Personal Message

Basic Information

  • Nickname(s): Here.
  • Age: 23 years.
  • Zodiac Sign: Aries.
  • Place of Birth: Far away.
  • Current Residence: Outside of town.
  • Occupation: Shepherd.
  • Spoken Languages: Here.
  • ual Orientation: Panual.
  • Romantic Orientation: Panromantic.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
100 notes

The Shepherd.

•.*★ important。 I write my character's backgrounds through writing them in threads, this section will dramatically change and expand over time.

The shepherd, brave defender of his flock, spends much of his time in the company of creatures which don't offer much in the way of conversation. Born on the road, to a family of travelling traders, Adair found that while he liked to roam, he got no pleasure out of trading, exploiting, etc. He'd rather wander with few objectives. And so, he abandoned the family that he had, to find his true calling.

  • This is a bullet list.
  • Use it if you need it.
  • Delete it if not.

He found it among heather coated hills and warm mountain valleys. Accompanied by a herding dog, and a guardian dog or two, he spends his summers living off the land, grazing sheep to sell their wool and themselves in the markets. In the winter, he returns to the city, living not far away from it all, to get his taste of speaking to someone other than sheep and dogs for a few long months.

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Personality summary goes here — Can be as long as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum — Can also be styled how you want it to be。


Character likes go here — Can be as long as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。


Character dislikes go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。


Character hobbies go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。


Character secrets go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。


Character fears go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。

bad habits

Character bad habits go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。

14 notes

paper love

allie x

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375 notes

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 I'm fine with you having no ideas when we come to plot, I am quite honestly awful at coming up with ideas, so my preferred method of plotting is to throw questions at my partner to help us figure something out. If you'd like, send me a random starter! I actually love 'em! And the more unique or out of the box, the better.

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 I do para to novella. I tend to write exclusively in 3rd person when it comes to plots, but in places like IC rooms, I tend to alternate between 1st and 3rd depending on what everyone else is generally doing. Lengthwise, I try to mirror, but I can get carried away fairly easy, so it's not guaranteed.

•.*★ plotting style。 I prefer winging over plotting most times, but I can plot. Because of this, I'll often do vague-ish plots that provide enough detail for you, but also give me enough room to play with our ideas.

To be honest, I also like writing starters and will most times if I know what I'm doing and if it makes sense for me to do it. I'm more than happy to start us off if need be.

•.*★ overall。 I'm very flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible.

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 I will never poke you. I don't enjoy putting pressure on my partners. However, if it's been more than a week, I am more than happy to be poked myself. I typically reply very quickly, but distractions and life happens, so please just give me a nudge if I make a spontaneous disappearance!

Location Preferences

Honestly, I'll roleplay anywhere I can. I like rooms, walls when I'm busy, and I'm okay with PMs. Most plots I do are public friendly too, and when they aren't, I take them to PMs.

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jennifer chung

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39 notes
adair fox
pm to plot
activity 9/10
human :)
trivia thingy here

Short quote of sorts goes right here. You should end it right about here if you want the layout to look right.

— Quote Source