Personal Message

from ☺ ‎ ʜᴀᴇᴄʜᴏɴ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsɪᴛʏ

✏ ⋮ lee minjun。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjae。 [ text to: hyung ]
— :|
— i don't care, wear a mask anyway.
— aight me and the boys are gonna free throw in the meantime

✏ ⋮ lee minjae。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjun。 [ text to: minjunnie ♡ ]
— It was a quick batch, and I put a towel over the bin.
— Oh, you meant basketball...
— I'll be there in 10 just let me clean up.

✏ ⋮ lee minjun。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjae。 [ text to: hyung ]
— hyung at least put a mask on when you develop
— we're actually at the park on xx
— the one with the basketball courts

✏ ⋮ lee minjae。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjun。 [ text to: minjunnie ♡ ]
— Breathing in toxic fumes.
— Fine, my photos are pretty much done developing anyway.
— Are you at the PC bang on XX?

✏ ⋮ lee minjun。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjae。 [ text to: hyung ]
— free drinks, hyung
— you in or no?
— what could you be busy with right now anyway

✏ ⋮ lee minjae。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjun。 [ text to: minjunnie ♡ ]
— 'Hi hyung, how are you today? Oh, I'm good. Thank you for asking.'
— I don't hear from my little brother all day and when I do it's about gaming...
— (-__-)
— What if I am busy right now?

✏ ⋮ lee minjun。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjae。 [ text to: hyung ]
— hyung are you free right now
— we need a third person for a 3v3
— loser buys drinks but it's us versus the business sunbaes
— easy win

✏ ⋮ lee minjae。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjun。 Upon arriving at the park Minjae realizes he's not exactly dressed to play basketball. He looks down at his jacket and jeans, thinking, at least it's just a 3v3 and not a full game. When he looks back up he sees Minjun jogging towards him and waves, walking at a slightly faster pace to meet him halfway.

"Why are you so sweaty already?" he asks. "A warm-up isn't supposed to be that hard, you'll use up all your energy before we even start." The strength of Minjun's hand to his back causes him to stagger forward a few steps before he catches his balance. As Minjun takes off in a sprint Minjae follows at a less quick jog, taking a moment to shrug off his jacket and lay it over one of the bleachers before joining the others on the court.

He nods his head at Minjun's friends - or are they classmates? Colleagues? "Please go easy on me," he says, catching the basketball easily. "I'm not as sporty as Minjun here." He may workout, but Minjae isn't going to delude himself into thinking that automatically makes him good at every sport when he's more familiar with weight training. Dribbling the ball he takes a couple steps back and faces the hoop where Minjun stopped the ball earlier, throwing a basic jump shot that circles the rim of the net before finally dropping in. "How long are we practicing for?"

[] it does make sense dw ! thank you for starting :heart_hands:

✏ ⋮ lee minjun。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjae。 "Cool," Minjun muttered to himself as he texted his brother, setting his phone down in the pile of belongings of the five college students passing balls between each other, then announcing to his friends, "My hyung's coming in ten, let's warm up." He reached his arms out to catch the ball, tossed it into the basket, retrieved it, and tossed it to the next guy on the court, the five of them taking turns digging insults at each other's skills as passed the ball around."Here, sunbae," Minjun shouted as he passed the ball over, "You'll need the extra practice."

Ten minutes flew by and they all almost forgot what they were waiting for until Minjae finally arrived. Minjun spotted him immediately from afar and jogged from the court to retrieve him, waving his arm, "Hyung, over here." Minjun beckoned his hand to rush his brother over, jogging in place to insinuate him to jog as well to warm up. "You wanna practice some throws before we start?" Minjun asked as he wiped the sweat from his neck. To Minjun, it was only fair Minjae warmed up as much as their opponents got to after all. He smacked his hand on his brother's back and stated, "Let's steal the ball!" as he sprinted toward the court, stealing the ball before it hit the basket to grab everyone's attention. "Everyone, this is my hyung, MInjae," He introduced Minjae to everyone, bouncing the ball at him, "I'm pretty sure you've all met him at least once, but it doesn't hurt to be reintroduced to him again."

[lmk if this makes sense it's almost 3am whoops haha lmk if you need more context or detail bc idk where any of this came from hhhh feel free to change any details if you want to TT]

✏ ⋮ lee minjae。
@ ✏ ⋮ na hani。 Minjae scoffs almost playfully at Hani’s light-hearted jab. He personally remembers a much more even record of their debates, but tonight doesn’t feel like the time to get into /that/ whole conversation again, otherwise they’d be here for hours as he tries to win the argument.

“Are you being serious?” he asks, sitting up straighter and placing his beer bottle fully on the table. Maybe Hani was joking, or maybe it was a veiled suggestion, but Minjae is nothing if not self-serving sometimes. He'll take this and run with it if he can. “Please be serious. I was ready to get out of here ages ago.” The timer goes off again - Minjae not realizing the time had passed so quickly - but he's already halfway out of his seat. The guy next to him moves to sit and Minjae turns to smile at him, though it’s really more a baring of teeth than anything polite, and the guy shrinks back into his previous chair. “Sorry, but you’ll have to wait a second," Minjae says with faux sweetness. He maneuvers himself around the table, an almost manic energy at the prospect of finally leaving replacing his earlier downtroddenness.

He stands next to Hani’s chair and makes a motion towards the entrance, a silent question asking if she wants to follow. Her comment about a drained social battery makes him laugh a little - a rare sight indeed - and Minjae says, “We don’t want your social battery dying soon, do we? I know the best spot to recharge; /and/ it’ll have better drinks than this bar’s ty bear and shots, promise.”

✏ ⋮ na hani。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjae。 Upon the reciprocation of Minjae's tease, Hani can't help but to feign nonchalance, visage portraying that of indifference as she shakes her head to continue her coy act. Though, it isn't long before rosy tiers betray her facade with its ends softly lifting up into a much more comfortable simper, even allowing somewhat of an odd sounding snicker emit from her. "Our time meant a lot to me whenever I was winning the argument," mirroring his stance, she also leans the weight of her head onto the palm of her hand, elbow propping up on the table surface. "And that was like, most of the time."

There isn't much that Hani expected to come out of tonight's endeavors. She supposes that she was simply hoping to find comfort in someone else's babbling and borderline trauma dumping (she takes pride in being a good listener), but surprisingly, her relief is found in Minjae's obvious reluctance, feeling as if her unwillingness to truly participate in this show was now valid. But this begs the question of the night — why are they still here?

"Three is a little more than what I can handle, but maybe if a photo-taking loser helped me finish, then I'd actually be inclined to treat him out to that convenience store," she shrugs as if her offer isn't legitimate, but there's a sliver of hope in her that, perhaps, Minjae would accept. "No but you're right, the shot I took earlier isn't doing it for me, and who knows how much longer this will be. My social battery needs a serious recharge."

✏ ⋮ lee minjae。
@ ✏ ⋮ na hani。 Although she's known as Na Hani to most, whenever they had their little debates during a past semester's shared class Minjae referred to her as Miss Painter. Their conversations on the merits of painting versus photography were silly banter to pass the time, though Minjae can remember a few times that he may have been a bit more passionate about his craft than necessary. The two didn't see each other much - or at all, really - after that class ended, but Minjae recalls their interactions fondly. It puts a quiet smile on his lips for the first time that evening.

"I'm wounded," he places his hand over his heart, eyes glittering with amusement now instead of looking like a dead fish. "Did our time together mean nothing to you?" Minjae sits up straighter, planting one elbow on the table and resting his head in his hand.

Hani looks like she doesn't want to be here just as much as he does. He's not exactly surprised. Minjae isn't the type to pay attention to the university rumor mill, but he's caught whispers including her name in them lately. (It's hard to avoid hearing anything when you have classmates who love to talk loudly and openly about such trivialities.) As for what the rumors are about, he couldn't say he knew all the details; it didn't interest him, though if it was generating enough buzz for him to have at least heard some of it then it's no wonder she looked uncomfortable. Minjae knows half of the people here are gossip-mongers and drama lovers, which clearly doesn't help either.

He rolls the edge of his beer bottle against the tabletop absentmindedly, brow furrowing almost as if he's in pain. "That obvious, huh? Honestly, I could find something less expensive and better tasting at the convenience store." He finishes off the last dregs and points the empty bottle at Hani. "You look like you need at least three."

✏ ⋮ na hani。
@ ✏ ⋮ lee minjae。 As a chronic people pleaser, Hani was well aware that there was no way she could leave her friend high and dry on an invitation to a speed date. But the introvert in Hani was dreading to even leave the comfort of her room, desperate to conjure up any reason to stay in — got food poisoning... too hungover... a made-up holiday? Ugh, Hani was never too good at lying, and even then, these were overused excuses to skip classes.

In deep truth, Hani was still reeling in from the major embarrassment felt from her melodramatic breakup just last friday. Even if she attempted to live it down, she undoubtedly knew it'd still be fresh in the minds of those who were in attendance. And this proves to be true, for when the speed dating commences, she's met with a tone of surprise (not to mention, quite backhanded) from nearly all of her dates, most of which comment, 'I had no idea you bounced back so quick'.

It's after a handful of meaningless conversations and deliberations about a second shot, that Hani finally settles in front of Minjae, who has barely said a word, and yet, she finds him the most interesting already.

"Sorry, you'll have to run your name by me again," she muses in jest, lips barely curling into a faint smile. "Camera face, was it?" The nickname that rolls off her tongue brings forth brief memories of their first meet, the birth of their infamous debate of 'photography vs. painting', thus resulting in light quips from both parties for the rest of their shared elective. And though some time has passed for these two, it seems as if their mutual banter hasn't left, and that is what tethers together Hani's sanity for the night. With the soft tap of her fingertip upon the table surface, she subtly gestures to his beer, and lifts a brow. "You look like you need another."

✏ ⋮ lee minjae。
@ ✏ ⋮ na hani。 Minjae will never understand the appeal of bars; overpriced drinks and crowded tables, and the /noise/ levels. He can't remember why he even let himself be dragged into this, but he's certainly cursing at his past self for "agreeing" when his classmates roped him into a speed dating night.

They've commandeered two large tables against the wall and pushed them together for everyone to sit down, half of the group on either side. Minjae is nursing a lukewarm beer and barely listening to the guy across from him talking about his hobbies and how he's struggling to find a significant other and blah, blah, blah. He takes a drink. It's not really helping.

He'd like to breathe a sigh of relief when the timer goes off to end their conversation - if you could even call it that - but it only signifies a change in rotation, meaning he'll be stuck with someone else he also doesn't want to talk to.

Minjae glances at the front entrance of the bar, which has started to look more and more like an escape route to him, before turning his attention to the next sorry soul that gets to deal with him. "Oh," he says, finally speaking in more than just an uninterested mumble for the first time this evening. "It's Miss Painter."

lee minjae
august 13, 2000 (23)
junior, undergraduate
panromantic, demiual
relationship status
now playing
soda - nothing but thieves
I am hopelessly in love with a memory. An echo from another time, another place.
lee minjae.
lee minjae.
lee minjae.
✏ ⋮ lee minjun。 3 seconds ago Reply
sleep well hyung (affectionate)

[minjun being nice to me caught in 4k]

✏ ⋮ yeon soonyoung。 1 minute ago Reply
yall are so right tho rt rt minjae is so cute TT

✏ ⋮ song minhee。 21 minutes ago Reply
finger hearts @ minjae
TRIGGER WARNINGS: vehicle crash, implied heavy injury, non-descriptive hospital stay

If you plastered Minjae's life onto the silver screen you might think the movie boring for the first thirty minutes. This section would cover his childhood all the way to his late teens. You would see the birth of his younger brother, Minjun, and their early life together; you would see him start his first day of school, and make his first best friend; you would see him grow into his broadening shoulders, participating in high school track meets and discovering a love for cooking.

A perfect little exposition before the story really begins to take off.

Thirty two minutes in: he's riding a bus with the rest of his teammates to their final track meet of the year.

Thirty three minutes in: a semi-truck is barreling down the road towards the intersection.

Thirty four minutes in: impact.

Minjae doesn't remember the crash. He doesn't remember being pulled from the wreckage, or driven to the hospital in a speeding ambulance. For months after the accident Minjae remained in a coma in the hospital; visited by his family often, but only barely there himself.

When he did finally come out of his coma it was to a family he did not recognize - at least, at first. Dealing with post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) meant that Minjae was slow to recover his memories. For some people it takes mere hours or days, but for Minjae it took weeks spanning into months.

Thankfully, his family was with him every step of the way, and Minjae was able to make a near full recovery.

Now, five years on from the crash and three years since he began university Minjae can say that he is mostly content with his life. He has a few close friends, he has his family, and - most importantly to him - he has his pictures.

Minjae is determined to remember every little thing, and to never forget again.
pretty version coming soon...

- Due to the accident and his subsequent strength and memory loss Minjae had to wait two and a half years to start university. He also developed a love (perhaps almost an obsession) with photography during and after his recovery, wanting to remember all the little things that he had previously forgotten.
- He doesn't know why but he has a decent level of popularity, mostly due to rumors and his good looks. Since he keeps to himself he often comes off as cold to others, and it doesn't help the rumors that circulate.
- LIKES: Warm days with clouds, red wine, his family (thought you would have to pull his teeth out for him to admit it), old photograph collections (from antique stores), ink-stained fingertips, cooking.
- DISLIKES: Torrential downpours, bright lights shining in his face, any strawberry flavored food or drink, crowded spaces, poor quality cooking ingredients, headaches.
younger brother
Minjae's younger brother and one of the most important people in his life. People will often confuse Minjun for Minjae and vice versa since they were born so close in age and behave quite similarly on the surface. Like his younger brother Minjae struggles to say his affection and instead shows it through actions such as randomly cooking meals for Minjun and checking in with him as often as he can. At the end of the day, even though they can get on each other's nerves, and you would have to force Minjae to admit it, he loves his brother dearly.
description coming soon...
✏ ⋮ ghost of the past。 OPEN
past best friend
You and Minjae went to the same high school and were actually best friends. However, after the crash that put him into a coma you ended up moving away and lost contact. When he finally recovered Minjae had no way to reach you, and assumed he had been left behind. The memories he has of your friendship are bittersweet, but he holds onto them because they're important and he doesn't want to forget you (again). Neither of you expected to be going to the same university and meeting again years later.
dslr nightmare
slice of life, humor(?)
any gender, any role
(kim sooyun)
While walking the university grounds Minjae has his camera out. It's a very expensive, very important camera; which is why he's so torn up about it breaking when you somehow manage to knock him over and the camera out of his hands. (Some potential reasons why this has happened: your character was in a rush and practically sprinted directly into Minjae, your character was riding a bicycle or a skateboard and nearly ran Minjae over, your character saw Minjae almost walk into traffic or get hit by someone else and tried to pull him back, causing both of you (and the camera) to fall in the process, etc.)
speed hate
humor(?), potential friendship
any gender, student
(na hani)
Minjae has no interest in meeting people or dating, but he ends up being dragged to a speed dating event by some fellow students who steamrolled him into it. (He was so tired that day, it was too much effort for him to actively refuse.) So here he is, sitting across from you in an overcrowded bar, moody and exhausted, which means he isn't being the best partner; but it's not like you want to be here either. Even if you may find him kind of insufferable, leaving the bar together to do something else is much more appealing than sticking around.
a monster after midnight
humor(?), potential friendship
any gender, any role
Not only does Minjae like to take pictures, he also likes to dabble in various methods for taking pictures. One such method involves film and a darkroom to process each photo. Since the arts building is usually open late for night students, Minjae will spend time alone in the darkroom and lose track of time. He doesn't realize that it's past midnight already as he goes through photo after photo. You either cross paths in the hall with him as he's leaving, or you spot a red light coming from under the door and peer inside the room; either way it leads to him accidentally scaring you half to death.
out of character
part one : introduction
Hi! My name is Melo; you can call me by that or by my character(s) names. I live in GMT-5/EST and you'll mostly see me at random times throughout the day. I do work part-time (hoping to get a full-time job soon), so I'm not always available.

If you're interested in plotting or making a connection between our characters, please read the rest of this section!
part two : preferences
POV & Length: I only use 3rdPOV. My replies can vary in length from semi to para to novella. I do my best to mirror, but don't feel pressured to do the same as long as you give me something I can work with.
Note: Attempting to get back into using detailed 1stPOV, though 3rdPOV is still preferred.

Reply Speed: Just going to be upfront and say I'm a slow replier. Sometimes I can reply right away, but more often than not it might take me a day or two. If you prefer a faster pace I may not be the best writing partner.

Plotting & Winging: I prefer plotting since it gives me more confidence in my threads, but I am open to winging as well (and sometimes prefer it when my brain is being finicky). Sometimes I post random starters, so if they haven't been claimed by someone else feel free to respond!

Location: Rooms > Walls & Private Messages. I typically reserve private messages for OOC discussions, and rarely roleplay on walls unless I feel the need for our thread to be a little more hidden.
part three : boundaries
Please do not "poke" me for a response. I don't make a habit of forgetting replies, and it's more liekly that I'm busy or struggling with my muse. That being said, if it's been more than two (2) weeks you can reach out to me.

If you plan to include any rated M or potentially triggering content in our threads you must discuss it with me first. I don't appreciate being blindsided and I will make sure to speak with you about including any such topics as well.

Regarding and romance; I don't typically roleplay these genres outside of my friends or those I'm very comfortable with, but I'm trying to be a little more adventurous lately and branch out so let's just consider them on the table if we feel like they're necessary/fit into a plot. (And I apologize in advance if my skills are rusty.)
part four : extra notes
If at any point you wish to change something in our thread or drop it altogether, please notify me! I will endeavor to do the same.