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Lee Chaerin  | Supernatural- Demon | Biual


Human form: Hair: Grayish ► Complexion: Fair Height: 164cm

Demon Form: Winged Demon with tiny horns pertruding on her forehead. Pointed ears and fangs like a wolf. 


Born in the modern-supernatural world, Lee Chaerin is one of many offsprings of Lamia, a queen turned demon by the gods eons ago. Her 'family' thrown in the pits of the underworld but had the ability to lurk in the shadows, seducing any creatures they encounter. Chaerin is destined for great power like her siblings but they must serve the demon lord. Enslaved by the curse, Chaerin must devour the innocent in order to fill the hunger inside. Centuries of killings only left her empty and craving for more. She particularly loved to present herself as a beautiful woman with special surprises that awaits her prey.