Personal Message

Cho Daejung (Dusk)

Name : Choi Dae-Jung
Stage name :
June 23 1995
Age : 25
Member of X.MPIRE (DYNMTE)
Postion : Main Vocalist , Lead dancer , sub rapper
Backstory :
Hailing from the country side of Hadong-gun he grew up with his family, a older brother and a older sister both who are doctors, his parents wanted him to go down the same path as them, so when he use to dream of being a idol he was constantly put down or told he was never good enough. It didn't help most of the people he lived around didn't support him either telling him he was just a boy from the country he would not make it far. Telling him his head was always in the clouds and he had to come back down to eath itself, he was about to give up when a man who came to visit his hometown told him to follow his dreams even if he walks it alone because if he reallys wants it would have to work for it. So behind his familes back he decided to go audtion to Lotus entertaiment under the guise of going to look for collages in the city and got in much to his suprise. So then he moved to the city telling his parents he got into the collage he wanted to.
This started his Journey of training and going to collage as fail safe, however after three years he was placed in X.Mpire and from there he was in a group and going to collage which made him overwork himself but slowl he came out of his shell became who he was today a caring and sweet person to everone. He however tends to forget to eat at times when he gets focused on his music career or engrossed into any project he is working on that can cause him to be clumsy at times.

I am free almost all the time but it could change at any moment so feel free to hit me up to rp
Rules :
do not poke up unless three days have passed
please warn me if we are rping that could be triggering