Personal Message

Reela Koelson || Riri || 21 || Wonderlandian Citizen || Lepidoterist

Reela was born to two eccentric noble parents, a well known pianist mother, Talia Koelson, and a rich entomologist father, Olair Koelson. Growing up her life was filled with music and insects, music she loved while insects she hated until she discovered butterflies and moths. Her father taught her how to capture and look after the flying creatures and then how to preserve them once they had died, and Reela was a quick learner. Unfortunately her father was recently killed by beastfolk and Reela was left distraught, now living with just her mother as she tries to fill their home with butterflies and moths.


Reela used to be a bright and cheerful girl, the kind of girl who'd lie in the fields with you, laughing and giggling, shouting out the shapes in the clouds. Since her father died she's withdrawn a lot since then. It's almost as though she's convinced herself that if she throws herself fully into studying her bugs she'll be able to find a way to bring him back. She's been teetering on the edge of insanity ever since that day


  • Dresses for how it looks rather than for comfort or practically. She can often be seen in a muddy field with a butterfly net wearing a floor length ball gown and high heels