Personal Message

from  The Cove ||


name ; não apelido
age ; 52 (appears 23)
race ; mermaid
job ; fisherman
powers ; communicate + breathe underwater, captivating voice, electricity production + manipulation, also has an enchanted necklace
bio ; unlike most mermaids não did not live in atlantis when it fell; in fact, he had never lived in atlantis at all. he was born in the darkest depths of an underwater trench, and soon after the parents that gave birth to him disappeared. for years não fended for himself, using his natural abilities to stun prey and tear them to shreds for food. in the dark he had no need for sight, and his eyes deteriorated until he could only make out light and dark. one day não was captured by pirates and brought to the surface where he was locked in a cage like some kept pet. he could not understand the language the pirates were speaking, but over time as he spent close to four years on the ship did he learn to speak like them. the pirate captain that decided to keep him eventually died and the crew made the decision to try and sell não for money. however, they had made the fatal mistake of opening his cage and he nearly slaughtered them all before diving overboard to escape; but not before stealing some of their treasures, which included an enchanted necklace. not knowing where he was, exhausted and hurt, não washed up on the shore of the cove and has been living amongst the humans ever since.

notes ;
- main tail color is yellow w/ black and indigo
- tail is shaped like an eel's (since he's inspired by the electric eel)
- an extended description of his electricity abilities: like an electric eel não is able to generate his own electricity which he typically uses for hunting prey. he can manipulate his own generated electricity or the electricity around him in multiple ways, including altering the intensity (low or high), changing the location of the electricity and targeting specific types of electricity. for example, he can incapacitate prey (or someone :eyes:) by manipulating the electricity in their nervous system and muscles, rendering them incapable of moving. like an electric eel não can also use electroreception, a type of "natural sonar" or echolocation, to sense the things around him and also track things down based on their electrical signals.
- as he is essentially blind (only able to sense light or dark) não didn't have many job opportunities in the cove. he became a fisherman because, well, he's always hunted and caught fish, and it's easy to do in his mer form. he just has to fish in secret and bring his catch to the markets once he has enough.
- his name, não apelido, was given to him by the pirate captain that captured him. it roughly translates to "no name," and it is the name that he has decided to keep.

physical characteristics ;
- milky white/light blue eyes, black hair, (in mermaid form) sharp claws + serrated razor-like teeth + long black/indigo tail with a yellow underbelly (shines somewhat rainbow-like in the sun) + gills (sides of neck and sides of torso around rib cage area)
- before he was captured by pirates his hair was quite long since he never had any reason to cut it. the pirate captain cut it short because he didn't want to deal with maintaining it. right now não's hair is somewhat shaggy and still short, covering the tips of his ears and the back of his neck. he also has a silver earring in his left ear, a "claim" of sorts from the pirate captain that captured him; he is unable to remove it for an unknown reason. due to his time alone in the ocean, hunting animals for food and just surviving, he has amassed several scars on both his upper body and tail.

plots ;
complacency breeds failure 0/1
human or hunter - potential action, drama
since he's been keeping up with this fishing gig for the better part of a year now não may have gotten a little lax on making sure he isn't followed when he makes his trips. whether you're around by accident to see him transform, or you purposely followed him out here because you're suspicious, não doesn't notice you until it's too late. how this turns out depends on what you plan on doing with this information (if he doesn't kill you first before you can explain yourself).

washed ashore 0/1
mermaid - potential friends, potential drama
upon returning from a fishing trip não finds you in your mermaid form passed out on the beach, half-submerged in the water. he doesn't know how you got there or who you are, but he does know that it isn't a good thing when humans find mermaids in vulnerable positions. when he can't wake you up he decides to bring you back to his house and keep you hidden until you come to.

sibling from another bubble 1/1 *keroki thalassia
mermaid - potential friends/family, potential drama
somehow, you and não managed to find out that you're both mermaids. this could have happened very recently or a year or two ago. either way the two of you managed to connect as mermaids trying to pose as humans and live normal lives, and you've grown quite close. to the point where you might barge into one another's homes unnaounced or spot each other on a random day and make conversation.
*would like them to have a sibling dynamic but it's not necessary.
*perhaps including some dramatic past or present where they're close to being caught and one needs to save the other? or both save each other?

clutched pearl 0/1
human or hunter (preferably hunter) - potential action, drama, antagonistic relationship
upon discovering não's true nature instead of capturing him to either sell or kill him, you instead use his secret against him. there's something very specific you're looking for (could be another mer/person, an underwater treasure, some kind of information, etc.) and you could use não's help to get it. he begrudgingly goes along with it since you taken something from him that he cannot be without.