Personal Message

Kang Yeosang, Steppe Eagle hybrid
23ish, birthday Jun 15

demiual & demiromantic
apt # 008
occupation varies, he maintains a number of odd jobs (usually wait staff)
Raised in a lab, traded by his parents for reasons unknown, Yeosang was just one of many genetic experiments at a research facility tucked into a patch of wooded and semi-remote wilderness in what was believed to be South Korea. The difference Yeosang and those other experiments is that Yeosang made a key “friend,” and when it was time to dispose of him and a few of the others from his batch, that “friend” got them out. ....and then they were separated. Yeosang’s on his own now, all alone in the great wide world, but at least he’s free.

additional notes:

  • species notes: 
    • wings (see above links for interior and exterior coloring); these wings are usually lying flat against his back and tucked somewhat against the ridge of his spine, well hidden beneath a shirt and jacket; when extended, they're ~4.5 meters wing tip to wing tip at their full extension (or ~2.25 meters each); Yeosang also modifies most of his clothing to have slits for his wings to slide through
    • feathers: little downy feathers are sprinkled across his shoulders at the base of his wings; a few feathers also tend to sprout at the base of his hairline on his neck and in his hair, but Yeosang tends to pluck them in order to remain less noticable
    • eyes: they're a dark amber and the pupils are the tiniest bit oval in shape
    • nails (fingers & toes): the nails themselves are harder and tend to taper to a point on their own; Yeosang files them down regularly
  • body mods: 
    • earrings: he has several (pending), going to get one whenever he forgets the sting of pain or needs a reminder that he's still free
    • scars: numerous, mostly well faded; anyone who asks about them might lose a finger
    • tattoos: ONE is a string of numbers and letters containing "AQU" for his species class (aquila), "0615" which is what he assumed his birthdate was. and "99" which he assumes is his birth year but could have been the year he was brought into the facility; other numebrs and letters not yet deciphered; the SECOND (pending)
  • Yeosang isn't his name, it's just a name he chose upon obtaining his freedom while he was getting his papers. 
  • Most of his life he went by a string of numbers. No, he doesn't know his birth name.
  • He's pretty sure his birthday is June 15th, but the year (and his age) are debatable. He's running on guesswork, the tattoo, and the words of one of the scientists
  • He doesn't know his parents and has no desire to. They gave him up, so he doesn't want them
  • The "friend" that helepd Yeosang and some of the others from his batch escape ensured he met up with someone that forged him the appropriate paperwork to "live free" which is how he's been able to get various jobs
  • The forger was sympathetic to a degree and pointed Yeosang in the direction of Wisteria Heights
  • Due to numerous experiments in the facility, Yeosang has an exceptionally high pain tolerance, but his wings are equally sensitive. If you touch his wings without permission, you might lose a finger. Or a hand. Might break some bones. Depends on the touch and how mad Yeosang is.
  • Yeosang can fly. He can. He almost broke a wing teaching himself how to fly without falling. But he can fly. Does he? Not often.

[ to be edited/expanded upon soon ]