Personal Message

click on the image to be directed to a padlet for connections and plots.


❀ ha jaesang8:25:35 PMReply

iseul's painting of the kisaeng house:

❀ ha jaesang9:47:33 PMReply

✿ han iseul [h]12:46:45 PMReply
Test again

pulls out the ha family ring and gets on one knee

❀ ha jaesang5:03:28 PMReply

isyelu my belvoiefd ferrncess

✿ han miro7:14:12 PMReply


✿ han miro9:46:17 PMReply

iseul ( twirls princessseul around )

ooc tings

Read Before You Approach Me

FOR PLOTTING. open for any sort of plotting or winging when it comes to threads. when approaching, please be sure to review iseul's profile in its entirety and i will do the same for your character.

if there's a specific connection you have or would like to claim of mine, my dms are always open! i love connecting as sometimes it helps me flesh out my characters more.

i am fairly flexible with plots, though, so apologies in advance if i respond with "whatever you'd like to do" because i am genuinely down for almost anything, and if i'm not down, i will inform you.

TIME ZONE & PACE. gmt-7, activity is sporadic though because i have a fulltime job and am currently job hunting so my schedule may change. i will be sure to communicate if that occurs though.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. 24 ooc and open to mature threads as long as you are 20+ as my rp partner.

WRITING STYLE. i typically write semi-lit to lit. reply length will vary as it depends more on my muse for the plot, could range from a paragraph or two to five plus paragraphs. i will always write 3rd pov.

GENRE LIMITS. as of right now i am open for all genres that fit within the genre of the rp.

POKING. sometimes i am a bit flighty and lose track of replies i owe, if it has been more than a week with no word from me then you may shoot me a pm.

please do not poke me before then otherwise i will give you a warning and if it happens again i will drop the plot.

i will communicate if there is anything going on in my life that may hinder me from replying or if my muse for the plot is low.

BIG NO-NOS. sometimes depending on my ooc mood, angst is off limits, but i will let you know! other than that, i am open to really anything.
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Alias(es): tbd.
  • Date of Birth: may twenty-eigth / twenty-five yrs old.
  • Family: han, house of the orchid.
  • Parents: marquess han, marchioness han.
  • Siblings: one, two, three.
  • Position: eldest daughter.
  • Class: yangban.
  • Occupation: poet and artist.
  • Romatic Orientation: heteroromantic.
  • ual Orientation: heteroual.
  • Relationship Status: single.
  • Matched: no.

Appearance Trivia

  • Height: 164 cm (5’5″).
  • Weight: 47 kg (104 lbs).
  • Hair Color: brown.
  • Eye Color: brown.
  • Piercings: none.
  • Scars: Here
    • List goes here.
  • Beauty Marks: one below her left eye.
  • Personal Aesthetic: prefers her hair loose and down, lighter colored fabrics.
The Story

Part I

Chapter I

despite being the second born of the current generation of the han family, han iseul was the only daughter born to marquess han jeongjo and marchioness han nayoung. born on an early spring morning, the sun had barely graced the world with its presence and the scent of dew clung to the air, gracing iseul with her name.

spoiled more than her brothers, she was the beloved jewel of the family, charming each family member from such a young age. her bright smiles often compared to a sudden beam of sunlight that could illuminate even the darkest of nights.
there were no doubts iseul would follow in the footsteps of her family's reputation.
as a child, she was quick to learn new things, eager to pick up any parchment she could get her hands on and attempting to decipher them on her own. of course, she would eventually cave and ask for assistance when the words got too long for her vocabulary, but she was an extraordinary student. while her older brother learned the arts of strategy and negotiation, she would receive extra lessons in charming partygoers, networking.
Chapter II

✶ ⁞   tw / cw injury, trauma, mentions of blood.

as she aged, iseul bloomed just like the orchid her family's house symbol carried. she was gorgeous, lighting up any room she entered and reciting elegant prose through poetry she had written. there was often gossip of which bachelor would finally earn her hand whenever she would charm her way through every group, even introducing her siblings to possible connections. she was determined to keep her family well connected, knowing the ins and outs of the courts and steering her younger siblings away from unfavorable families.

the older she got, the more opportunities she was gifted by her parents. she was permitted to travel with them on rare occasions to learn more about life outside of her home, the types of things some people could only read about, and although the journeys were often arduous, she loved every freeing second of it.
until she didn't.
there were dangers with traveling, she had been warned that danger exists outside the walls of the capital. it was her father's way of trying to keep her home, but she had insisted that she tag along. they had actually been returning when they were attacked by a few rogue individuals. the chaos had been enough to earn iseul a four inch jagged scar where a sharp weapon had been dragged against her abdomen. the rush back home and orders for a doctor had been lost on her at the time, but she had been told it was a miracle she had survived.

Part II

Chapter I
while the trauma still lingered in the back of her head, iseul still carried on as the social butterfly she was known to be, waving off any words of concern after she had been determined healed enough to pick up her normal routine again. if she had been doted on by her family before, there was a period of time where she was absolutely smothered by them. even if they do not stick to her side, there is generally always someone within a shouts distance, whether it's one of her siblings or one of their staff.

iseul, however, took her trauma in stride and even put it into her literary works or paintings whenever she was struggling with muse. although an ugly scar marred her side, she refused to allow it to ruin any other aspect of her life. besides, the more she smiled and said she was fine, the less her family would worry, and the last thing she wanted was to tear them away from their duties. she would continue to prove she was a valuable member of the han family.
Chapter II
i wouldn't marry me either.
despite playing matchmaker for her siblings, iseul wasn't immune to the charm of bachelors. he had come into her life like a sudden storm, sweeping her off her feet during secret meetings where she insisted she was finding muse for her literary works. perhaps it was ignorance over it being her first relationship, but she had been absolutely enamored with him. the kind of love that made one believe soulmates existed.

she gave everything to him that she could have possibly given, connections, a portion of an allowance she would claim was for whatever caught her eye, her firsts. anything that would keep him smiling and praising her. the same routine had grown old, though, and she began to realize she was giving more than was ever given to her. she searched for the love she had been convinced was there in every little thing he did, always coming up short.
you're losing me.
eventually iseul gave up on what could barely be considered a relationship, wondering how she hadn't been lucky like her parents. when she heard word of him marrying another not long after through the typical gossip mill, she wondered which had hurt more: the reason for her scar or her heart that had shattered at her feet.

it was then that she decided she would help guide others through romance, and if it was meant to be for her, it would happen on its own.

The Vibes

adventurous, resilient, charming, thoughtful, innovative, charismatic, open to trying anything at least once, the type to take secrets to the grave
compulsive, doesn't always think before she acts, can be blunt at times, knows exactly where to poke with hurtful words, perfectionist, spoiled for being the only daughter, workaholic
writing poetry, painting, calligraphy, sweets, fruits, traveling with or without her family, social gatherings, learning new things, the arts, the smell of dew in the morning, the sound of rain, people who get just as excited as her, those willing to take some risks
the sound of thunder, complete darkness, writer's block/artist's block, the moment something bores her, being put in her place, punishments, overly strict rules, bitter foods, being stuck inside
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: writing poetry and other literary works, painting, dancing, traveling, being a social butterfly and charming almost anyone she comes in contact with.

Good Habits: keeps her personal quarters clean at all times, greets each member of her family everyday, sticks to a daily routine with minor changes, for the most part stays out of trouble.

Bad Habits: tapping her finger against any surface if her hands aren't occupied, chewing on the end of her brushes when in thought, biting her bottom lip when nervous, locking herself in her quarters when inspiration strikes.
losing any of her family members, being left alone especially in a strange place like when she's traveling, thunderstorms, complete darkness, dying, never being able to write or paint again.
Other Personality Info
This information is pending as of now. Enjoy some nice filler text though. Just typing more so it's long enough for the other side.


name here
Relationship Level
Platonic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Antagonistic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Romantic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Professional ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Familial ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
True love is something else entirely. It is when the rest of the world goes quiet. It is not eyes that meet, but souls that dance. Settle into each other. Make room for each other. Until there is nowhere else to hide.
Kate Sharma
#tag something here
the beloved jewel of the han family. the only daughter.