Personal Message

title:   『 мιѕѕιng lιnĸ 』❝ waiting for a roar °°° ᵏᶤᵈˢ ʷᶤᵗʰ ᵖᵒʷᵉʳˢ ᵃᵘ + ᶰᵉʷ + ʸᵃᵒᶤ / ᵇᵒʸˢ ᵒᶰˡʸ ⥃ PROJECT X-54 ISN'T OVER ↻ baptism - crystal castles ₁₅ ᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳˢ ᵃᶜᵗᶤᵛᵃᵗᵉˢ ᶠᶤʳˢᵗ ᵉᵛᵉᶰᵗ !!

tags: aurp, allpov, internationals, supernaturalish, (?), boysonly(?)

event ideas:
1. title tbd | they thought the organization was behind them - they couldn't have been more wrong. if they returned to their friends and families they best be prepared to say goodbye, as the organization won't let anything stand in the way of taking their little projects back. blood will be spilt, and it's up to the boys to decide if they want to fight back or run away. what's the best option, when it seems like there's no end to being followed? (basically, any powered individuals now know that they're being hunted by the organization, putting friends and family in danger. they can decide if those friends and family are injured or dead because of it. any non-powered individuals may have to run and hide with a powered individual for protection, because if the organization realizes they've seen powers being used, they will want to kill them to keep them quiet.)

2. title tbd | unknown to every powered individual a third of them have been implanted with a chip in the base of their neck, and once activated by the organization it overrides their brain functions, making them turn on their fellow powered friends. it's a battle to see who comes out stronger - those with free will, or those controlled by the organization (the organization wanting to claim only the strongest of the strong). however, there is a way to deactivate these chips and return the boys to normal - what is it though? (tbc)

3. title tbd | there are traitors among the non-powered individuals, people who either already work for the organization or have recently been recruited by it to spy on their powered friends. (tbc)




『 мιѕѕιng lιnĸ 』
kids with powers au - scroll left.
This roleplay is a little hard to explain so if you have any questions, feel free to ask an admin! The basic outline is this: in 2009 hundreds of young boys between the ages of 9 and 15 mysteriously vanished between the months of June and September. What actually happened is that they were all kidnapped by the same organization, currently unknown, because these boys all showed signs of having special powers (more about those powers below). For a decade the boys were "trained" in their abilities, as well as several other various skills (use of weapons, physical endurance, etc.). Why? Well, that's also unknown as of now. The boys - now young men - were recently released by this organization, and with nowhere to go either returned to their families or wherever they could find to sleep. Many think the organization and the hell they were put through is behind them - but is that really true?

This is an event-driven roleplay, and participation is necessary to fully enjoy the storyline.

There are two positions in this roleplay - powered individuals, and non-powered individuals. Those with powers are the ones who were kidnapped and recently released by the organization. Non-powered individuals may have a connection to them (ie. - past childhood friends, past lovers, cousins, neighbors, etc.). If you choose to be a non-powered character then you don't have to read this portion. If you choose to be a powered character, please read on.

Powered ;
Non-Powered ;

While many powers are certainly allowed in the RP not all of them will be. There are also a few rules we have in regards to people with powers.

1. You can have only one power, and you cannot have the same power as another character.
2. Your power cannot be god-level (ex. omniscience, mind control, blood manipulation, etc.).
3. If you're not sure whether or not a power is allowed, please ask an admin first!

Below we've included a list of powers that haven't been taken yet, as well as a list of powers that are banned.

- Metal Manipulation
- Telekinesis
- Telepathy
- Duplication 
- Super Strength
- Teleportation
- Levitation / Flying
- Invisibility
- Clairvoyance
- Time Travel
- Super Speed
- Fire Manipulation
- Water Manipulation
- Electricity Manipulation
- Control of Sound Waves
- Mind Reading
- Creating Illusions
- Power Negation
- Earth Manipulation
- Air Manipulation
- Weather Manipulation
- Dream Walking
- Psychometry
- Emotion Perception
- Photo Walking
- Super Hearing
- X-Ray Vision
- Astral Projection
- Perception Manipulation

- Omniscience
- Mind Control
- Blood Manipulation
- Shape Shifting
- Turning Into Animals or Objects
- Laser Vision
"Breaking news - young men between the ages of 19 and 25 thought to be missing for good have started returning to their friends and families all over the country. All of them have been confirmed to be the same boys who disappeared a decade ago between the months of June and September, known as the Calor Disappearances. Each case had been ruled a dead end in the courts when there weren't any leads. Now that they've come back, the question on everyone's mind is this - where were those boys, and what exactly happened to them? More at 5 o'clock."

It was in every newspaper, every radio show, every early morning and late night news broadcast - the Calor Disappearances. A phenomenon in which young boys all across the country mysteriously vanished without a trace. Now, a decade later, those same young boys all grown up seem to have finally returned home. Families coming together again, communities rejoicing - it seemed like the end of a decade long mystery, but little does anyone know, things are about to get so much worse, because those boys? They came back different.

o1. please favorite! upvoting is optional, but very much appreciated. // o2. this is a only roleplay, and we only accept asian faceclaims. all characters must be above the age of 18 in real life and in the rp. // o3. reservations last up to 48 hours, so please apply within that time frame. you'll be notified if your reservation expires. one character per person as this is a limited rp (cap @ 30 members). // o4. you may not roleplay any or death here, however, it may be included in your bios if you so wish. this is a semi-dark roleplay after all. that being said, rated m topics such as must be kept to rated m rooms, walls or private messages. please, also include trigger warnings on any public posts that may include themes of , death, blood, etc. // o5. ooc drama is not allowed under any circumstances. if an admin notices drama being started, you will be warned. if the problem persists, you will be removed and blacklisted. // o6. this is obviously an au roleplay, so you are not idols, actors, etc. // o7. the password is your favorite song currently. // o8. make sure to post at least once a week. we won't stress activity, but still. you will receive a warning if you haven't posted within seven days, and if you do not respond within 24 hours you will be removed from your character. // o9. if leaving or going on hiatus you must private message (pm) an admin, do not comment on the roleplay or leave without telling an admin. you will be black-listed and not allowed to rejoin if you do so. 

please scroll the blank section to your left for more roleplay information.
name /
age /
position / 
power (if powered) /
background /
password /
icon (pic) /
Lee Jeno
Admin Name
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Admin Name
Admin Name
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loosely inspired by the movie chronicle and m83's midnight city music video


⥃ lee jeno
Age: 19
Disappeared at Age: 9
Parents: Mother (Deceased, Suicide) & Father (Unknown, Remarried)
Siblings: None
Power: Dimension Manipulation (ability to create a sort of "pocket" in which he can place objects in, and take objects out - he is the only one with access to this dimension // living beings cannot survive in it - he calls it his "Dimensional Locker" of sorts)

"Holy words can't help me now."

He's standing on his best friend's porch in the pouring rain, the spitting image of that boy they used to know, the one who'd run around on the playground and smile even when he scraped his knees. Jeno isn't smiling now. Drenched to the bone and shivering he waits in the doorway as they look at him, not expecting the arms that come wrapping around his torso. For the first time in years he feels warmth. "My parents," he gets out, hugging the other boy back just as tight. "I couldn't find them. I went to the house, but someone else answered the door and I-" When his friend pulls back Jeno sees in their eyes what he hoped he wouldn't - sympathy. He can barely listen as they tell him sorry, that his mother is dead and his father moved away, practically disappeared like he did. When they offer for Jeno to come inside he nods, numb. 

He knows how to shoot a gun now. Knows how to break a man's bones to the point where he'll never be able to walk again. Can't forget how to create a crude bomb out of household items. They taught him everything, and yet he still doesn't know what it's all for.

"I stopped praying a long time ago," he says to his friend, a rueful and somewhat nostalgic smile briefly flitting across his lips. Faith easy to let go of. Jeno remembers praying, every night the first week he was kidnapped. After that it was every few days, every few weeks, until it just felt futile and he decided - if God was real he wouldn't have let this happen to him.