Personal Message

full name: calder drake
 ⤿ face claim: ryan gosling
blood status: half-blood (and proud)
hogwarts house: gryffindor
patronus: crow
animagus form: large, fluffy unidentified mutt — black fur
date of birth/age: november 12 1980 — 43 years old 
birthplace: canada
 ⤿ current residence: hogwarts
occupation: curse breaker
 ⤿ the general vibe: often employed by the ministry and gringotts for quick and easy jobs, but also not opposed to freelance work. usually kept to himself, just accepted jobs without question: pay was pay. enjoys said job because it can be very pick-and-choose, and less unncessary interactions with other witches and wizards in general. besides, cursed objects always seemed to have a story to tell.
orientation: demiual
relationship status: single

born from a muggle mother and a wizard father, calder lived a rather happy life in the in-between of the worlds he was a part of. he never really felt like he belonged in one or the other, but not in a stifling sense, moreso acceptance -- he would never be what other people would be. attending hogwarts was never a problem, his mother was all for it and perhaps became one of calder's biggest inspirations in life. though she never really understood the wizarding world, she was always there to support him in his endeavors. his father was in the picture of course, but held none of the passion his mother did. after all, the man had to face constant ridicule over his choices in life: how dare he marry a muggle and have a child, a half-blood at that?

calder felt the pressure of being a halfblood starting from a young age. despite being bullied, he never felt shame for his blood status. even when the gold boy in particlar took to calling him names and instigating fights and such, calder remained level and easygoing about it. he'd prove that pureblood status meant nothing. and to do so, calder took to excelling in school. not because he wanted to, no, but because it meant proving gold wrong.

more coming soon...

to most, he is a stoic and no-nonsense kind of guy. people think he is mean and unfair, but in reality he just likes to keep to himself.  he can most defintely be playful if you catch him in the right mood (which is rare) but he's not actually a bad guy. he cracks jokes under his breath and laughs at his own words, etc. generally gives off the vibes as a wolf, but if you scratch the right spot, you'll bring out the puppy in him. also, cares a lot more than he lets on.
 ⤿ likes: reading (generally novels/classics), music (mostly classical), nighttime, anything and everything to do with muggles, art museums, rainy weather
 ⤿ dislikes: crowded places, too many people (or people in general), the rich, being bombarded with questions, people relying on him
 ⤿ quirks: goes back to the muggle world on his leisure time, plays guitar