
there is an urban legend that the [NAME HERE] art exhibit is haunted. wherever it moves from museum to museum, strange occurrences have taken place. flickering lights, falling objects, patrons receiving minor injuries - there was even a time when a museum employee fell from a two story window. she claimed to have been pushed, but there was no one in same room as her when the incident happened. other than these though, the "curse of [NAME HERE]'s artwork" has remained as just that, an urban legend, and one that not many people truly believe in. what people don't realize, until they've been into the alternate world this artist, is that the "curse" is very much real, and it does not let you escape once you're in its grasp.

*inspired by the rpg maker horror game ib, in which a young girl gets trapped in an alternate, horrifying version of a museum gallery, and must escape without being killed by the artwork that comes to life.

*in this roleplay there are two roles: HUMAN PRISONER and LIVING ARTWORK

*moving away from the original storyline of ib, the story of the "curse" in this roleplay goes as such: the artist, fully leaning into the "tortured/suffering artist" archetype, and after decades of creating hundreds of pieces of art, died alone and full of negative emotion. this emotion was so strong that it created a "curse-like" effect in which an alternate/bubble dimension was created housing all the artist's work. beyond this, some of the artwork even came to life. this dimension in people that visit galleries with the artist's work displayed, trapping them in a terrifying version of a museum, in which they have to try their best not to be killed by the living artwork.

*not ALL living artwork characters are evil/out to get the humans, but MOST of them are. very few work in favor of the humans, and if they're not actively hunting them down, they are most likely indifferent towards humans.

*another way this rp differs from the regular storyline of ib is that i want people from all different eras (past to present) to be trapped in the museum. they do not age when they are trapped in the alternate dimension. some people have been here for years without being able to escape. as long as they have their rose/item to keep them alive, they do not need to eat, sleep, wash, etc. it's as if time has stopped for their body.

% melo's character(s)

fc ??

coming soon...

(the only idea i have right now is that this person has already been trapped once by the exhibit, but managed to escape several years ago. they have become trapped again after visiting a museum after a friend convinced them to go, not realizing that [NAME HERE]'s exhibit was also there, until they saw a familiar piece of art. by then it was too late to escape, and now they're back again, to the place that has haunted their nightmares ever since they left.)

(connection: when they were first into the alternate dimension this character had a complicated relationship with one of the living artworks. the living artwork wanted to keep this character all to themselves, even from the other living artwork in the dark museum. they intended on trapping this character in the alternate dimension forever, but this character ended up escaping both the artwork and the dimension. now that this character is back, will that living artwork be waiting for them?)

(more plot: should this character have been in a relationship/been married before they got into the gallery the first time ?? they could have had a spouse and maybe even a young child, but then disappeared one day, never to be seen again - until some years later. but by then they had been pronounced dead, and their spouse had remarried. it's been hard reconnecting with their child, but they're trying. and now they've been trapped again.)