Personal Message

Jiang Fenhua (Gelato)

Age : 21
april 1 2004
sign :
Status : Trainee 
Personaitly : Sweet, and caring, blunt 
Nicknames: Gelato, Ice cream, Fen , Fennie, lion
Family : Kamrin (brother), Junhao (cousin) ,  Yunjin (Cousin), Jiang Beihe (Mother) , Jiang Xiao (Father)
fun facts : he and his cousin are born on the same day at the same time
he gets lost very easily 
he is allergic to pineapples (and can't eat any crossallergin to pineapples) and treenuts
Fenhua since young was born to two idol parents and was on tv a lot from acting to broadway, he was known for his cute antics and tended to later as teen to be known as the one who would always get lost somehow. He tends to care a lot about his public image trying not to get into any big scandals and tends to before sad when he did back in the day. He also used to be paraded around with his cousin who was born on the same day as him often both being mistaken as twins.

For him and his cousin they were refered to as twins due to when they were born and also the fact that if they took a dna test it would show up as half siblings due to the fact their mom's were twins.  

Recently both were scouted by Euphonic Records at one of his broadway shows, and was orginally going in be in the line up in Echo with his cousin but both quickly turned it down due to him not wanting people to think he was getting special treatment due to having been in the industry and who his parents are. 

Hello~ I am fairly active here at the moment but it is subject to change at any moment so feel free to hit me up to rp whenever :D

Rules :
Do not poke unless three days have passed 
Please warn me ahead of time if we are doing anything triggering please