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title: ☦ 50 PERCENT ▷ ❝ These are troubled times. ❞ // A twist on your classic hybrid AU. Why don't you take a peek? ♢ O P E N ♢

established 2017
au roleplay • open and accepting • Only • detailed first and third pov
event name • 170101
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut pharetra orci. Pellentesque a vestibulum metus, eu vestibulum magna. Aliquam vitae velit diam. Etiam vel dapibus ligula. Integer non hendrerit quam.
event name • 170101
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut pharetra orci. Pellentesque a vestibulum metus, eu vestibulum magna. Aliquam vitae velit diam. Etiam vel dapibus ligula. Integer non hendrerit quam.
event name • 170101
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut pharetra orci. Pellentesque a vestibulum metus, eu vestibulum magna. Aliquam vitae velit diam. Etiam vel dapibus ligula. Integer non hendrerit quam.
event name • 170101
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut pharetra orci. Pellentesque a vestibulum metus, eu vestibulum magna. Aliquam vitae velit diam. Etiam vel dapibus ligula. Integer non hendrerit quam.
event name • 170101
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut pharetra orci. Pellentesque a vestibulum metus, eu vestibulum magna. Aliquam vitae velit diam. Etiam vel dapibus ligula. Integer non hendrerit quam.
The Population is divided. 50% are complete humans, the other half a combination of homo-sapien and canis DNA. These "half-breeds" are discriminated against and held down by the rest of the country's people. In the midst of riots and demonstrations it's going to take more than a mere Godsend to save this city.
how to join

1. Favorite the rp. Upvoting is optional, but appreciated. // 2. detailed 1st and 3rd pov. Don't come in expecting to get away with half-assed single lines. // 3. Two characters allowed, the second after 200 points. // 4. M Rated topics should be kept out of the chat rooms, and any themes that may make others uncomfortable kept to walls or private messages. // 5. only, and no internationals (as the basis of this story takes place only in Korea). // 6. Please at least try to be active. If you know you won't be, don't join.
 name:  Taehyung
 human or canis:  Canis
 occupation:  Hybrid Slave
 timezone:  gmt-8
 biography:  3 sentences
 personality:  8 words (+ & ₋)
 miscellaneous:  anything
 password:  # of rules

7. Characters are reserved for 48 Hours, then they're free to the public. // 8. You must have a profile picture, and a little bit about your character up within a week of joining. // 9. Any other rules may be added or taken away. If you have any questions, contact an admin.
more information
This is a mature roleplay, so expect rather dark themes to be present. As those with Canis DNA are treated so harshly there's bound to be scuffles, secrets, etc. If You don't feel this roleplay is right for you then don't join, Simple as that.

That being said, if You enjoy this type of roleplay, don't force anything onto your rp partner. If they're uncomfortable with something then you don't push it. If there are any problems, please contact an admin. 
All you need to know about what's been happening here.
quite a few decades ago a singular case was reported of a man going wild and killing two people within a small village. It was such an isolated case that no one thought twice about it until similar cases were popping up all over the country. When they didn't stop, and the authorities couldn't find an answer for them, Korea was forced to close its borders for possibility of an outbreak. Over time the violent acts came to a near end, but the reasons behind them did not. Males of all different backgrounds within the country reported burning sensations, waking up with different colored eyes and sharp canines. People started calling it the "Werewolf" disease, and soon enough half of the population fell under this strange predicament. What was even weirder though, was the fact that once this balance was achieved reports ceased popping up. The change was at a stand-still.

With these new-found traits accompanying half of Korea's citizens it was only a matter of time for things to take a turn for the worst. At first, those who showed the stark differences (bright unnatural eyes, sharp teeth, heightened senses) were treated horribly, but as time went on more and more people forgot that they were originally human. Laws were passed that started to downsize "Hybrid" rights (as these new creatures were labeled). Riots broke out, peace walks were organized, but nothing could have prepared Korea for the turmoil that now runs rampant through its streets.

As of a new law passed just this Spring all Hybrids are forced to wear collars that track their pulse. If their pulse rockets due to physical exertion, emotion or some other factor, they'll be shocked. Korea's current president claims it's all for the goal of decreasing hybrid-related deaths among humankind within the country. Most people don't even listen to the president anymore, what with Korea's almost dystopian state. Seoul, once bustling with energy, is now no more than a heated political ground and source of daily news for the rest of the population. Hybrid sympathizers take to the streets, while high up politicians are trying to sway the public into believing hybrids are nothing more than the scum of the earth. It's time to pick a side.
Canis Explained
please educate yourself on how hybrids work in this place.
IMPORANT // HYBRIDS DO NOT HAVE FULL ANIMAL FORMS! Hybrids do not have tails or Ears! Hybrids do not have heat/mating cycles! They are not half animal, but part animal (Teeth, Eyes, Claws, Senses, etc.).

Please read through this information carefully.

canis: canis is a genus of the canidaes containing multiple extant species, such as wolves, dogs and coyotes. // Meaning, if You choose to be someone with Canis DNA they can only be part animal of something considered canis. If you're not sure, check the animal's scientific name, or ask an admin. There are no bird hybrids, no cat hybrids, no fish hybrids, no reptile hybrids — ONLY CANIS.

Features: As stated above, Hybrids do not have ears, tails or heats. The only animal-like features they have are different colored eyes, sharp canines/other teeth, possible claws and heightened senses. In recent years Hybrids have been able to control the color of their eyes until they become extremely emotional, in which case the canis color will come out. When in an emotional state hybrids are prone to violent behavior, which is why so many laws have been placed against them. As for teeth and claws, teeth are almost always sharp (depending on the hybrid's breed) while claws are retractable. Again, just like eye color, A hybrid's claws will come out when under extreme stress, or extreme emotion. heightened senses (sight, smell, hearing, etc.) are a given among hybrids. 

+ this information may be updated or taken away from at ay time.
Possible Occupations
Specific to the roleplay, just to give you some ideas if you need 'em.
Politican. I know it seems boring, but the government is very corrupt right now, half of them trying to snuff hybrids out, the other half trying to cater to the public. You'd be surprised at the number of scandals that occur daily. Some politicians have it good, throwing fancy parties with reknowned business owners, celebrities, etc. while others only dream of climbing the ranks. It's a harsh reality.

Hybrid Rescuer. It's sad to say, but there's an extensive hybrid slave trade running throughout the country. It's a Hybrid rescuer's job to discover possible hideouts of hybrid smugglers, sneak in and get as many hybrids out as possible. Hybrid sympathizers have taken to opening shelters for those rescued, but it takes a long rehabilitation process before the hybrids are even ready to face the public.

Hybrid Slave. It's in the title. Hybrid slaves can be used for many things (Work, pleasure, etc.), but depending on who you buy from there are certain restrictions. Some hybrids are only for rent. They can only hope to be saved by a hybrid rescuer, or come up with a plot to escape the system on their own.

Hybrid Sympathizer. While not exactly an occupation these are people that Attend peaceful protests, and work towards the goal of getting hybrid legislation to work in favor of hybrids. Some choose not to show their face as they can be important public figures, and it's quite damaging to one's reputation.

Other ideas. Policeman, mayor, scientist, doctor, detective, etc.