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name: An Yujin
dob: Sept 1, 2002 (age 21)
rank: alpha
scent: black currant & vanilla
cycle: 23rd - 29th
apt: 106 with Sana
orientation: panual homoromantic
occupation: 2D & 3D artist, tattoo artist
background: For as long as Yujin can remember, it's just been her, her sister, and her father. Her mother died during childbirth, leaving a young Yujin and her younger sister in the care of their father. He was a good man, perhaps the greatest man, because he hadn't expected to be into the position of sole caretaker, but things happen and he handled it with grace. When Yujin showed an interest in art as a means of initially coping with the lost of her mother, he fed that interest, enrolling her in lessons and placing every piece of artwork on the fridge and walls of their apartment in places of pride. She continued art through high school, experimenting in different mediums. When she admitted a couple months before graduation that she had no interest in further schooling at the moment, her father supported her. (When she came out, later, he supported her then, too, smiling as he told her that he knew, and asked that she introduce him to her partners when she decided to get serious.) Yujin left home shortly after graduation, a job lined up at a tattoo parlor in the city, and moved into an apartment with the money she'd saved up from selling some of her art through high school.

personality at a glance: ESFP/ENFP-A. Gryffindor. Dauntless. Airbender. Instinct.
fairly outgoing, a social creature, energetic, bold. can be a bit airheaded at time, both truly and at a glance. occasionally has trouble focusing, often because she's busy with her art or because whatever she's working on just can't hold her attention (anything too structured or regimented). she follows her instincts and trusts her gut, which comes across as her being spontaneous, but also impulsive and flighty/fickle


  • Yujin doesn't looks like a traditional alpha, and she prefers it that way because it throws people off their game
  • she works with all kind of mediums but prefers to sketch (pens & charcoal), pottery, and acryllic
  • she's been at the tattoo parlor for over a year and is one of their top artists
  • she's also been selling art and some pieces online and in person since the start of middle school
  • she does own a motorcycle and rides it frequently, though it's not uncommon to see her walking when the weather is nice
  • easiest places to find her: tattoo parlor, cafes, pottery studio