Personal Message

May I get his notifications off?

Bang Chan age unknown. 
Powers: shadow control, teleportation, puppeteering, mirage soul threading 
A hellborn with no ambition, the first soul he ever acquired in hell was by fate's design. At first, it was purely out of his own morbid curiosity that he gave a tortured soul temporary relief from their personal hell by taking their place. For ten years. He swapped places with another being to endure their torment, allowing them the freedom to wander the realms of hell as he sat within the nightmares and madness. When the time was up, the sinner failed to return, a soul acquired in their place- a clause in their agreement should the sinner choose to fail, an insurance policy to pull the sinner back into his hell. He found the soul rather fascinating, molding it with his as he marveled in the new found power, and with a tweak in contract, he offered the same deal to another sinner in exchange for their soul.  Ten years he sat in their hell. Enduring the torture why they were free. A process that went on for 1,000 years. A 100 souls gathered. After all, what was 1000 years in the face of eternity? By the time he emerged, he was glowing with a new found power. The nightmares he endured a plague of shadows that now followed him wherever he went. He had earned a reputation for being a demon that could bring heaven to hell with a price. By now he could endure the torment of more than one tortured soul, the amount of contracts doubling slowly as the years bled away, no longer able to be restrained by four walls of a cell- he roamed the layer of hell freely with his birden, addicted to the pain and suffering and the voices that screamed within his head with the torments of demons trying to break their victims, unaware that the infatuation had turned him into monster in the face of his enemies. 


Owned souls: Tsuki