Personal Message

title:   ❣ 𝒸𝓊𝓅𝒾𝒹 𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓁 ❣ ᴀɴ ᴀɴɢᴇʟɪᴄ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇ ᴀᴜ ❝ do you think i can get away with using a crossbow ? ❥❥❥ opening soon !! 05/??/22

tags: aurp, fantasy, angels, allpov, allorientations, internationals, officeau

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cupid central
- communcal office
- kitchenette
- break room
- bathrooms
- storage
- rooftop
- basement
- training facility

- park
- mall
- apartment complex
- street
- field
- oceanside
- forest
- bar
- university

 central !
 central !
 central !
tag here
tag here
tag here
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.

No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.
navigation & updates
Cupid Central's grand opening on 14.02.24 @ 10:04AM !

Information here.

Information here.

Information here.
head admin
rules & guidelines
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.

No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
i. ooc :
name, age (early/mid/late acceptable), timezone
ii. muse :
name + group, d.o.b + age, role, short bio
iii. other :
password, any questions or concerns ?
this is a layout of raspberry moon 2024 — — — — — — —

an au in which there exists an office in heaven staffed by cupid angels in charge of facilitating the relationships between humans. those relationships include, but are not limited to: platonic, romantic, familial, enemies, rivals, friends, lovers, etc. cupid angels are either born (created) with that purpose, or they are angels originated in one section of heaven and became a cupid angel by choice (transfer) or by force (demotion). the cupid angels have multiple roles to fill, with some being office staff taking care of paperwork behind the scenes, while other cupids are field agents, the ones actually "shooting arrows" to create connections between humans. the devices that field agents use have the appearance of standard human weapons - bows and arrows, handguns, grenades, crossbows, darts, etc. - but are completely harmless in terms of physical violence. however, each device is filled with angelic powder (not to be called love dust or angel dust, unless you want the head cupid to smite you) which is what powers these devices to create relationships in the first place. without the powder, the weapons are basically useless. each month the cupid angels must meet a certain quota of relationships created or broken (since that is also something they do), and depending on each individual cupid's performance, they will have the ability to move up in the office, or be given the choice to transfer out. 

examples of potential cupids ;
+ previously a warrior angel, now demoted to cupid for accidentally shooting their superior during training. hot-headed and Does Not Want to Be Here, will do anything in order to get out of this office hellscape and back into the battle squadrons
+ an uppity cupid that maintains an iron fist over the entire office, has been here probably longer than you've been alive, doesn't actually believe in love but still intends to meet deadlines and keep the office running smoothly
+ someone so good as a human that they ascended into angelhood upon dying, and when given the choice of the type of angel role they were to fulfill, they chose that of a cupid. they're a little unwelcomed by certain angels due to their originally human status, since most angels are born (created) in heaven, but they're just here to spread the love
+ an extremely powerful angel - almost archangel level !! - that for some reason decided to become a cupid, being stripped of their treasured abilities and having to learn how to get used to tedious office life. even without their powers though, they have maintained their awesome and terrifying true form (eyes, fire, wings and all)


1. favorite the roleplay. upvotes are optional, but appreciated. 

2. this is a detailed 1st and 3rd pov roleplay. the main goal is for people to develop their characters and roleplay with each other, not just hang out in the ooc and ic chat rooms. if the chat rooms become over-saturated they may be closed for a period of time before reopening.

3. this is not a rated m roleplay. that being said, rated m topics may be roleplayed on walls, in private messages and in designated rated m rooms. if there is any triggering content please attach a warning to your posts. failure to comply may result in being kicked from the roleplay. use your best judgement for which plots should be done in public (rooms) and in private (walls, PMs). 

4. inactivity starts at 14 days of no posting. you will receive one (1) warning. if you do not respond with 48 hours of this warning you will be kicked from the roleplay. if you wish to rejoin after being kicked, you will have to wait one week to reapply. your character will be reserved for the duration of the week, but failure to apply/respond will result in that character becoming free.

5. in order to promote activity new members must have a full profile up within one (1) week, as well as one active thread with at least two replies from all participating parties. failure to do so will result in being kicked from the roleplay.

6. we accept all faceclaims except 1) anyone below the age of 18 internationally / below the age of adulthood in their respective country, 2) anyone involved in criminal activity/controversy, 3) anyone deceased and 4) anyone who has requested not to be used in a roleplay setting. 

7. you may request a hiatus at any time. semi-hiatus lasts up to a month, while a full hiatus lasts up to two (2) weeks. these durations may be adjusted if needed. to request a hiatus please use the hiatus room.

8. reservations last up to 72 hours. failure to apply for your character within that timeframe will result in the faceclaim becoming free. if you reserve a character twice and fail to apply both times, you will be temporarily banned from reserving another character for a week. 

9. please refrain from ooc drama. failure to comply may result in being temporarily or permanently banned from the roleplay. ic drama is welcomed and sometimes encouraged, as long as all involved parties are okay with it. if you have any issues with ooc or unplanned ic drama, please message the head admin for assistance.

10. you have two choices of password: a) a song that makes you think of love, b) a quote that makes you think of love.

11. if leaving the roleplay you must private message the head admin of your departure. failure to do so, or commenting on the roleplay will result in being temporarily or permanently banned. 

12. reminder: this roleplay is meant to be a fun and creative space to stretch your brain muscles, let loose a bit and go wild with your ideas, etc. etc. please enjoy yourself !

name ;
irl d.o.b + age ;
irp d.o.b + age ;
role ; ex. temp, field agent, manager, head of staff, office worker, IT support, weapons creation, etc.
unique characteristic(s) ; (minimum 2) ex. rainbow wings, can't eat blueberries unless they're frozen, nocturnal, collects yu-gi-oh! cards, has three (3) fake teeth, shines their own dress shoes, etc.
bio ; (minimum 4 sentences)
password ;
any comments ; ???


➳ ᴄʜᴏɪ ʜʏᴜɴꜱᴜᴋ
name ; choi hyunsuk
d.o.b + age ; apr. 21, 1966 (56) + appears 23
role ; office staff (errand boy)
unique characteristic(s) ; the physical manifestation of his wings are tiny af (also they turn pink at the tips and flutter when he blushes (usually when nervous, embarrassed, shy, in love, etc.)), he has an extensive collection of human-made jewelry (you can always hear him coming before you see him since he jingles all the time bc of his necklaces, chains, rings, etc.)
bio ; hyunsuk is a very young angel compared to others, only just over half a century old. he started working at cupid central within the last few months, his first angelic job. he is a cupid-born angel so he wasn't transferred or demoted to his current position, which is that of errand runner, snack provider, copy maker, etc. basically, all the little jobs around the office that the higher-ups don't feel like dealing with. hyunsuk enjoys the work regardless, though he does have dreams of eventually working his way up into becoming a field agent. he's a huge romantic, but gets crushes easily. it's hard for him to tell the difference between his infatuation and true affection.

plots & connections ;
casual thursday ?? + anyone + every week on friday all angels in the office are allowed to wear more relaxed clothes rather than their business attire. it's one of hyunsuk's favorite days of the week since he gets to show off his latest fashion and jewelry. however, it seems he lost track of what day it is, because when he shows up to work decked in his colorful attire everyone else in the office is still in their formalwear. he's too embarrassed to be seen and attempts to spend most of his time hiding in the break room while still getting his work done. it's a bit of a sad - if amusing - sight, so you decide to help him. whether that means offering your jacket or a spare work outfit, or just trying to cheer him up, is up to you. 
eyez on you + field agent + (on his free days hyunsuk tails you on your missions, wanting to learn as much as he can about being a field agent before he eventually tries to apply for the same position.)
love (dust) struck + anyone (similar age, male preferred) + there is a plethora of projectiles and "weapons" used by field agents in order to spread love among humans. these include, but are not limited to: crossbows, grenades, bows and arrows, darts, etc. the one thing these all have in common is the "powder" used in them to activate the connection the cupid is trying to form between one or more people. when not used correctly, someone affected by this powder can form a connection with the first thing they see (for example: deciding a puppy you saw walking down the street is your new best friend, telling the barista that you just ordered coffee from is now your sibling in everything but blood, or falling in love with a fire hydrant). thankfully, however, if this connection is not tended to by a cupid it will (usually) go away on its own. it's just hyunsuk's luck that someone misplaced the coffee in the kitchenette with a container of of this "powder," and when attempting to reach it on the top shelf of the cabinet he managed to pull the lid off and cause the container to slip, dumping the contents right on his head. you're the person who hears the commotion and walks into the room to investigate, thus becoming the first thing hyunsuk sees - and with this amount of pink love dust floating around his head it's no surprise that he goes straight into "you are the love of my life" mode. 

➳ ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜʜʏᴜɴ
name ; kim suhyun (shin)
d.o.b + age ; mar. 18, 1854 (168) + appears 22
role ; field agent
unique characteristic(s) ; the feathers of his wings are bird-like in appearance but are razor sharp and solid as steel (they can be weilded as knives when plucked), he has a permanent scar over the bridge of his nose (it no longer hurts, but since it was caused by an angelic weapon it appears fresh)
bio ; 

happy face - jagwar twin