white. Yeonjun will never wear any other type of shoe.

・ ˖ ✦ ⋄ .  demigod.

  • Parent: Hermes.
  • Status: Unclaimed, however Yeonjun and those around him are very aware of his parentage due to his special ability.
  • Relationship: Extremely Negative.
  • Weapon: Called the Achilles dagger for being fashioned after the Greek hero's own weapon, Yeonjun was drawn to the series of daggers on his third visit to the weapons forge; and although he was only meant to take one, Yeonjun couldn't help himself and took a second when nobody was looking. A dagger may not have been his first choice but Yeonjun has always been one for getting close and personal with his target so really, they're perfect. one.
  • Armour: Yeonjun's armour is fashioned after the Athenian light armour to let him stay quick and quiet(once you take off the metal embellishments- but he likes to keep them on for the 'flair'). It's one of the cooler aspects of camp that Yeonjun enjoys and it's one of the few items that he actually takes care of. one — two  three  four
  • Special Skill: Lockpicking. ✦✦✦✦✦.
  • Fatal Flaw: Apathy.

•.*★ prologue。 lock.

Quote Here.

Too lazy to type out a full background so for now, here is the essential stuff for Yeonjun!

Yeonjun is my tragic, nothing ever went right for him character. His mum gave him up for adoption only a few months after his birth because she couldn't handle being a single mother in 90's/early 00's South Korea(who can blame her?). If being abandoned wasn't hard enough emotionally and mentally for Jun, he was a pretty skinny kid so was picked on by the older orphans and students in his school, his issues with ADHD and dyslexia made things 1000x worse.

He got it into his head when he was young that since he was bullied, Yeonjun had every right to punish his bullies and that manifested in the 'Lily Aldridge' special aka stealing something of relative important to the person and then returning it after they'd panicked over losing it. Eventually it developed into him just keeping the things he stole. He had a pretty good talent for it, especially since he was so little and quick on his feet, Yeonjun became excellent at being unnoticed by the people around him.

It continued like his until he aged out of the orphanage as nobody who adopted him kept him. They didn't want to deal with his disabilities(kleptomania and visual-auditory schizophreia were added to his diagnoses at age 14; the schizophrenia was because, like other Demigods, he started to see through the mist at this age so this is innaccurate. The kleptomania diagnosis is correct though. But he also discovered his lockpicking ability around this time and nobody took him seriously when he said he could unlock anything) or his rowdy behaviour so he never stayed with a family for more then 8 months. At 18, he'd graduated high school with ok grades, he was averaging a B- grade, which is great, but in a school system like Seoul's, he, with his other issues, had no chance into getting into university.

But that was ok, cause Yeonjun had started going down another path: thievery and criminal activities. Now, it's not really 'canon' for demigods to take after only one aspect of their Godly parent but that's what i'm doing with Yeonjun. For whatever reason, he has really resonated with his father being patron of thieves and travellers, so in a short amount of time, he became a master thief and would sell his goods to local pawn shops and gangs.

The thing is that Yeonjun still had a moral compass and could never bring himself to rob anything of substance(like a bank, art gallery, etc.), so he turned into a Robin Hood type. Anyways, to make a long story short(aka i don't know what happened between then and now yet) but Yeonjun grew tired of that- maybe he was bored, the thrill had worn off and he needed smth bigger- so he started pulling of proper heists until he was caught. Yada yada, this happens again and again until he stops getting caught, and then he somehow ended up crossing paths with a satyr from CHB who was in Seoul for a holiday.

Said satyr recognised him as a demigod and brought him to CHB approx 6-12 months ago(undecided). He's only a part timer because he constantly runs, but is brought back, but he's managed to get himself a little temporary home in New York for when he manages to slip past the camp border.

He likes camp half blood well enough but about three months in, he was caught using his unlocking ability by another camper. After he was reprimanded for attempting to steal(though he was able to worm his way outta that one), he was told by Chiron that his father was Hermes.

You'd have thought that verbally confirming that would result in his claiming but nope. And now it's... Now, lol, and he still hasn't been claimed.

Yeonjun is pissed. And he's getting angrier each day he doesn't get claimed.

•.*★ chapter two。 key.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

general information

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite movieBlack Panther.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite tv showFriends.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite bookMarvel Comics.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite colour。Maroon.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite music genre。Punk Rock.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite animal。Eagles.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite season。Autumn.




Strengths: TBD — TBD.

Likes: TBD – TBD.

Weaknesses: TBD — TBD.

Dislikes: TBD – TBD.

Hobbies and Habits
Hobbies: TBD.

Character Habits: TBD – TBD.

Bad Habits: TBD – TBD.

Character Quirks
General Quirks & Notes: TBD.

Secrets and Fears
Secret's She'll Share: TBD.

Secret's She'll Keep to Herself: TBD.

Recognised Fears: TBD.

Unrecognised Fears: TBD.

•.*★ connections。 01 / 10.

before you approach me

•.*★ important。 Please read my profile before DM'ing me about roleplaying; I put a lot of work into this and I don't really want to have to type everything out again lmfao questions and clarifications are totally ok, but if I have to type out Yeonjun's entire background and personality... Bro, come on.

writing & plotting style

•.*★ writing style。 I am comfortable with all writing styles but heavily prefer third. If doing first, I tend to write in a 'he/him & you/your' style and will do it in script; slashes (/) denote actions for me.

I will be trying to keep my writing to 1-3 paragraphs however when I'm inspired, I can go overboard. You do not need to mirror; I also do not want an expectation of having to mirror(but I don't believe anyone on this platform does that).

I'm coming off a pretty extended writing hiatus so my skills are... subpar. I'm still getting the hang of show, not tell, but it's not quite there yet; if my post is a little bland, please excuse me.

•.*★ plotting style。 I highly prefer plotting or having some sort of goal in mind for my threads. Winging is ok but I have found in the past that if I have no character history to build on or(as mentioned before) a goal, I tend to flounder and that is where my muse fails me.

I also love 'mini threads' that help with character building or one-off posts where muns require an outside third party. It really helps make the roleplay feel alive, and it's good when there's no expectations outside of the main goal of the mini thread.

I love writing starters but will be upfront if I think it'd make sense for you to write the first post.

•.*★ overall。 I'm quite flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible. Also very happy to accept re-write requests or input from you if you'd like to see something in particular happen.

activity & reply speed

•.*★ important。 I will follow your poke/nudge rules but if you have none, you can expect a check-in post after 3 weeks of silence; these check-in posts should not be considered a poke as I am never in any rush to receive a reply, these are generally just me seeing if you're still interested in the plot. I only accept pokes after 3 weeks myself as I'm currently very busy irl and in other roleplays. I accept 1 poke; anything more, and I will not respond until I can be bothered.

Slow replies until forever tbqh; please be patient with me. I will try to respond at least once every few days but my activity tends to be on weekends.

We can always drop/pick up our thread(s); I am somebody who never loses muse unless we don't click as roleplay partners(it happens, do not be offended if it does), I just run out of physical energy and time sometimes.

Please note that my timezone is typically a day ahead of everybody(gmt+10).

location preferences

Everywhere. I don't care.

will be done in either: Yeonjun's private room or his DMs.

•.*★ Skeleton。 0/1.


Lorem Ipsum

•.*★ Skeleton。 available. no limit.


Lorem Ipsum

•.*★ Skeleton。 availability.


Text stuff goes here. Type as much as you want here, but be mindful of the rest of the layout and the overall look of the layout.