Personal Message

park jeup ;

these silver bullet cigarettes, this burning house, there's nothing left, it's smokin, we both know it 

  • alpha
    • carries himself like one, gives no s like one
    • smells like pine wood and rain 
    • comically, he might be barely 5'9 but he'd still kick your for free
  • 30 / March 23  
    • personality loading. 
    • oldest child syndrome 
    • taking approximately none of your  
    • "well, you screwed up and now here i am to fix it. like always" 
    • hates this ing family (mostly dad)
  • criminal 
  • the oldest son of lee dongwook 
    • he's been MIA for far too long. truth is, jeup ditched the family, changed his name and avoid their family (more specifically, their father) due to all of the chaos, pain and backstabbing between the family. despite that, he's kept an eye on all of his brothers from afar.
    • it's when word reaches him about something happening with his youngest sibling that he decides it's time to make his reappearance.
    • in his absence, his little brothers have made a mess and big brothers are good at cleaning up after their younger siblings.  
  • more fun facts to come asap /// i'm trying to think thunk