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ooc rooms ; voice travel (ooc chat), astral plane (ic chat), comet sightings (wishlist), star-crossed lovers (couples), impact radar (spam), undiscovered (affiliates)

Ⅰ- mercury / mercurians
- based off the greek god hephaestus
- tons of tunnels & tunnel systems throughout the planet
- no buildings, plants or animals on the surface
- mercurians live within the tunnels deep under the crust due to intense heat
- ^^^ they go onto the surface when their side of the planet is facing away from the sun
- ^^^ a night on mars lasts 29 days, 7.5 hours so they must work complete work within a month's time
- skin has a golden sheen to it
- clothes are typically the color of tan or brown with gold metal accents
- collect ore and precious metals from the surface and within the planet to create their ware
- ^^^ mercurian goods are for the commoners of the universe as it is their main export and cheap
- thick skin to insulate against heat and keep in warmth during the cold work months
- work clothes have hoods and gloves to keep in heat as the month is extremely cold 
- do not need water to survive // live on nurtrients gained from ore leaf and rock dust (light diet)
- ^^^ bodies burn fuel differently than other races so they don't need to eat much to have lots of energy
- ^^^ like fire, you light it once and it goes on for a long time
- gold or bronze eyes, never any other metal
- there are no gems or jewels within the planet, only metal and stone
- animals have thick skin and eat rock, sometimes pests from eating through tunnels

Ⅱ- venus / venusians
- based off the greek/roman goddess aphrodite/venus
- deep purple eyes, glow when feeling strong emotion or during
- majority population is female
- the male population is forced to live in venus' largest crater (known on earth as mead)
- the male population is looked down upon and regarded as lesser than their sisters
- they must have at least once a month, it is their main food source
- ^^^ venus is heavily populated with special hotels for this
- ^^^ es, hookers, strippers, etc. are not looked down upon
- the male population is mainly used by the female population to birth children
- ^^^ males from venus can get pregnant via male, female or other
- venusians are extremely beautiful and ethereal, so much they can almost hypnotize people
- ^^^ can influence the actions of others through their eyes (a developed skill)

Ⅲ - earth / earthlings
- same old, same old

Ⅳ - mars / martians
- clothes protect skin from dust storms & tornados
- ^^^ everyone has a mask so they don't inhale dust
- few martians have the ability to creat dust devils
- clothing is typically red or dark red with brown accents like belts and buckles
- martian sand is melted and formed into beautiful glass jewelry with magma from mount olympus

Ⅴ - asteroid belt / outlaws
- home to rest stops, cafes, taverns/bars, guilds and the black market
- frequented by those who've left their home planet or are outlaws (of their planet or the ss)
- businesses are located on the largest asteroids of the belt
- ^^^ some great ones have been lost due to being pulled by other planets' orbits
- the solar system (ss) police often make their rounds here due to high crime levels

Ⅵ - jupiter / jupiturians
- the royalty and leaders of the solar system
- extremely regal, wealthy and above all powerful
- the king, queen and royal family have simple white/cream colored headpieces
- all wear long robes and gowns
- smallest population among all the planets
- palace is located near the core of the gas giant
- noble families populate jupiter's 4 largest moons while commoners live on the other 63
- powers range from telekinesis to mind reading to freezing things // all hands-off abilities
- stay out of planetary conflicts though they do have an impressive army
- the great red spot is a storm hiding the resistance of juptier's rule
- ^^^ right beneath their noses because it is forbidden for a jupiturian to enter the storm

Ⅶ - saturn / saturnines
- i barely remember this one
- i think each belt (7) of jupiter was like a district or something
- it's cold on the belts so everyone wore clothes to keep themselves warm
- people don't live in the planet? just the belts?

Ⅷ - uranus / urasians
- the most colorful of all planets
- urasians are gaseous beings with completely humanoid appearances
- long hair, varying in two shades of color (can be green, blue - pink, yellow - red, orange and so on)
- also the most friendly of all the planets
- extremely welcoming and love to show off their culture
- a culture for singing! everything is based on song. they communicate in song
- when the barely visible ring of uranus is at just the right point every citizen sings together
- ^^^ usually a special time of year 
- no ruling king or queen
- a very lax race that does not have an army or defense
- neutral in conflict but unlike jupiter gives help to those who need it
- only alliance is neptune 'cause they're buds

Ⅸ - neptune / neptunians
- genderless beings that take male or female appearances
- no homes within the planet
- they are gaseous beings with fish-like tails, a mermaid/man appearance
- relationships are more-so like bonds and taken very seriously
- when a neptunian enters a relationship with another neptunian their tails fuse together
- if a neptunian enters a relationship with another creature they inhabit their body
- extremely close with urasians (as they're both gaseous beings)
- appearance shifts when angry // lots of teeth, big scary eyes
- they can freeze their nails into claws as well as their teeth when threatened to attack

Ⅹ- pluto / plutonians
- it's coming back to me
- rock-like creatures with icy blue grooves in their build
- these grooves have liquid ice flowing in them
- can freeze anything they touch
- the tallest beings in the solar system (under them jupiturians)
- peaceful when not bothered
- mindset is similar to that of an animal, not a fully develop people
- humanoid though not as much as other races
- few have started to actually develop something like skin, eyeballs, teeth, etc.
- most remain in their rocky, icy form (cannot switch back and forth - either one or slowly into the other)
- cannot be near heat and therefore only traverse between uranus and neptune
- kinda of like puppies, they are slow but warm up to affection

title of roleplay
open + under co.
f - 00
M - 01
T - 01
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ex arcu, fringilla vitae nulla quis, varius ultricies mi. Maecenas convallis ultricies posuere. Nulla sed magna pulvinar, facilisis massa non, faucibus est. Quisque in ullamcorper velit, et elementum mi. Proin vitae pharetra ex. Nullam at libero faucibus, lobortis odio eget, sagittis nibh. Sed id ante sed enim venenatis tincidunt in id lectus. Integer dictum leo ac dolor ullamcorper venenatis.

Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque nulla libero, malesuada vel turpis et, sollicitudin tempor erat. Sed ipsum augue, fringilla non ex eleifend, hendrerit consequat lectus. Aliquam id arcu posuere, ultricies nulla vel, consequat sem.

rules + guidlines
Donec consectetur sodales tellus ac semper. Pellentesque rhoncus at erat nec mattis. Nam tempor diam eu ex consectetur ornare. Nullam auctor ante sed purus lacinia consectetur. In quis rutrum lacus, in convallis eros. Suspendisse pulvinar porta enim quis iaculis. Suspendisse a consectetur mi. Mauris a velit ac diam elementum maximus. Phasellus elit eros, vulputate non faucibus ut, sollicitudin nec enim. Sed nec augue mollis, aliquam sem sit amet, tristique odio. Praesent in nisi vel quam convallis gravida.

Ut sollicitudin porta rhoncus. In at auctor risus. Praesent sapien velit, euismod sed dui vel, blandit porttitor nisi. Aenean tempus dolor sapien, sit amet auctor nibh dictum non. Suspendisse ultricies mauris id porta congue. Etiam non mi gravida, efficitur lorem eu, consequat velit. Suspendisse sollicitudin fringilla velit ac tincidunt. Vivamus viverra ultrices magna, eget dignissim massa iaculis sit amet.

plot name - male or female - genre - availability

Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices.

plot name - male or female - genre - availability

Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices.

plot name - male or female - genre - availability

Vivamus in mi eget libero lobortis mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eu tellus ac lectus venenatis consequat. Donec tempor blandit magna rutrum pellentesque. Donec tincidunt malesuada nunc sit amet posuere. Vivamus est metus, fringilla et tristique sit amet, dictum eu lectus. Nam luctus sapien quis sapien pretium, ac mattis lacus ultrices.

Suspendisse sem eros, bibendum a enim eu, hendrerit mattis dolor. Aenean at lorem maximus, porta urna sed, tempor sem. Nullam vitae nulla nunc. Morbi mollis urna quis arcu tristique venenatis. Sed vitae lorem rutrum, bibendum lacus mattis, tristique mi. Donec justo risus, vestibulum eget purus ut, ornare vestibulum felis. Phasellus et diam lectus. Curabitur in cursus lacus. Praesent dignissim augue in pulvinar imperdiet. Maecenas interdum, quam at maximus tincidunt, ante velit mollis ipsum, sed vestibulum leo lacus in ipsum. Integer et mauris id ligula aliquam commodo. Proin id ultricies lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus posuere consequat diam eu ultrices.

Events & Announcements
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