Personal Message

title: γ€€γ€€γ€Š 𝔹𝔼𝕃𝕃𝔼𝔽𝕐ℝ𝔼 》with-a-twist high fantasy au !  ❝ in a land of myth, and a time of magic... ✣ open & accepting

tags: aurp, supernatural, allorientations, internationals, highfantasy, videogameish


a roleplay in which every character is an npc in a fantasy video game world, but does not realize it. characters range from shop owners, bandits, bakery girls, knights, royalty, boss monsters, dragons, clergy members, normal civilians, etc. etc. they go about their day to day lives, sometimes interrupted by "player characters" and dealing with the messes they create (but "player characters" are NOT playable characters in the roleplay, ie. when you join the roleplay you can ONLY join as an npc of the video game world), but mostly just live the same way they always do.Β 

coming soon...

(make the background of the rp green)
(include character skeletons??)
(it's going to be very free-for-all(ish,,, within reason))