Personal Message

title: ◃◀ ᏞᎽᏒᎥᏟᎪᏞ ᏟhᎪᎥᏁs ▶▹your life in song

about the roleplay
Everyone is born with a phrase on their back - a piece of a song that determines what they are and who they'll be. Your personality, appearance, perhaps even your species is decided by one song alone. It's a strange fate, but one you can't escape.
001. Please favorite. Upvotes are optional but very much loved!
002. All orientations & nationalities are allowed.
003. This is a 3rd & detailed 1st roleplay, so do be prepared.
004. While anything is allowed (violence, marriage, etc.) please go over it with your roleplay partner. Anything rated M should be kept in M rooms, walls or PM.
005. Password is the song your character is tied to.
006. Read all the information below before applying for your claim. If you have any questions feel free to contact an admin.
007. There will be events here and there.
008. AU roleplay, meaning you're not an idol (unless it's your job.)
009. Be creative! We want to see exciting characters and have them interact with each other. That being said, please ask other people to RP. We don't want this place to die. Use rooms as well!
010. If there is any OOC drama you will be removed immediately.
011. The inactivity sign will appear after seven days. You will be warned once before being removed.
Name: ex. Kim Taehyung
Age: ex. 22
Orientation: ex. questioning
Species: ex. vampire
Background: ex. Growing up on a small farm Taehyung was known for being different around town. His family kept watch over him and managed to feed him over the first few years on pig's blood. When this wasn't enough, they kicked him out. (etc. etc.)
Lyric(s) on Back: The kids don't care if you're all right honey // Pills don't help but it sure is funny // Gimmie gimmie some of that vampire money c'mon!
Password: ex. Vampire Money - My Chemical Romance
Password: ex. (taken songs are in the rules page!)
announcement 1 : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque aliquam lectus at porta accumsan. Vestibulum ultrices cursus nisi a fringilla. Cras convallis nisi est, imperdiet maximus urna pretium non. Cras euismod dolor vel sollicitudin lacinia.

announcement 2 : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque aliquam lectus at porta accumsan. Vestibulum ultrices cursus nisi a fringilla. Cras convallis nisi est, imperdiet maximus urna pretium non. Cras euismod dolor vel sollicitudin lacinia.

announcement 3 : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque aliquam lectus at porta accumsan. Vestibulum ultrices cursus nisi a fringilla. Cras convallis nisi est, imperdiet maximus urna pretium non. Cras euismod dolor vel sollicitudin lacinia.

announcement 4 : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque aliquam lectus at porta accumsan. Vestibulum ultrices cursus nisi a fringilla. Cras convallis nisi est, imperdiet maximus urna pretium non. Cras euismod dolor vel sollicitudin lacinia.
As far as history goes there is no beginning point for when lyrics started to appear on peoples' backs. It's just always been there. When there had only been so many songs there were even some people without the strange markings. However, this changed with the birth of technology and inovation. Since the beginning of the 20th century more music than ever has been made and distributed. Everyone has some sort of tattoo on their back, and they can't escape it. The creation of music was eventually banned by all governments in the 1990s as they saw a problem with people and how they were affected by it. Then why do the songs keep appearing? Perhaps thousands of people around the world are still making music in secret.
Literally, any song is allowed for your character. You can even use the Spongebob theme song for all I care. If your song came out after 1994 though you'll have to list it on your profile differently. You can only show the title, not the artist. This is because creating music has been banned and is punishable by law, but there are people still making it. As they're not official bands or artists it's virtually impossible to find out their names.

Vampires, werewolves, fairies, warlocks - you name it, someone's probably written a song about it. Due to a sudden surge in mystical messages in songs from around the 70s and 80s parents were surprised to have their children born as something not human. With the birth of real life supernatural creatures the world was in uproar. One side claimed they should be killed, while the other sought to welcome them. Either way the children unluckily born this way were granted the right to live by the government except for in a few obscure countries.
If you decide to make your character a species other than human there is one requirement. The song that makes them that species must directly use the word. 

ie. - A vampire. Your character can only be a vampire if the song actually says vampire. Same goes for werewolves, fairies, warlocks, time travelers, witches, ghouls, monsters, angels, demons, etc. etc. etc.

HOWEVER - this just applies to the creature aspect of your character. For any song that has a music video, you can also use that as inspiration for your character, even if it may seem like it has nothing to do with the lyrics (in the RP this is a strange phenomenon that scientists can't explain).
the admins
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque aliquam lectus at porta accumsan. Vestibulum ultrices cursus nisi a fringilla. Cras convallis nisi est, imperdiet maximus urna pretium non. Cras euismod dolor vel sollicitudin lacinia. Vivamus risus justo, tincidunt non malesuada nec, molestie faucibus mauris. Aliquam sodales iaculis ex, quis volutpat elit vulputate eu. Nullam et viverra massa.
Insert subsection or extra information here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque aliquam lectus at porta accumsan.
Number of males : 00
Number of females : 00
Number of members : 00
coded by rose-quartz