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⚘ : elio donum
⚘ : elio donum
⚘ : elio donum
to escape and sit quietly on the beach,
that's my idea of paradise - emilia wickstead
current muse
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reply speed
present mood
basic information
Name: Elio Donum
D.O.B: June 6, 2000 (23)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Species: Terran
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea
Current Residence: Paradisi, Greece
Known Languages: Korean, English
Occupation: Pro Beach Volleyballer
Romantic: Biromantic
ual: Biual
Relationship Status: Single
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
SNS: @elio.donum (public)
SNS: @sunslvt (private)

FC: NCT Lee Donghyuck/Haechan
Height: 5'9" (174cm)
Weight: 126lbs (57kg)
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Body Modifications: Earlobes (1s)
Notable Characteristics: Scar on his lip from a fall as a child, birthmark on his left hip in the shape of a crescent, smattering of moles all over his face and body.
Dress Style: Casual, sporty, shorts & t-shirts, wicking jackets, sneakers.
early life : nostalgic memories
Elio was born and initially raised in Seoul, South Korea by his Korean-American father and Korean mother. When he turned seven the small family of three ended up moving to Jeju Island where Elio got his first true taste of life by the sea.

His childhood was by all definitions "normal" for any Terran. He went to school and had several friends that he would regularly hang out with, and his grades were average. The one thing that possibly stood out about Elio was his infectiously bright personality and his budding passion for beach volleyball.

At first it started as a hobby, just a game his friends and him would play on the sandy shores after classes to wind down. It very quickly became more than a hobby for Elio as he found himself constantly thinking about the next time he could get to the beach to play more. He decided to join his school's beach volleyball team and from there it was a true sport to him.

For several years Elio played on this team and while he was passionate about the game it wasn't his main focus. He still made time to study and see his friends, or go on trips with his parents.

It was when his parents announced that they were getting a divorce that Elio threw himself into his training. He needed a distraction. His grades began to suffer and he was becoming more emotionally volatile. A problem kid, some might call him, though Elio didn't end up going so far as to actually stir up trouble.

His head coach of the high school beach volleyball team was actually the one to help him most through the sudden changes in his life. Elio learned his best habits from the man, and it was he who helped Elio work through his complicated emotions.

By the time he was in his second to last year of high school Elio had become more well-adjusted and assured in himself. It was during this time that he was scouted by the Korea Volleyball Association to join their beach volleyball team.
career zenith : before the fall
When he accepted the offer by the K.V.A Elio did not realize just how busy his life was going to become.

His final year of high school was the busiest of his life. Not only was he preparing for his final exams, he also had to split his time between studying and practicing. When he wasn't reading over his textbooks he was making the long journey to the K.V.A training center on the other side of Jeju Island, and sometimes even having to travel to mainland Korea several times a month to meet with other players and coaches.

That didn't even account for the visits between his mother and father who no longer lived in the same house. Elio stayed with his mother most of the time since she remained on Jeju Island, but his father returned to Seoul and was often in the United States due to his job at the time, so Elio rarely saw him as often.

It was a grueling schedule and there were plenty of times when Elio felt like giving up, but he continued to push himself.

He graduated high school and was officially a full member of the K.V.A men's beach volleyball team. Instead of pursuing college like his parents initially wanted him to Elio decided that he wanted to focus on a professional beach volleyball career. His father supported this decision, and although his mother didn't agree with it, she gave in a few weeks after he told them.

Now that Elio had all the time he could to dedicate to his newfound career path he did just that. He wanted to become the best player he could be, and it paid off. After winning several national and international competitions with his teammates Elio was on track to joining the South Korean Olympic Men's Volleyball team.

To Elio it felt like a dream once he realized how far he had gotten.

He was freshly 20 and still had a little baby fat on his cheeks when he walked into that olympic stadium for the first time. And as if it couldn't feel anymore unreal, through their hard work and skills Elio and his team won gold that year. The perfect end to feel good story.
latest chapter : up side view
- after the 2020 summer olympics elio goes on to participate in more national and international tournaments
- he prepares to enter the 2024 olympic games but suffers an injury in the middle of the pre-season. it's enough to put him out of this years games
- struggling with his slow recovery and being unable to participate with his teammates elio parly spirals back into a bad mindset & habits
- it is suggested by his friends, family, team members and coaches that he should return home or take a trip to take his mind off things
- elio isn't sure why he picked paradisi, but he's been on the island since august of last year, and doesn't intend on leaving any time soon
- he's still struggling since he's mostly healed now but still hasn't been cleared for playing. his coaches are worried that he'll reinjure himself worse if he gets back into the game too soon.
- elio spends his days around paradisi, taking in the sights and enjoying the food
- he still plays beach volleyball whenever he can though he has to take extra steps to make sure he doesn't strain and reinjure himself, so he's playing more for fun and to keep his muscles and range of motion in shape than training for anything professional at the moment
personality & details
The beach, sunny days, drinking cold water, mints, new sneakers, pretty much any kind of sweet (unless it's peanut butter flavored), soju, teddy bears.
Being sick, crayfish, jellyfish, filling out legal forms, horror movies, sitting at home for too long, techno music.
He sleeps with a teddy bear sometimes, he doesn't always follow his sports-mandated diet, he has a really good singing voice but for some reason he's shy to show others.
Due to a previous injury (unrelated to his beach volleyball career) he sometimes gets very sore/stiff in the back of his neck; those days he usually stays inside and lays around in bed, taking pain meds and trying to relax until it goes away.
For this damn probation period to end so he can attend the 2024 Olympic Games. Would also really like a significant other; he is a romantic at heart and dreams of a story-like love, though with his moderate level of fame and the level of training he does it's hard to meet someone outside of his circle.
other information
Opinion on Thalassans: He honestly does not know enough about Thalassans to have a strong opinion about them. He initially did not grow up in an area close to a Thalassan settlement, nor an rea that was deeply connected with religion either. Although he sees Thalassans much more often now that he's staying on Paradisi he feels indifferent towards them. However, he may have some unknown prejudices against them based on things he's heard from others before.

Good Habits:
1. Always makes sure to drink enough water everyday.
2. Listens intently and remains engaged when someone is speaking to him (usually).
3. Leaves a first aid kit in his car in case of emergencies, and restocks it regularly.

Bad Habits:
1. Often ignores his own negative emotions, thus he is poor at regulating them.
2. Falls asleep in his day clothes when he's too tired to change into pajamas.
3. Will forgot to bring his phone with him when he leaves the house.
❛ name here ; relationship
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
❛ name here ; relationship
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
❛ name here ; relationship
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
❛ name here ; relationship
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
open starters
❛ sandy slip ; open
injury, potential hurt/comfort, potential friendship, angst
The sun beats down on Elio's back, highlighting the patches of skin uncovered by his tank top like butterfly wings. Right now the heat feels...

~ beach
❛ missing money ; open
humor, potential friendship, slice of life, food, getting to know each other
coming soon...
❛ bursting bubbles ; open
near drowning, potential injury, potential friendship, thalassan preferred but not necessary
coming soon...
out of character
Hi! My name is Melo; you can call me by that or by my character(s) names, either is fine. I live in GMT-5/EST and you'll mostly see me at random times throughout the day. I do work part-time (hoping to get a full-time job soon), so I'm not always available. If you're interested in plotting or making a connection between our characters, please read the rest of this section!
For POV preference I only use 3rdPOV and my replies can range between semi, para and novella. The longer the post the longer it usually takes for me to respond. I do my best to mirror, but don't feel pressured to do the same as long as you give me something I can work with. Note: I can be very slow with replies sometimes, so if you prefer a faster pace I may not be the best writing partner.
I prefer plotting since it gives me more confidence in my threads, but I am also open to winging an interaction and seeing where it takes us. I do ask that regardless of plotting or winging if you plan on including any rated M/potentially triggering topics, please discuss it with me first. My location preferences are ROOM > WALL > PM. Private messages I usually reserve for OOC content and admin duties.
Please do not "poke" me for a response. I don't make a habit of forgetting replies and it's more likely that I'm busy or struggling with my muse. That being said, if it's been more than two (2) weeks feel free to reach out to me.
Regarding topics like romance and I don't usually roleplay these outside of people that I know/I'm comfortable with. This may also apply to certain rated M/potentially triggering topics. I ask that you please respect this.
If at any point you wish to change something in our thread or drop it altogether, please notify me! I will also endeavor to do the same.