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title: ⊛ 艾.诶.比 ⊛ †hε h⊕ušε †hα† šh⊕ωš ψ⊕ur hεαr† || New + Open & Accepting + AU RP ✧

as a side-note. i'll make this pretty later since I'm editing it at school right now. Don't know if that really makes a difference, but it could. Just gonna keep talking to fill up this text box. Then I'll make all the text white so You don't see it. lmfao Is anyone even going to join? Maybe the concept is too weird, or I just make bad rps. Who knows. Hopefully at least one of you will be interested. I'd be happy if just one person joined. 
est. 2017

males: 00
females: 00

theme by
Introduction / Something to intrigue You
Do you know what lies in your heart? Of course not. You may think you do, but in reality you've just barely scratched the surface of your own being. You know, Sigmund Freud believed all Humans had an unconscious mind that housed all our deepest wants and desires — id, he called it. The place with no restraint, always hungry for more. Of course, this part of human nature is watched over by the rest of the mind. Most of us never really notice it, so why am I talking about it? Well, there's this house down at the end of velvet lane that reminded me of it. Come over to my place tonight, and we'll explore it when my parents are sleeping. What? Are you actually scared? ...I thought so, now come on! I wanna see what's inside. 
rules & regulations
1. Favorite the rp. Upvoting is optional, but appreciated.
2. detailed 1st and 3rd pov. Don't come in expecting to use one-liners.
3. Two characters allowed, the second after reaching 200 points.
4. M-rated topics should be kept out of the chat rooms, and any themes that may make others uncomfortable kept to walls or private messages.
5. Idols of Asian-descent only (internationals may be accepted later) 
6. Please at least try to be active. If you know you won't be, don't join (and that also goes for people who leave within two days of joining).
7. Characters are reserved for 48 Hours, then they're free to the public.
8. You must have a profile picture, and a little bit about your character up within a week of joining.
9. any other rules may be added or taken away. 

If you have any questions, just contact an admin.
application form / notes
name: ex. Gary
age: ex. 23
C or O: ex. copy (c=copy, o=original)
orientation: ex. straight
short bio (O Only): at least 3 sentences
short addiction/obsession/etc. (C only): at least 3 sentences
miscellaneous: ex. bites nails when nervous
password: # of rules

+ before reserving you may want to read the information below.
newest member
featured member
extra information / the house on velvet lane.
Yes, this roleplay is shamelessly based off Red Velvet's new song and music video Peek-A-Boo. I've taken some libterties in the interpretation, so let's say it's loosely based off it. To put it simply, you could say this is a twin rp with a dark twist.

The house on velvet lane, known throughout town as 'The Red Mansion,' is an abandoned structure that doesn't allow the public inside. However, that doesn't stop people from sneaking in. For those that go at night, they start experiencing hallucinations (visual, auditory, and physical), claim to see objects moving on their own and, perhaps strangest of all, see some-one that looks exactly like them. By that point they run out of the house, and it seems like the ordeal is over. 

What visitors don't realize, is that the house has a certain power. One that allows it to see into the mind of any visitor (if it's at night) and conjur up an alternate version of that person with one, very obvious difference. This copy doesn't restrain itself. It indulges in the urges of its original, not held back by society or reason. This wouldn't really be a problem, except for the fact that the house is starting to release these copies into what we consider the real world.

[] OOC-wise ; it's advisable to talk with your original ooc to find out what exactly the copy version would be addicted to, obsessed with, indulge in, etc. though you may join as a copy even if there is no original yet within the rp. Claim that the house gave you something to indulge in rather than your original or something along those lines.