Byun Baekhyun

to me,
with love.

Baekhyun was always intrigued of his lineage. Being the great grandson of Kim, a wolf that married someone from the opposing pack and sired twins. From then on generations after, Baekhyun grew up with both bloods coursing through his body. Yet, he never felt any hatred towards the other side as many would say. As long as no one tried to ruin his happiness, his pack was all he knew. Although being an omega, he was petite, pretty, body of an omega, he could still kick . His great grandfather was a warrior and he would be damned to not carry on those traditions. Baekhyun hoped of finding his other half like his grandparents but he was not going to focus on that. He would ensure his own happiness, for now, he would be in tune with his own pack. Never backing down.

Going on long walks is something that always calmed Baekhyun. Being blessed with two eye colors: right eye color being a deep blue, left eye being a golden honey. Having both bloodlines really opened up his mind to accepting more than just one side of the story. He never really went against anything since he had both bloodlines to think of. After training Baek eventually did a tribute tattoo of his great grandfather. A lunar marking of a warrior runs up his right hand, up to his neck. Baekhyun proudly wears his tribute and will never back down from a fight, only would if he knew the odds are against him.

• • •
trivial information.

basic information.

  • Nickname(s): Baekkie. Baek. Pup
  • Date of Birth:May 6.
  • Place of Birth: Soleluna. Stella
  • Current Residence: Stella lands.
  • Occupation: Healer. Amongst other things
  • ual Orientation: Love me my men
  • Romantic Orientation: Bottom boy<3
  • Relationship Status: Single.

appearance notes.

  • Height: 5' 9"
  • Weight: 71kg
  • Hair Color: Silverish
  • Eye Color: Right eye: deep blue, Left Golden honey
  • Piercings: Tongue piercing
  • Scars: Training scars on lower back, a scar on his lip
  • Tattoos: Lunar tribute tattoo
  • Clothing Style: Whatever I get my hands on.
how far they've come.
their history.

Baek is the type to want familial bonds or even best friend relationships. Having a loved one is something he never envisioned for himself. Reasons being he was betrayed by someone he thought would be his forever. His other half. Yet, that blew up in his face, knowing he was just used. Used for his naive mindset. Having fallen for someone that only saw him as a bet. His innocence exploited and used as some type of prize. Now. He doesn't believe in finding someone. Who would he even trust in? After his innocence was ruined, that is when he fully started focusing on his training. No longer willing to be some joke. No more.

who they are.
their personality.

basic summary.

Ask me。

their likes.

Eating, Napping, cuddling (with someone he trusts), swimming, hunting, training, and shifting。

their dislikes.


their hobbies.


their secrets.

Scared of spiders。

their fears.

Being used again。

their bad habits.

Biting lips, scratching new wounds。

the light of their life.
their beloved.
00 month 2020

Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

the mun behind them.
about their typist.

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。Hello hello everyone! You can call me Gen or Genny. I am 25 years old. (Wish I was lying) I work as a Secretary in a High School, so I see crazy from time to time, from vaping to naughty things on campus

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 I do 3rd POV and detailed 1st.

•.*★ plotting style。 Lets brainstorm together

I tend to forget who I replied to. So if you have not heard from me in three days. Please poke me lol

•.*★ overall。I love rp'ing with people. So yeah^^

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 After three days, poke me. You lose interest? Tell me. I have been ghosted before and look stupid asking if you still want to continue. So avoiding that.

I am constantly on. Sometimes forget to reply, so forgive me. But I try not to be on when home. Parent's are fully Catholic and they think I will go to hell for rp'ing^^ So my replies will vary.

Location Preferences


who they know.
their connections.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.