Personal Message

basic information

  • Nickname(s): cebby.
  • manufactured Date: october 3rd.
  • android type: tc6400.
  • Place of Birth: canturi.
  • Occupation: cybernetic bulwark.
  • Orientation: greyual.
  • MBTI: coming soon.
  • Enneagram: The Peacemaker/Giver.
  • Temperament: Sanguine.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good.


  • Height: 171 cm/5'7.
  • Weight: 187 lbs.
  • Hair Color: Blue.
  • Eye Color: Blue.
  • Piercings: Ears.
  • Tattoos: barcode on left inner wrist.
  • Scars: none.
  • Clothing Style: Casual.
23 notes。

all about haewon

When CB97 awoke in the underbelly of Canturi, he had no recollection of how he'd gotten there. He had been cast away with the garbage, his memory bank wiped and his body badly damaged. His cybernetic leg had been disconnected at the hip, likely stripped by bold scrappers who'd found him while he was in hibernation mode. He was lucky that was all they seemed inclined to dismember him for... Or all they had time to. As he got his bearings and struggled to turn his head to look around, he felt a stiffness in his neck that wasn't from a lack of motion. It was a pressure at his nape, one that he'd come to associate with the invasive feeling of being plugged in whenever his software required an update. Startling into awareness, the android pushed himself up and reached back to pull the cables free, but a gentle voice gave him pause.

"Woah there." A scruffy, elderly man came into view and tried to soothe him, holding up his wrinkled hand placatingly. "So you /are/ alive in there. I wasn't sure if you'd start back up. You've taken quite a beating... Now, for the sake of not causing any further insult, I can go through the proper steps of disconnecting you or... you can let me finish my analysis so we can figure out the extent of the damage, hm?"

That was how CB's new life began. The one the old man had given to him. Still, a part of him could never move on from the missing pieces in his memory. Why had he ended up down there? Who had thrown him away... and would they come back to finish the job?

  • cb97 was once a bodyguard for a high profile senator. however, after accidently discovering some information revealing the deeper corruption in politics, his memory bank was wiped and he was cast into the garbage.
  • he does not remember the person he used to serve, nor why he was decommissioned. he's only vaguely aware of what his purpose could have been because of what type of android he is.
  • since the old man died, cebby has been taking up whatever odd jobs in the slums that he can while trying to keep a low profile.
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Quote text goes right here. Say as much as you want, but try to keep this short too because quotes can get unweildy if too long and stuff.

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personality information

positive traits

Polite, friendly, mutable。

negative traits

wary yet naive and easily swayed, wants to see the good in everyone。


coming soon。


cruel or corrupt people, criminals。


coming soon。


coming soon。


being found by those who wanted to destroy him。

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title or subtitle...

paragraph text goes here. if you need another paragraph, just hit enter and it will be automatically spaced for you. i don't really know what to say, so I'm just gonna type filler text after this paragraph ends.

  • dating since 00 month 0000.
  • engaged since 00 month 0000.
  • married since 00 month 0000.

here is an extra paragraph. like i said, this is just filler text. use this if you need it.

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all to you

sabrina claudio

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description coming soon.

  • open
  • childhood friends
  • unhealthy lifestyle

partner in crime

description coming soon.

  • open
  • work friends
  • trusted

secret lover

description coming soon.

  • open
  • friends with benefits
  • wanting to be more but can't

miscellaneous ideas

  • coming soon
  • coming soon
  • coming soon
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