Personal Message

from 【 ❛ 𝗚𝗢𝗟𝗗𝗘𝗡 𝗙𝗟𝗘𝗘𝗖𝗘 𝟯.𝟬 ❜ 】

✦ na jaemin 46 minutes ago Reply
reading the nemesis cabin fanon wiki thing while filling out jaemin's profile
i strive for him to be
"i bring a certain 'makes others unsettled by presence alone' vibe that the other campers rly don't like" LMAO

(note: from the wiki "Children of Nemesis have a very intense aura sometimes scaring/startling fellow demigods, and potentially monsters.")

✦ na jaemin
@✦ byun baekhyun The North Woods are almost familiar as Jaemin walks down dirt paths and steps over fallen logs. He's been here often enough that the fading light doesn't worry him, though it is irritating when the details of the woods around him start softening around the edges due to the shadows. Hopefully he can find the camper quickly, before he has to rely on the flashlight from his phone to even see ten feet in front of him.

It doesn't take too much longer for Jaemin to get a good idea of where the camper is though.

The blasts of bright light in the distance aren't easy to miss. That's one thing that makes the children of Apollo easier to spot than most other demigods. But the fact that the lights are clearly being aimed at something means this isn't just light for the sake of seeing in the dark. The acrid scent of poison and monster blood confirms Jaemin's suspicions as he hurries his pace, hoping the idiot hasn't gotten himself killed already.

The Apollo cabin probably doesn't want him to bring back a /dead/ camper.

Just as he approaches the line of trees Jaemin pulls a drachma coin from his pocket, tossing it into the air. It turns into a spear that drops back into his hand in time for him to burst into the small clearing. He takes a second to study the monsters; giant snakes, clearly able to attack with venom and sharp fangs, and still focusing on the stupid Apollo camper currently rolling around in the dirt. In the next second Jaemin is twisting his body around to gather momentum before throwing his spear like a javelin, piercing through both eyes on one of the heads.

"Hey!" he yells over the pained screech of the monster at the camper, running toward the giant snake and jumping up to grab the spear, wrenching it out of the snake's head and watching as it crumples to the ground. The second head clearly isn't happy, hissing at him as Jaemin dodges a shot of poison. He keeps his eyes on the monster, making sure the second one is in his periphery, while addressing the camper once more. "Either fight or keep out of this before you get killed."

✦ byun baekhyun
@✦ na jaemin Baekhyun is ed. Not in a good way, too.

He was too curious and overeager to explore the north woods, dashing off after his late lunch at the dining pavilion. Against the advice of the head counselor, Baekhyun travelled alone into the woods, reasoning that he has his weapons and could take care of himself.

It went along well at first, Baekhyun briefly interacting with dryads that emerged from their respective trees and giggled at him. Zigzagging left, turning right, heading straight, and circling back, Baekhyun bumped into friendlies occasionally, building his confidence that he would come across no monsters during his self-tour. He even spotted a glimmer of what looked like a bunker in the distance, although it turned out to be a mirage. It was a funny moment for the photokinesis user.

He intended to head back then, recalling the time; however, he was in too deep. Even following a straight path led him back to what seemed like the same log he has passed for the fifth time. It seemed like the forest's creatures disappeared too, apart from the rare avian call. They were too far from Baekhyun to control. Due to the setting sun, Baekhyun was forced to become a walking flashlight — the thick foliage proved impenetrable for the dim sunrays. It was darkness around him, though the rays emerging from him shone a bright radius around him, enabling him a clear vision. The radius of light had calmed him a little, reducing the darkness.

He began slow, hesitant steps towards where he thought the main camp laid, when he heard a scraping noise. It was as if something was being dragged across the leave-covered ground. He gulped and turned around, immediately spotting what seemed to be a large snake, except it had a head on each end. Just beyond the radius of his glowing, frozen body, four beady eyes rested on him. There was no delay; no time for Baekhyun to process the species of that monster; why and how it was within the camp's borders– a head reared back and mouth splitting open, a green patch of thick goo hurtled towards him. Instincts taking over, he quickly twisted his body so that the poison flew past, though not before burning a hole through the flap of his jacket. He threw a ball of light at the snake, hitting it straight on the head and exploding it. A second spew of goop flew past his face. He's momentarily stunned before he whipped his head toward the source; there was another snake monster. Oh great, he thought.

Newcomer and the remainder have him flanked on both sides. They stay out of his lightrays, hovering at the dimmed edges. It's not a large circle. Trying to keep both snakes in his sights, Baekhyun steps back, though the shadows make it difficult for him to distinguish between inanimate and foe. He has half a mind to light up the whole forest. Where the are the north wood's inhabitants, he thinks vehemently. Let out a blast and incinerate the two monsters he would; however, he has not enough energy. He drops to the side and rolls just as saps of poison hit the spot where he was. He's not fast enough to use his bow and arrow too. He's ed alright, preparing to just take flight — his life depends on it — when he hears hurried footsteps towards him. What now, he mentally yelled.

✦ na jaemin
@✦ byun baekhyun It's not everyday that Jaemin is asked to search for lost campers before nightfall, but it happens often enough that he's not surprised when a member of the Apollo cabin approaches him. Thankfully it's one of the older members than can get through a sentence without stuttering at him like Jaemin is scariest thing next to a chimera.

"He's normally back by now. Would you mind looking for him? I have to help the newest cabin members get settled in tonight."

And, well, Jaemin doesn't really have anything better to do. He doesn't usually say no to these requests either since it's no skin off his back. After he agrees the camper thanks him and heads back to a group of younger Apollo kids, herding them towards their cabin. It glitters gold in the waning rays of sunlight peeking through the trees; a stark contrast to the darkness of the woods as Jaemin faces them.

Of course that's where his senses are telling him the missing camper went off too.

They can never get lost in the safe areas like the strawberry fields or the other side of the lake, he thinks, twigs crunching under his boots as he enters the North Woods.

⊹₊ basic information
Name: Na Jaemin
D.O.B: August 13, 2000 (23)
Star Sign: Leo
Godly Parent: Nemesis
Demigod Status: Claimed, Part-Time
Occupation: Gambling Den Owner & Operator

Height: 5'10" (176.5cm)
Weight: 134lbs (63kg)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: [tbd]
Piercings: Earlobes
Tattoos: Pair of dice (right wrist)
Clothing: Neat, dark colors, jeans & jackets

ual Orientation: Demiual
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Status: Single, Not Looking
now playing ↺ { the dreamer's
hotel } - enter shikari
⊹₊ history
fancy words hopefully coming soon...

childhood: jaemin's father is left alone with the baby; he eventually enters a relationship with jaemin's step-mother; growing up jaemin had a happy childhood and good relationships with both of his parents, but he was definitely more in tune with his mother, some would even call him a mama's boy (positive); due to [demigod things here] jaemin's mother dies, it's his fault, believed by both him and his father; his father becomes distant, and is no help at all when jaemin is struggling in school and claims to be seeing monsters (starting to see through the mist); a woman at the local candy shop that jaemin would frequent after school to avoid going home turns out to be a demigod and saves jaemin from being taken by some monsters, and tells him that he should go to camp half-blood; his father is more than ready to send jaemin away, and thus begins his journey.

journey to camp half-blood: on his way to camp half-blood jaemin meets another demigod also heading to camp for the first time; they become friends; thankfully, most of the journey to camp half-blood is uneventful and they arrive at the camp a few weeks later.

claiming story: jaemin has been at camp half-blood for near four years now and has yet to be claimed; it is during a fight in the arena between himself and another camper when he experiences what he can only describe as some sort of shift in his psyche; he and his opponent were nearly equally matched, but jaemin began to experience intense rage (due to several factors) that began to cloud his better judgement; his attacks became harsher, harder, more relentless and verging on deadly rather than sparring like they were supposed to be; before anyone could stop him he landed a very nearly fatal blow to his opponent and in this moment he was claimed by nemesis; (very soon after he would come to hate his claiming because it felt like nemesis only deigned to acknowledge him when he almost killed someone, and when he was so overcome with anger that he wasn't acting like himself + several other factors).

the events in between: after his violent claiming jaemin was nearly ejected from the camp, but was permitted to stay as long as he made sure it didn't happen again; he managed to control himself quite well for a few years before another incident occurred (although this one was much less intense than the previous); this is partially the reason why jaemin was selected to go on a journey with two other campers in order to [take care of a monster problem/fulfill a prophecy/receive life experience - note: not sure of which reason yet]; this journey took just over a year to complete and when jaemin returned he was freshly 20 years old; the journey shoook him up much more than he would let on, and other than those that travelled with him and those that sent him in the first place, he has not revealed a thing about what happened.

current day: for the past three or so years jaemin has been in and out of the camp; he managed to get a job as a [tbd] and has a permanent residence outside of camp half-blood in [tbd]; during the summer he returns to the camp for his own reasons, which include - 1) ensuring he has access to the latest demigod/god/mythical information, 2) retaining the very few close relationships he has with other campers, 3) making sure certain people at the camp see that he's there and he isn't suspected of doing anything shady; right now jaemin is searching for something desperately and intends for no one to find out what it is, but it is also something that he may just compromise his morals and beliefs for, which means it may soon no longer be able to be hidden.
⊹₊ personality & details
citrus candy (orange & lemon), sparkling juice, days when it's raining but the sun is out, cutting paper with sharp scissors, pine scented candles, cold pillows, washing & folding laundry

the taste of strawberries, greedy people, wet socks, (wet anything to be honest), vanilla scented chapstick

coming soon...

preoccupied (often gets stuck in his own head), can be judgemental at first meeting, thinks that cats should be ruling the world instead of people (or gods)

coming soon...
enigmatic — Jaemin tends to obfuscate the truth and hide behind pleasant, often manipulative words. This can lead to him forming weak relationships with others which can in turn leave him in dangerous situations with no one to rely on. This may also leave important information that he has remaining hidden, and in dire circumstances this lack of critical knowledge can be life-threatening to those who needed to know it. Due to his fatal flaw Jaemin may find himself alone when he needs people the most, and he can also endanger the lives of others without them being aware of it.

Enhanced Abilities:
all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

(from camp half-blood fanon, may change)
ngl some of these seems quite OP and i don't think he can have all of them, so take this information with a grain of salt for now. will be updated as soon as the profile for nemesis is uploaded.

1. control bodily or spiritual balance, granting the ability to disorient/incapacitate an enemy
2. able to sense an opponent's strengths as well as their weaknesses, which can then be exploited
3. can tell if someone is cheating at something
4. take away a person's luck/fortune and ensuring that they fail at whatever they do
5. curse someone with bad luck if it is believed the enemy deserves it
6. can link up (mentally, spiritually) with others in a state of perfect balance during battle
7. temporarily neutralize another demigod's powers
8. able to give good luck to those in need and bad luck to those who take advantage of their luck
9. manipulate one's own luck/fortune
10. can counter/reflect the same amount of power as an attack that has just landed on them from an enemy
11. sense motion through shadow and light and thus be able to detect those traveling through them
12. can make others (typically enemies) lose their balance when physically near them
13. if someone has a strong hatred for another, can twist these feelings/manipulate that person into taking revenge/acting on said feelings
- as soon as he wakes up in the morning he plays gacha games on his phone to balance out his luck. he does this by making gacha pulls and getting good or bad results with the hopes that it will prevent him from experiencings extreme good luck or bad luck throughout the rest of the day (since having one type of luck more than the other will always be balanced later on, and he'd rather manually carve out his own fate than leave it up to dear old mother's decision, thank you very much.)

- he carries various superstitious items with him in the case that he suddenly experiences extreme good luck, that way he can balance the scales himself (since he sometimes needs faster options than gacha games). these items include: pocket mirrors (to break), salt shaker (to spill), an umbrella (to open inside a building), and small snacks (typically banana chips or candies like m&m's, so he can count to an unlucky number (such as 4 or 13) and eat them).

- once upon a time he was a lot more open and trusting, but due to certain abilities he intheritied from his godly mother there was an incident that caused him to close himself off. [more details to come. subject to change based on nemesis' godly profile.]

- his tattoo of a pair of dice was not by choice but was instead forced upon him by a creature/monster(?) while on a journey a few years ago. he hates the thing but no matter what he tries he cannot remove it. there are several scar marks around the tattoo from his attempts to mar it into something unrecognizable, and while the flesh around it is damaged, the image itself remains perfect.

- jaemin's weapon (alloioméni moíra, or altered fate) is a two meter long spear with a point at both ends; the top is a sharp, leaf-shaped blade and the bottom is a short, durable spike known as a doru, both made of celestial bronze. he is proficient enough at using it for both ranged and close attacks. while the weapon was created to be wielded with one hand so that the other can hold a shield, jaemin prefers to fight without a shield; he is comfortable using one or both hands, but his attacks have more power behind them when he is using two hands. this weapon can transform into a drachma coin that jaemin typically keeps in his pocket when he isn't flipping it between his fingers and tossing it into the air absentmindedly; this coin can never be lost and will always reappear in jaemin's pocket.

- (based on the information in the camp half-blood fanon wiki) children of nemesis tend to be very strong, as well as good fighters and masterful artists. they also can have a very intense aura that may scare or startle fellow demigods, and potentially even monsters. children of nemesis are said to be able to use all of their abilities to their full extent, knowing when and how to use them.

- (based on the information in the camp half-blood fanon wiki) children of nemesis tend to always remember insults or wrongs against them. they are fiercely loyal to their friends and vengeful to their enemies. they have almost perfect reflexes and balance. they tend to never lose balance. they tend to love the colors black, white, and gold. they can tell when people are lying. they can usually tell with accuracy what someone's insecurities are. they tend to not care about popularity. they never fail to get revenge against a wrong doing. they care strongly about justice and will fight for the underdog. they are powerful allies and terrifying enemies. they are very close with the children of hypnos.

- jaemin hates his godly parent. he does not consider nemesis as a mother although he carries her divinity within him. (when feeling this hatred to the extreme jaemin wishes he could rip out the god-like parts of him even if it comes at the expense of losing his powers and the only life he's ever known.)

- outside of camp half-blood jaemin is the owner of an illegal gambling den in the heart of new york city. there he caters to the worst of humans and monsters alike, giving them the opportunity to play with fate in the form of card games and other such bets. if he finds someone cheating, and they happen to be particularly greedy and selfish, well... whispers in the underground say they're never seen again.
⊹₊ tracker
byun baekhyun.
north woods.
⊹₊ connections
friend - 0/1
the person that jaemin met on the bus all those years ago when he first traveled to camp half-blood. somehow, they managed to get through his tumultuous and clouded mind still fresh from his mother's death, and as the two got to know each other, forged a friendship strong and true. whether that remains the case today depends on how both have grown up.

companion - 0/2
during that long, intense journey that jaemin took between the ages of 18 and 20 there were two others than joined him. for just over a year these three were forced to survive hell on earth together, and that eventually became a mutual companionship in which they could rely on each other, even though they are now no longer in immediate danger.

casualty - 1/1 ning yizhuo
there were always three figures involved in jaemin's violent claiming; himself, his godly parent, and you, the one that very nearly died at his hands. how the event affected you and your relationship (if any) to jaemin is certainly complicated, to say the least.
⊹₊ scenarios
in the corner of your eye... - 0/1
no requirements
due to being a son of nemesis jaemin has an aura that can scare or surprise those around him. for some reason, this affects you much more extremely than it does others, leading you to feel like you're constantly in danger around him; like he could go for your throat at any second. of course, as long as you stay away from jaemin you should be fine, but that doesn't seem possible when the two of you have been paired together for a job at the camp over the next few weeks.

one and the same - 0/1
no requirements
na jaemin is a hypocrite in the worst of ways. to you he comes off as falsely righteous and an egocentric fake. he has made no secret of his distaste for you, since he knows what you've done in the past, but you think it's rich that he's pretty much done the same thing and he seems to pretend like he's perfect. you two are able to bring out the worst in each other, which manifests in ways of barbed words and violence, more often than not.

to safer pastures - 1/2 byun baekhyun
no requirements
since he is able to manipulate his own luck jaemin will often be asked to enter the woods and search for potentially lost campers if a cabin realizes they're missing a head in roll call. by giving himself extremely good luck he can usually find these missing campers pretty fast and lead them back to the cabins. you just so happen to be one of these lost campers that seems to have gotten themselves into quite the predicament late in the evening.

are you entertained? - 0/1
child of ares or athena preferred,
but not necessary

ever since the unfortunate "incident" several years ago in which jaemin almost killed a fellow camper in the arena he has been barred from participating in any official matches. he has also been forbidden to take part in any unofficial battles outside of the arena, but as long as it's off the books and no one knows, then what's the problem? a skilled fighter in your own right you've been looking for a challenge, and hearing of his fighting ability as a son of nemesis you approach jaemin with a request for a duel after hours.
⊹₊ past display pics
⊹₊ out of character
1. Hi! My name is Melo; you can call me by that or by my character(s) names, either is fine with me. I live in GMT-5/EST and you'll mostly see me at random times throughout the day. I do work part-time so I'm not always available. If you're interested in plotting or making a connection between our characters, please read the rest of this section first!

2. For POV preference I only use 3rdPOV and my replies can range from semi to para to novella. The longer the post the longer it will probably take me to respond. I usually do my best to mirror, but don't feel pressured to do the same as long as you give me something I can work with. Note: I can sometimes be very slow with replies, so if you prefer a faster pace I may not be the best writing partner.

3. I prefer plotting since it gives me more confidence in my threads, but I am also open to winging things and seeing where it takes us. However, I ask that if you plan on including any rated M or triggering topics, please discuss it with me first. My location preferences are ROOMS > WALL > PM. I rarely, if ever, roleplay on my wall or in private messages, but I can do so if needed. (I usually reserve the two for OOC content.)

P.S. - Sometimes I post random starters, so feel free to respond to any of them if they're open! However, again, if you plan on including any rated M or triggering topics, please discuss it with me first.

4. Please do not "poke" me for a response. I don't make a habit of forgetting replies and it's more likely that I'm too busy or struggling with muse to reply. That being said, if it's been longer than two (2) weeks feel free to reach out to me.

5. Regarding topics like romance and I don't usually roleplay these things outside of people that I know/I'm comfortable with. This may also apply to certain rated M/triggering topics. I ask that you please respect this.

6. If at any point you wish to change something in our thread or drop it altogether, please notify me! I will also endeavor to do the same.