Personal Message

main profile image of a red, black, and white koi fish in dark waters. the image is oil painted.
Zeus had a daughter but never expected he looks like a boy.
full name.
son seungwan
february 21st 1996
godly parent.
Seungwan is a cheerful and young Asian-American girl who likes to be on top, wanting to live up to other people's expectations. She tried her best to be calm and collective with her sense of leadership just like her godly father.

However, people thought Seungwan is an unclaimed demigod but they were proven wrong. She is a full-time camper, assisting people in any way she can just to make the other people impressed with her supportiveness and kindness.

She usually uses shield as a better defense and offense (she wanted to be Captain America). She has a wristwatch given by Zeus which replicates the strongest shield Aegis just by activating it and can be thrown like a frisbee.
posted on 00.00
4.20k notes.
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In the bustling city of Seoul, Son Songhee and Son Yongwan, a prominent couple from a respected chaebol family, yearned for a child to carry on their legacy. However, their journey was marred by two heartbreaking miscarriages that left them devastated. Determined, they decided to start anew by relocating to America, hoping for a change of fortune.

Months later, in a small town in the United States, Son Songhee found herself miraculously pregnant once again. The couple embraced this unexpected blessing, unaware that divine intervention played a role in their joy. Unbeknownst to them, Zeus, the mighty Greek god, took on the guise of Son Yongwan to secretly bestow his blessings upon the expectant mother.

As the pregnancy progressed, Songhee felt an inexplicable sense of serenity and strength, attributes bestowed upon her by the divine presence. The couple, now anticipating the arrival of their child with newfound hope, remained unaware of the celestial forces at play.

On a stormy night, as thunder rumbled through the skies, Son Seungwan came into the world. Her arrival was marked by an air of mystery and enchantment, as if the gods themselves had ordained her existence. The newborn exuded an otherworldly aura, capturing the hearts of those present in the delivery room.

Growing up in the lap of luxury, Seungwan reveled in the indulgence of her parents' pampering. As the only daughter of the esteemed Son family, she developed a penchant for the finer things in life. From a young age, her parents doted on her, fulfilling her every whim and fancy.

Seungwan's taste buds became accustomed to exquisite delicacies, and her meals were a symphony of flavors crafted to meet her discerning palate. Her parents, eager to provide the best, spared no expense in satisfying her culinary desires, inadvertently nurturing a pickiness that would linger into her later years.

The same level of attention extended to her wardrobe. Seungwan adorned herself in luxurious fabrics and fashionable attire, curated with meticulous precision. Her parents, perhaps unknowingly, fueled her inclination for refinement, shaping her into a young girl with distinct preferences and a flair for the elegant.

Seungwan's school life seemed like a tapestry of success, woven with academic achievements and athletic prowess. Her high grades earned her the coveted position of first honor and valedictorian, showcasing not only her intelligence but also her dedication to excellence. Additionally, she proudly served as the cheerleading captain, bringing spirit and leadership to her high school.

However, at the tender age of 16, the trajectory of Seungwan's perfect life took a sudden and tragic turn. An idyllic day on a yacht with her mother turned into a nightmare when mythical monsters emerged from the depths of the sea. The monstrous creatures attacked, causing chaos and terror, ultimately leading to the sinking of the yacht. In the midst of the chaos, Seungwan's beloved mother was taken by the merciless creatures, leaving Seungwan devastated and grappling with a profound loss.

In the midst of this tragedy, demigods—children of the gods themselves—arrived to intervene. Though their arrival saved Seungwan from the clutches of the monsters, it came too late to rescue her mother. The grieving teenager, now haunted by the harrowing experience and the loss of her mother, was brought to Camp Half-Blood for refuge.

Nestled in the safety of the camp, a sanctuary for demigods like herself, Seungwan found solace amidst others who shared her extraordinary heritage. However, the scars of that fateful day ran deep, and Seungwan struggled to come to terms with her fear of the ocean, a fear that had been born from the tragic events that unfolded on the ill-fated yacht.

As she mourned the untimely death of her mother, Seungwan faced the daunting task of rebuilding her life within the protective walls of Camp Half-Blood.

One day, during an intense training session, a revelation unfolded. As Seungwan faced a particularly challenging opponent, the power within her surged. Unleashing an extraordinary force, she discovered her true lineage — she was the daughter of Zeus, the king of the gods. The air crackled with electricity as Seungwan harnessed the power of flight, soaring above the battleground with divine grace.

Embracing her role as a seasoned and capable demigod, Seungwan, now 27, chose to stay at Camp Half-Blood full-time. Determined to aid and mentor other demigods navigating the challenges of their unique heritage, she became a reliable figure within the camp community.

Beyond her responsibilities, Seungwan found solace in using her free time to indulge in some ordinary pleasures. Whenever she could steal a moment away from the camp's demanding routines, she would discreetly venture into the outside world. Her destination of choice was often the realm of shopping malls, where she delighted in exploring the latest fashion trends and acquiring stylish additions to her wardrobe.

In addition to her love for fashion, Seungwan reveled in moments of pampering and self-care. Sneaking away for clandestine mani-pedis, she relished the chance to experience the simple joys of relaxation and aesthetic indulgence. These secret escapes became a cherished part of her routine, offering a balance between the demands of demigod life and the desire for a touch of normalcy.

Seungwan's dual existence — a dedicated mentor within the camp's walls and a stylish, self-indulgent explorer in the outside world — allowed her to maintain a sense of individuality amidst the extraordinary circumstances of her life. Her commitment to helping others and her clandestine escapes into the world of fashion and self-care spoke to the complex and multifaceted nature of her identity as a demigod finding her place in both the mortal and divine realms.

subtitle with no more than two lines here.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
seungwan's likes and dislikes, especially those who took her peanuts.
Peanuts (mostly), sweet foods, talking with friends, assisting people, korean barbeque, and expensive things.
Trouble, being forgetful, some mythical monsters and those who took her peanuts.
Shopping, eating peanuts at dawn, singing in the shower and helping other campers.
Biting her tongue when she's wrong, has a big voice when she's excited or surprised.
She has a fear of the sea, ocean.
She's not a good swimmer.
Seungwan's appearance when it comes to her outfit is gender-fluid, so those who doesn't know her yet are looking confused if she is a girl or a boy. She kept her hair short as she starts to realized having a long hair keeps getting tangled everywhere so she starts to trim and cut it like a boy cut. She mostly wears pastel and vibrant colored outer clothes whilst the inner clothes she wears darker colors, signifying that there is still some sadness in her that she doesn't want anyone to know.
She usually is a kind and helpful girl, but a fancy one since she was born from a rich family and often goes home to South Korea to visit her family there. Not wanting to spare the truth about what really happened to her mother.
now playing.
Don't Lose Your Head
Six the musical
posted on 00.00
6.9k notes.
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On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish.

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted.
subtitle with no more than two lines here.
All your ooc information foes here! On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue.
here is an important note that someone should take notice of!
To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?