
far into the future and hidden deep within a top secret facility, is a place where ethics only serve to get in the way of progress. a small branch of the totalitarian government that seeks to experiment beyond the normal scope of weapons, energy and cyberspace. this is where animals and plants, and recently, humans, have been the subject of many a tests, procedures, invasive surgeries, mutations, experiments and more. kept behind thick iron walls and reinforced glass, these experiments are closely monitored, and eventually discarded if the "scientists" in charge find no use for them. some experiments involve splicing human and animal dna to create super soldiers, others involve implanting cybernetic parts into the human brain, or even going so far as to lopping off someone's limbs after experimenting with regrowth factors to see if they'll grow back. as of now, the government is in charge, and those behind bars are expected to lay down and take it. but perhaps soon, there will be a change in the status quo.

% melo's character(s)

lee dongwook + experiment

coming soon...

(one of the human/animal experiment types, trying to create a thing with a human appearance, but the skills and instincts and killing intent of a predator. they've gotten pretty darn close, enough so that he's considered highly dangerous, and thus, must be locked up 24/7 or closely monitored when out of his cell. as a plot i'm considering, i want him to get close to one of the scientists, one that he can tell is softer than the rest. he plays the sympathy card(s), of which he has an endless supply, and strings them along until, eventually, they let their guard down much too far. low enough that he has an opportunity to escape. in the end, i considered him killing them, teeth straight for the jugular, blood in his mouth, coating the floor and walls, BUT it could also just be a super angsty betrayal once the scientist realizes they've been played for a fool. perhaps, they have finally been proven what the others have said about dongwook all along - he's only an animal now, what were you expecting?)