Personal Message

basic information

name: lee seunghyub.
aliases: mr. lee, teacher lee, hyub, seungseung (just jaehyun).
age: 31 years old.
birthday: october 31, 1992.
occupation: history teacher for high school seniors.
residence: seoul, south korea.
height: 181cm, 6'0.
hair color: black hair.
eye color: brown.
body type: muscular, toned torso & arms.
education: seoul national university, history (bachelor's) & english language + literature (master's).
mbti: infj, the counselor.
hogwarts house: gryffindor-ravenclaw.

character history

- finished military service (2 years) at 23, after graduating from university at 21. only barely finished master's degree at 25 and was set to become a professor at seoul national university.
- seunghyub's classmate took credit for seunghyub's work before he was graduating with his master's. his classmate framed seunghyub for plagiarism and eventually the school let seunghyub graduate but because of supposed "plagiarism" he was not give the position at the university.
- with his job prospect ripped away from him, he entered as a history teacher at a nearby high school. with his credentials he was given the history teaching position for the senior students.
- he was extremely suspicious of seolhyun, who entered the same year as jaehyun, because he thought she was not being genuine with her kindness and excitement as a new teacher. he was actually just deeply reminded of himself before his then-life's work and academic position was taken away from him.

personality & notes

- seunghyub is 3 years older than seolhyun. he is two years her senior as a faculty member at the high school.
- grumpy or silent most of the time, rarely gets involved in his co-worker's business, aside from hun, his close friend and the high school music teacher.
- is snappy and sarcastic when his peace is disturbed, tends to provoke people he likes to tease, almost a little too far (seolhyun).
- his anger is misdirected, his rough personality probably formed because he thought being too "nice" would ruin his future, so he went to the other way.
- is actually an excellent teacher and is loved by his students because he treats them as basically intelligent almost-adults instead of stupid children. this is because his training is more tailored for college-age students. his teaching style is a little harsh but he is charismatic and keeps the attention of his listeners.
- according to graduation data, 100% of the 3rd year students that passed through his class have gotten into the top 10 universities in south korea, majority being in sky universities. since his entering the staff, the school's ranking had gone up.
- a weekend alcoholic for a few months after seolhyun enters the faculty because of his anxiety and ptsd being triggered by her perceived manipulation (kindness).
- was the typical "bad boy" growing up, a bit rebellious but deeply values intelligence and later on, educating other people especialy students. he still managed to have a good social life during university and during his master's, keeping a fair amount of friends and having casual with girls.


- likes - peace and quiet, reading books, jogging, classic novels, cleanliness, , grading papers, shopping for suits.
- dislikes - loud noises, big parties.
- skills - english (fluent), korean (fluent), korean history, western history, essay-writing, kickboxing, cooking korean stews.
- fears - seeing his classmate again, job insecurity, losing his memories.
- dreams - (early) becoming a professor at a top three school, seeing his mother and brother happy and secure.
- nsfw - dominant/versatile, praise, teasing, semi-public , "forbidden" , more tba.

npc connections

- cha hun - music teacher, his closest friend since they both have similar personality types and are close in age. they both like their peace, even if early on their conversations were complete silence.
- kim jaehyun - biology teacher, close-ish friend and younger brother figure. enjoys dragging seunghyub into his shenanigans. seolhyun's work bestie and her wingman (without her consent).
- lee jiseok - father, doctor, deceased. died when seunghyub was 13. seunghyub took his place as 'man of the house' at 13.
- cha seungyeon - mother, former housewife, now restaurant owner. positive relationship. has a similar personality to seolhyun, but seunghyub doesn't realize this.
- lee seungseok - younger brother, 29 years old, chemist and researcher. more or less at the same level of maturity as seunghyub, barely a younger brother since they both had to help their mom when she became a single mother.

plot timeline / threads

(a) welcoming dinner, he's attracted to her visually but dislikes what he believes her personality to be (seunghyub at 27, seolhyun being 24 in her first year)
(b) drunk call incident > weekend alcoholic, stripping seunghyub, him sleeping in seolhyun's bed (6-7 months into seolhyun's first year)
(c) weird relationship after the incident, no other teachers know about it (seunghyub at 30, seolhyun at 27)
(d) faculty asks seolhyun for help, rivalry starts as they're interacting again (seunghyub at 31, seolhyun at 28) > eventually blossoms into them letting out their pent up anger into , being buddies and slowly into unspoken romance.
(e) seolhyun goes behind seunghyub's back to take silent, legal revenge against seunghyub's old classmate. she succeeds and seunghyub is offered a professor position at snu again. he refuses, realizing he loves teaching high school students and doesn't want to see seolhyun less.