Personal Message

from 【 ❛ 𝗚𝗢𝗟𝗗𝗘𝗡 𝗙𝗟𝗘𝗘𝗖𝗘 𝟯.𝟬 ❜ 】

✦ lee jooyeon
@✦ ning yizhuo "Right, sorry." The immediate hostility would normally throw Jooyeon for a loop but he's nothing if not determined. He does shuffle a few inches away, hands curling around the edge of the bench as he leans over a bit to make his face visible.

"Anyway, it's okay," he says, smiling at her warmly, as if it will help to melt at least a little of the tension between them. "We didn't talk much last time, but I did introduce myself! Since you don't remember I'll just, um, uh..." As Jooyeon continues to speak he realizes that maybe he's coming on too strong. At the very least definitely way more energetic than he should be, and he's been told he can be too excitable sometimes, even by his own cabin mates. He coughs - perhaps the fakest one has ever coughed in the history of conversations - and decides to start over. "I'm Jooyeon. From cabin seven. I don't think I caught your name at the last bonfire?"

Jooyeon's feet shuffle in the dirt, the tips of his shoes quietly knocking together in slight apprehension. He really doesn't want to mess this up. Again.

Worried that he may scare her off like last time Jooyeon quickly backpedals. "I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to!" He waves his hand while speaking before scratching the side of his head. "I'm just curious what you're, ah, what you're reading there?”

✦ ning yuzhuo
@✦ lee jooyeon The lively crackle of the campfire and the buzz of conversation envelop Ningning, who reluctantly finds herself trapped in the ongoing festivities. Her siblings, in their well-meaning but persistently meddlesome ways, have coerced her into this social affair, and it grates on every last one of her nerves.

She questions her judgment in letting them drag her here. The animated banter, laughter, and general commotion clash sharply with her preference for solitude. As conversation continues around her, she longs for the quiet refuge of her cabin bed. The sleepless nights recently have left her weary, and the insistence from her siblings on dragging her out to this gathering against her will only deepens her fatigue.

With a resigned exhale, Ningning opens the book in her hands, determined to drown out the noise and reclaim a semblance of tranquility.

Her highly sought-after sanctuary, however, is promptly disrupted as an unexpected presence slides into the seat next to her. A flicker of discomfort crosses her face as she subtly shifts away, knuckles turning white as she grips the edges of her book with a bit more force than usual. The pages begin to crumple beneath the sudden pressure.

"Do you /have/ to sit so close to me?” she hisses, shoulders drawing up high with apprehension.

The person beside her seems unfazed. Ningning's response to their following question is swift, her irritation growing more evident.

“No,” she says, the retort accompanied by a cold glance before her attention turns pointedly back to her book, though she finds the words now to be much less captivating than before. "Am I supposed to remember you?"

✦ lee jooyeon
@✦ ning yizhuo Jooyeon shivers as a chill breeze whispers through the campfire area. He shuffles closer to the bonfire, enough to feel the heat stinging his eyes, and holds his hands up to it. He really should have grabbed a sweatshirt on his way out of the cabin but in his defense he didn't think it was going to get this cold. For a son of Apollo at least; everyone else seems to be mostly fine, laughing and dancing around the fire.

None of his cabinmates joined him and Jooyeon, despite having been at the camp for several years, doesn't know a majority of the campers in attendance this evening. This leaves him standing awkwardly by himself, wiggling his fingers as they start to warm up.

Maybe he should just head back? It's not even that late yet, but it might get colder still.

He sighs, edging his way around the bonfire towards the seating on the opposite side. He'll stick around just a little longer; maybe he can find someone to talk to! Although... nearing the wooden benches it looks like everyone already there is engaged with each other. Except for, "Oh, it's you!" Jooyeon says, perhaps too loudly as he quickly approaches the other camper. "I was hoping to see you again," He grins and takes a seat next to her, making sure at the last second not to get too close. "Do you remember me? From the other bonfire?"

⊹₊ basic information
Name: Lee Jooyeon
D.O.B: September 12, 2002 (21)
Star Sign: Virgo
Godly Parent: Apollo
Demigod Status: Claimed, Full-Time
Occupation: [tbd]

Height: 5'9" (176cm)
Weight: n/a
Hair Color: Dark Brown w/ blond streak
Eye Color: Wheat Gold
Piercings: Earlobes (1-3), helix, daith (right)
Tattoos: None
Clothing: Casual, band tees, jeans, boots

ual Orientation: Questioning
Romantic Orientation: Questioning
Status: Single
now playing ↺ the patron saint
of liars and fakes - fall out boy
⊹₊ history
fancy words hopefully coming soon...

childhood: jooyeon only recalls vague memories and feelings from when he was a child, random snippets of conversations and blue-gold sunset visions.

waking up at camp half-blood: at the age of fourteen jooyeon wakes up sprawled on the ground of the camp border; he does not know how he ended up there; before he can even move he's discovered by a group of older camp members that bring him into the camp; once it is determined that jooyeon is a demigod he is placed in the hermes cabin as he is unclaimed; in the weeks after jooyeon begins to remember more and more about himself, though there are certain memories that remain shrouded in darkness.

the events in between: coming soon...

claiming story: coming soon...

current day: coming soon...
⊹₊ personality & details
coming soon...

coming soon...

coming soon...

coming soon...

coming soon...
softhearted — Jooyeon has no desire to hurt others. This mostly applies to combat which is why he doesn't have very good fighting skills; he doesn't partake in arena battles unless he absolutely has to and will avoid a fight if he can. The lack of experience shows when he does have to engage in a fight for any reason. His softheartedness can also cause issues if someone has either hurt him or someone he cares about, because it is very unlikely that he will retaliate in any way.

[NOTE: I would like to point out that Jooyeon's soft heart and refusal to fight is not to be confused with the belief that everyone deserves forgiveness or second chances; that is not the reason he chooses not to fight.]

Enhanced Abilities:
all demigods have enhanced strength, agility, endurance, etc.

Vitakinesis: the ability to control health and the healing process.

Innate Knowledge: children of Apollo have innate medical knowledge.

Music Empowerment: the ability to manipulate others, or strengthen oneself, via music. children of Apollo can curse others, give temporary blessings, and more, with music and poetry.
- he has a bad habit of falling asleep over top of his bass guitar when practicing outside in the sunshine
⊹₊ tracker
ning yizhuo.
main campfire.
⊹₊ connections
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⊹₊ scenarios
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⊹₊ past display pics
⊹₊ out of character
1. Hi! My name is Melo; you can call me by that or by my character(s) names, either is fine with me. I live in GMT-5/EST and you'll mostly see me at random times throughout the day. I do work part-time so I'm not always available. If you're interested in plotting or making a connection between our characters, please read the rest of this section first!

2. For POV preference I only use 3rdPOV and my replies can range from semi to para to novella. The longer the post the longer it will probably take me to respond. I usually do my best to mirror, but don't feel pressured to do the same as long as you give me something I can work with. Note: I can sometimes be very slow with replies, so if you prefer a faster pace I may not be the best writing partner.

3. I prefer plotting since it gives me more confidence in my threads, but I am also open to winging things and seeing where it takes us. However, I ask that if you plan on including any rated M or triggering topics, please discuss it with me first. My location preferences are ROOMS > WALL > PM. I rarely, if ever, roleplay on my wall or in private messages, but I can do so if needed. (I usually reserve the two for OOC content.)

P.S. - Sometimes I post random starters, so feel free to respond to any of them if they're open! However, again, if you plan on including any rated M or triggering topics, please discuss it with me first.

4. Please do not "poke" me for a response. I don't make a habit of forgetting replies and it's more likely that I'm too busy or struggling with muse to reply. That being said, if it's been longer than two (2) weeks feel free to reach out to me.

5. Regarding topics like romance and I don't usually roleplay these things outside of people that I know/I'm comfortable with. This may also apply to certain rated M/triggering topics. I ask that you please respect this.

6. If at any point you wish to change something in our thread or drop it altogether, please notify me! I will also endeavor to do the same.