
huening kai
CAMIDOL • twenty one • playlist

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( 02.12.24 ) Currently am accepting plots or threads. Please PM to discuss details !
los angeles, usa
Played an awesome fully sold out show tonight at The Roxy. Thank you to all my little devils who came to see us rock. 
seoul, south korea
Met a cute stray today! She was friendly and let me pet her after I fed her some teriyaki chicken. Now she won't stop following me... Might name her Pumpkin.
What are some things we should know before we approach you to rp?
asked by

MUN. General information about the writer.
  • OOC Alias: rosetea, rosie, cyber (derived from an old username). Feel free to call me whatever you want !
  • OOC Age: 25 Years.
  • Pronouns: She / They.
  • Timezone: GMT–8 / PST.
WRITING STYLE. I prefer detailed 1st pov (aka script) for casual threads and 3rd pov (aka para) for plot–heavy or emotional threads. I'm not picky though and will happily use whichever pov is your preference !

My reply lengths can range from semi–para to novella. I will try my best to mirror your replies, but sometimes I might give less or more. Lengths will simply fluctuate and depend on my muse.

PLOTTING. Please read my profile thoroughly and have a basic plot or connection idea in mind before approaching me. I enjoy plotting, but am equally happy to "wing it" with impromptu or unplotted threads if things flow right ! I'm up for any genre and have few triggers, so the sky is the limit.

TRIGGERS. My triggers include ia or any NSFW content that involves minors under the age 18, or ual assault (cnc and dubcon is an exception), , or piss, and foot es.

If your character has a triggering background or experience (for example, your character was assaulted) then I can handle discussing such topics in detail for the sake of plotting or IC conversations. Please just put a trigger warning when needed. If you fail to put a trigger warning, I will give you a personal warning; If you don't put a trigger warning next time, I will drop all of our plots without hesitation.

Please tell me if you have any triggers of your own before we begin plotting or roleplaying. I will always do my best to respect and be considerate of your triggers.

NSFW. I will ONLY do NSFW threads with those who are 18+ OOC and IC. I am clearly more than eager to write and would prefer there is some chemistry between muses. Given the nature of the rp I am more than accepting of PWP, please just be sure to establish some connection or scenario with me first!

ACTIVITY. I sometimes might be slow with replies. Usually because the reply lengths are very long and unfortunately it requires a lot of brainpower for me to write multiple paragraphs. I could also simply be too busy OOC to get replies done quickly.

Feel free to poke me for our thread(s) if I haven't given you any replies for longer than a week. Even with my tracker, sometimes I may get busy and forget.

We can always drop or pick up threads for any reason. Just be sure to communicate with me so we are both on the same page, I promise there will be no hard feelings.

LOCATIONS. I will ONLY roleplay in public rooms. If for some reason we cannot find a public room to use for our thread, then we can roleplay in group PM as a very last resort. I usually will refuse to roleplay on walls, but I might make exceptions depending.
general information
✶ ⁞   Basic Trivia.
  • Birth Name: Kai Kamal Huening.
  • Alias(es): Schneewittchen / Snow White (nickname given by his parents) — Angel of Death (alter ego induced by psychosis).
  • Date of Birth: 14 August 2002 (21).
  • Zodiac Sign: Leo.
  • Place of Birth: Hamburg, Germany.
  • Current Location: Seoul, South Korea.
  • Ethnicity: Korean–German.
  • Occupation: Listed in order of most recent.
    • Cam Idol / Worker (current).
    • Rock Musician; Vocals and guitar (current).
    • Actor; Stage theatre and operas (occasional).
    • Bartender (former).
  • Religion: Neopagan occultist, with influences from Heathenry traditions and Germanic mythos.
  • Education: Highschool dropout.
  • Known Languages: German (native), English (fluent), Korean (semi–fluent), French (intermediate).
  • Orientation: Panual, Polyamorous.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • Position: Switch.
  • Love Languages: Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time.
  • SNS: @archangxl
✶ ⁞   Appearance Trivia.
  • Face Claim: TXT Huening Kai.
  • Height: 185cm (6'1").
  • Weight: 73kg (160lbs).
  • Physique: Toned and broad with some muscular build, he ensures to keep his body in a relatively healthy looking state. You won't find much ab definition, yet if he flexes or you squeeze him you'll be able to notice the strength hidden beneath. His skin is smooth and soft like cocoa butter with a porcelain paleness that starkly contrasts his pitch raven black locks, his parents having given him the nickname "Schneewittchen" (German for Snow White). Thighs are on the thicker squishier side with a round bubble–shaped that nicely fills out any pants he wears.
  • Hair Color: Naturally raven black; May dye or bleach other colors on rare occasion.
  • Eye Color: Dark brown.
  • Piercings: Basic lobes (both ears), Helix.
  • Tattoos: (not reflected in his photos)
    • Snake (left upper arm).
  • Scars: A single cut scar running vertically across his left inner wrist.
  • Personal Style & Aesthetic: In casual everyday life he will wear a basic fit of denim jeans, his lucky leather jacket, band tee or blouse, and old leather boots. Favorite designer brand is Yves Saint Laurent. If in a special mood or occasion he may wear trenchcoats, turtlenecks, leather, latex, silk, velvet, blazers or suits, cropped or distressed fabric, gloves, chains. Jewelry may consist of intricate earrings, gothic necklaces or chokers, and several rings adorning his fingers. Typically loves rubies, pearls, diamonds, moonstone, obsidian, etc.
✶ ⁞   Kai's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • Nabil Huening (Father) — A German sound engineer who primarily works as part of the sound crew for events and musicians on tour. He is the primary source of Kai's passion for Rock N' Roll and is a strong role model for Kai.
    • Jung Gaeun (Mother) — A Korean-American artist who specializes in sculpture and painting. She has encouraged Kai's creativity for years and is another supportive figure who has taught him how to love big.
  • Siblings:
    • Huening Lea (Older Sister) — A fashion designer who is the more mature of the siblings and acts like a secondary mother figure. She nags and protects Kai as much as she can despite his reckless behaviors.
    • Huening Bahiyyih (Younger Sister) — A trainee at a Korean entertainment company and YouTuber who strives to become an idol. She and Kai have a teasing "annoying" sibling dynamic, yet will always love each other.
  • Children:
    • None yet.
  • Lovers:
    • PM to discuss connection!
  • Clients:
    • PM to discuss connection!
  • Friends:
    • PM to discuss connection!
  • Enemies:
    • PM to discuss connection!
  • Pets:
    • Pumpkin (Domestic female black British shorthair cat he took home from the streets).
    • Diaval (Stray male crow who visits his window, brings him shiny gifts, and he feeds treats).
    • Castiel (Wild bat who he saved from a broken wing as a baby and now visits him).
He loves to read fictional novels, especially those that are gothic, romantic, horror, thriller, dramatic, and historical. Within his room he has a coffin–shaped bookshelf with loads of hardcover books (and some crystals or trinkets as decoration) that you'll find him reading in free time.
What are Kai's origins? Where does he come from, what were his family and childhood like?
asked by

The Angel of Death spreads his pure snow white wings and curls around the body in a warm embrace, his kiss light and airy as he takes lost souls to the heavens above. That's what they told him. He was on this Earth to bring solace and comfort, to end the suffering of the weak. He was born to be the Angel of Death, a reincarnation of Baldr himself, bringing about a new era of light in the midst of so much darkness consuming the universe.

Before ever succumbing to the saccharine sweet delusions of those who would have him strung up like a puppet and controlled to their will, Kai was merely a baby boy born in Hamburg, Germany. With a German father and Korean–American mother who were happily married, life began simple. He never had to want for anything as he was doted on, loved and protected throughout the years.

Their unorthodox family were anything but normal. Deemed strange for their Neopagan beliefs and notably macabre creative expressionism, the Huenings indulged in their personal values and embraced their uniqueness. While his mother nurtured him with love, support, and spirituality his father encouraged Kai to dive deep into his artistic creativity. A constant muse from his father's love of 70s and 80s rock music, the boy aimed to follow in the footsteps of the legendary rockstars before him.

Kai took to the guitar and learned under his father's wing, eventually forming a small band with his schoolmates when he was just twelve years old. They spent many Summer days and after school nights practicing humble covers in the Huenings' garage, yet it was never quite enough. His friends saw it as nothing more than a hobby. For Kai, it rapidly consumed him and became his calling. He needed more, had to take his band to the next level. His little home in Hamburg suddenly felt too suffocatingly small. There was only one place he could go to manifest his dreams; The City of Angels, of course.
What was life like before growing up and becoming a cam idol?
asked by

Trigger Warning: Underage usage of drugs, mention of ual assault, blood, psychosis.
With his parents' blessings (albeit under false pretenses), he got his papers in order and moved all the way to America on his lonesome at sixteen. Suddenly Kai was a young teen caught in the bustle and hopeless romance of Hollywood with nothing but a guitar on his back and chump change to his name. He had to find some place to stay before he could even think about pursuing a music career. Quickly he found a job working off the books at a local dive bar yet failed to afford an apartment on his own. He'd been secretly sleeping in the bar restrooms before one night he was caught by a kind stranger and confessed his situation.

"Don't worry, I know just the place for you," The stranger said with a warm smile that could melt the sky. Naïve and having nothing to lose, Kai followed the man home.

Little specks and splatters of deep crimson were scattered about the room. It painted the walls, the ceiling, the furniture, anything in the vicinity of the stranger's favorite place to shoot up; The living room couch. Used needles laid upon the glass tabletop in a pile of dirt and leftover snow white powders. Sketchy to say the least, yet what other options did he have?

"Take a seat, kid. Help yourself to some sugar if you want." Suddenly the man passed along a makeshift cigarette, the thin paper messily ready to unravel as it struggled to hold on to the crammed in between. A few curious puffs mixed with swigs of vodka turned to something more.

The world twisted into long spirals as a saccharine sweet voice lulled in his ears a siren's song of angels and Gods. Her voice lasted only a few minutes yet already had a chokehold on him. The mysterious woman who whispered tales of glory and symphonies of the future. He had to hear her again, see her in the twinkling hazy light. It was never enough. All he saw was a silhouette spreading its wings wide, wrapping around his body to engulf him in warmth while little murmurs only meant for him to hear.

Was he addicted? Perhaps. Kai had no time to think about it between juggling odd jobs, wasting away his cash on and booze, all the while scribbling songs on a blood–ridden couch and playing late night shows with his band all across Hollywood's trashiest dive bars. He had to make it one way or another. It was his dream, his destiny. Always there hidden beneath the surface just waiting to blossom. All he needed were people he could trust and nurture, the ultimate bandmates he always yearned for.

Over time he made more connections, people he thought were he genuine friends who only wanted to play music and spread the love. So when someone he thought was a close trusted companion suggested Kai audition for a well known rock label based in South Korea, he trusted their word and made yet another move all the way to Seoul.

At first what felt like yet another exciting adventure to get him that much closer to his dreams quickly twisted. Apparently his friend had close connections to the label and set up an audition for Kai to perform in front of none other than the CEO. After playing a few songs privately for the man, however, things took a strange new turn.

His requests grew too demanding, rapidly suggesting that Kai's audition turn into a much more physical exchange than he bargained for. Though reluctantly obliging at first, it wasn't long until the inappropriate instructions became all too overwhelming. It didn't matter what a nobody asking for a chance from a powerful man had to say; Rich men always got what they want. A hard pill to swallow, yet one Kai felt he no longer had any choice but accept.

"You're nothing without me," He was reminded time and time again. "You'll be on the streets all alone again. You don't want that, do you? Work for me. It'll be a beneficial relationship." For a whole year this became his new fate, pressured and forced to be used for a wretched old man's whim in exchange for very little financial support. Despite recording songs in his free time and pitching album ideas, he was turned down constantly just to keep him coming back begging for help.

Life became dull, grey, worthless. All the young musician could do was further lose himself in partying, alcohol, and drugs as he grew reliant on his recreational coping mechanisms. Too bad he was still broke without a penny to his name. His 'benefactor' finally tired and tossing Kai aside, refusing to help pay off the massive bills he accumulated from one too many nights partying. Thus he took to the next best skill that could possibly help fund his fast, heavy, starving rockstar lifestyle; .
At just twenty with nothing much else to lose, Kai launched a shameless new side hustle as a cam idol selling his uality to whoever could afford the toll. Since then he's continued creating content, frequently livestreaming, and maintaining relationships with his special fans — All while (perhaps recklessly) exposing that beautiful sharp face and true identity to the world.
His religious altar space found within a corner of his bedroom. Here is where Kai worships his deities, meditates, studies mythology or history, writes in his grimoire, and practices witchcraft (in the spiritual sense).
beyond what is skin deep
ENFPs are people–centered creators with a focus on possibilities and a contagious enthusiasm for new ideas, people and activities. Energetic, warm, and passionate, ENFPs love to help other people explore their creative potential. They are typically agile and expressive communicators, using their wit, humor, and mastery of language to create engaging stories. Imaginative and original, ENFPs often have a strong artistic side. They are drawn to art because of its ability to express inventive ideas and create a deeper understanding of human experience.
They love to talk about people; Not just the facts, but what motivates them, what inspires them, and what they envision achieving in life. They’ll often share their own aspirations freely, and want to hear others’ in return. The ENFP is unlikely to judge anyone’s dream, and will discuss the most imaginative and outlandish of fantasies with warm, enthusiastic intensity. They love to explore creative possibilities, and nothing deflates them faster than talking about dry facts or harsh reality.
ENFPs often seem unconventional, and may come off as scattered. They don’t tend to be in touch with their physical surroundings. They often overlook the details as they are more likely to focus on connecting with other people or on exploring their own imagination and self-expression. They have little patience for the mundane and want to experience life with intensity and flair. ENFPs often have an artistic streak, and may be artistic in appearance. Many have developed a distinctive and quirky personal style.
They tend to be curious about others and preoccupied with discovering the deeper meaning in people and ideas. They want authentic experience and often seek emotional intensity. ENFPs are easily bored by details and repetition and seek out situations that offer an escape from the mundane. Novelty is attractive to ENFPs, who often have a wide range of interests and friends from many backgrounds. They  prize individuality and often consider the pursuit of happiness to be the highest priority in life, both for themselves and for others. They place great importance on personal freedom and self-expression, and want to be able to go wherever inspiration leads.
Moral Alignment — Neutral Good
Those of neutral good alignment believe that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world. They see the cosmos as a place where law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, happiness, and prosperity to all deserving creatures. Order is not good unless it brings this to all; Neither is randomness and total freedom desirable if it does not bring such good.
Strengths: Bubbly, optimistic, always bursting of high energy, courageous, brave, never afraid to face things directly head–on, faithful, loyal, nurturing, selfless and puts others before himself, ambitious, extroverted, great sense of humor, doesn't take himself too seriously, adventurous, spontaneous.

Likes: Plushies, boba milktea, evening adventures, scented candles, cute animals, taking naps, black forest cake, strudel, bratapfel, breweries, whiskey and bourbon, jägermeister (always making jägerbombs), going to concerts or live shows, rock and metal music, crystals, tarot and oracle cards, smoke cleansing, recreational drugs, thrift shopping, midnight snacking, reading fiction novels, musical theatre, operas.
Weaknesses: Clingy, does not always realize personal boundaries, restless and easily burnt out after bouts of energetic frenzy, impulsive, reactionary, daredevil, gets himself into troublesome or dangerous scenarios, nosy, can often interfere or pry into business even when inappropriate, easily distracted or bored, addictive behavior, chases adrenaline.

Dislikes: Waking up at early mornings, disappointing loved ones, violence or confrontations (although he will easily get into such activity when provoked), losing fights or games, failing to make someone his friend.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Collecting crystals and other occult items, creative writing, dancing (especially tango, mambo, and waltz), playing video games (usually fantasy RPGs and horror), baking, bullwhip combat, throwing knives.

Habits: Meditates daily, exercises regularly, bites lips, frequently plays with hair, fidgets and taps his boots.

Vices: Smoking, drinking alcohol, gambling, recreational drug use, staying up all night, sleeping during the day.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets He'll Share: Has a growing addiction to recreational drugs, mainly . Suffers from delusions and hallucinatory psychosis as a result of excessive drug usage and/or synergy.

Secrets Kept to Himself: Believes his hallucinations from psychosis are spirits from another dimension. Has never revealed to anyone his trauma of being assaulted.

Fears: Losing loved ones, being judged for his spirituality or interests, failing to succeed in his career, never falling in love or having a happy family of his own.
♱ Owns 3 electric guitars; Flying Angel Fantasia, Ultimate Archangel, and Vampyre Angel. All were designed by guitarist Toshihiko Takamizawa of The Alfee with ESP guitars. Owns a Taylor GS6 acoustic that has been painted black and covered in swarovski crystals in the same fashion as Taylor Swift's. Uses a steel chainlink strap (somehow it does not hurt his shoulder).
♱ His skill with the guitar is considered to be on the level of a virtuoso, as he has dedicated his entire life to studying and mastering the instrument. Although most of his self written music is in the rock genre, he also composes traditional pieces. In 2023 he recorded a classical rock concerto album with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra which has never been released. His parents urge him to leave behind his reckless lifestyle and focus on music, encouraging him to audition for The Juilliard School, yet he's stuck in his ways. 
♱ Has a naturally deep baritone voice with a notable sharp German accent when he speaks. However, he can speak more fluidly than what's often expected (people ask him to act out Arnold Schwarzenegger lines and must overly exaggerate the accent). He has a creamy, velvety, and rich delivery with only certain vowels or words sounding particularly harsh in accent.

♱ Vocally takes inspiration from Rammstein's Till Lindemann as well as operatic theatre, often using an exaggerated "das Bühnendeutsch" (stage german) style of singing in which he uses harsh intonations and rolls or growls his R's as he feels it stylistically sounds better with his deep baritone voice. This style follows him no matter what language he is singing in.

When singing comfortably and/or for the sake of musical theatre, he focuses much harder on his vocal training and control. His powerful baritone is rich, velvety, and commands attention yet maintains a smooth clear delivery. However, when singing rock music and/or for the sake of personal projects, he frequently uses harsh techniques and forces himself to go into a much deeper bass tone. Vocal fry, dropping his larynx as much as humanly possible, and generally pushing his limits allows him to achieve a roaring scream or dramatic guttural raspy effect.
♱ Every so often he performs in stage theatre and operas. Most of the productions he took part in were small scale and locally based within Los Angeles or Seoul. However, his most notable and successful role ever was playing as Erik / The Phantom in multiple language productions of The Phantom of The Opera.
♱ Practices an eclectic solitary form of Neopaganism often called "witchcraft". While he does not identify as Wiccan or with any specific religion/coven, he shares many beliefs and traditions to Wicca and Heathenry as well as includes Germanic Old Norse deities into his personal belief systems.

Keeps a grimoire full of helpful information, mythologies, spells, recipes, data, and journal entries that follow his own spiritual path from over the years. It's immensely private and will only share the contents of his grimoire and/or details surrounding his beliefs with those he loves dearly and trusts will respect him without judgment.